- You and Amaterasu Amateur Ne-Way, those high level pheromones, just like the women of Realm of Greek Gods. - Said Selene
- I never thought. – It said Astro-Star… – You… – He was trying to form words.
- Well, that explains everything. - Said Ezaran...
- Sometimes you can't appear in the tower. – Said Ezaran.
- You've said everything you had to say, I'm fully aware that you think about omegas and I know what you think about me. - He said walking away.
- I don't need you to continue. - He said moving further away from the two.
- I'm sorry... - Miraculous Woman, in her turn, tried to approach slowly as if she was afraid to scare an injured animal and very weak her hands raised.
- Get out of here. – He said as he walked away. - Don't come any closer. - He said.
- I said something that really wasn't meant to be said, I didn't think. - Astro-Star said. - I never knew... - Trying Astro-Star.
- I do not want to know. - Said Dragon Moon .