- I don't have super strength. - Said the dragon woman with a jump particularly several somersaults when dodging Astro-Star's attacks, kicks and very high punches.

Even when she turned herself around and with successive kicks to Astro-Star's chest pushing him to the ground.

– It's a special cocktail that gives me strength. - He said.

– It is equivalent to Hercules. - He said. – And for a limited time. - He said.

– And the cave is simulating the red sun, this protein is derived from ambrosia mixed with a DNA culture of the Selenitan race.

While he dodged several punches and protected himself with his arm and forearm when receiving punches.

"How is it..." Astro-Star asked, panting and panting, amid successive blows of his abdomen and legs being hit and kicked. –

What is permanent? – He asked punching his face several times and at that time Dragon Moon stopped him and with his hand twisted his arm and pushed him away.