When they were spitting blood, the ropes tightened on him, until they thought they would choke and choke to death.
- You choose. - She said. – Squeeze more. – The woman said.
The rope seemed to have a mind of its own then tightened amidst their screams.
- Now, there is no one left to save them. – Amaterasu said.
- Surrender and get out of my sight.
- I surrender. – They said before unconsciousness.
Amaterasu triggered the protocols.
She opened the dome with an order toward the skylight, an opening in the cavern ceiling, then a bubble engulfed them as they were flung skyward, and downtown Tezuka Sakurami County.
- I didn't want to know about problems anymore, fuck them, look for help for the heroes.
Then she went to clean her wounds, there was a regeneration tank.
She walked through the cave,
- Regeneration protocols. – She said, then nano machines, rebuilding the cave, when she went to lie in a pool that had a regenerative liquid.