Chapter 28: Responsibility

A week has already passed since the meeting of major guilds. In the span of days where the guilds stayed at Telmaris, various allegiances and agreements had transpired, marking a major change in the future of Navea. One such event is the announcement of a Clan to be led by none other than the leader of [Grim Fate], the legendary {Fate Threader} himself. The said hunter, however, seems to be having second thoughts at the moment.

"I'm gonna pass out…"

Zephyr is currently resting his head on top of the guild master's desk. Beside him is of course, the ever loyal and devoted Anastasia.

"Master Zep, is there any matter troubling you? If I can be of any assistance…please do not hesitate to use me."

Zephyr gently shakes his head in response.

"It's just me being myself Ana, don't worry too much about it."

Zephyr then does a stretch to somehow let a bit of stress out from his body. He then sighs as he looks at the empty scroll in front of him and thinks.

'Am I really about to lead several people together. I mean, I can barely hold myself and my teammates running into danger. There are a lot more qualified people out there who are both smart and strong, unlike me.'

His gaze then falls towards Anastasia. He knows her long enough already to know what she's thinking. Even though her face is as expressionless as ever, deep down, Zephyr knows she's looking forward to something. And he has an idea of what she's looking forward to. 'As much as I don't want to disappoint Ana, my leading capability is mediocre at best. In the long run, we will be hitting ourselves against a tough wall because of me.' he thought.

Zephyr massages his chin and asks Anastasia a straightforward question.

"Hey Ana, what do you think of me?"

Anastasia was startled by the question Zephyr posed to her.

"Ah- I'm…this is so sudden. Umm, I think Master Zep is the most beautiful person in this world."

"Stop, stop. Thanks for the compliment Ana, but well…I mean, what do you think of my leadership? Do you really think I'm fit to become a clan leader?"

Anastasia gives an immediate response:

"That's such an obvious question Master Zep. Of course you are, in fact, Master Zep is overqualified."

Zephyr scratches the back of his head as he hears Anastasia's thoughts of him. He does not seem to be that satisfied with the answer since he knows Anastasia might just be answering like that due to biassed reasons.

"Is that so…hmm, maybe I should ask some–"

"Master Zep is the only one who can keep all the members of [Grim Fate] in line."

"Huh..?" ← Zephyr

"No matter what Master Zep thinks about himself, or what others think about him…whether Master Zep has the capability to do something or not, I know that he will pursue to do it…because he cares. That's what you are for me…Master Zep."

Zephyr looks towards Anastasia, noticing that she has been smiling from the start. Everything she said was found deep within her heart, that not a single word she just said was a fragmented lie. It's as if out of all the members of [Grim Fate], Anastasia knows Zephyr best.


Zephyr chuckles after a while which makes Anastasia flustered.

'Does Anastasia know how much I'm struggling to keep our guild from being too dangerous? It seems so. Man, I can't really back down now. Still, managing a bunch of guilds including our crazy guild huh…this will be a pain. I just need to hang in there before the smart ones return. Ahh, please go home already Sophia.'

Anastasia tilts her head after seeing Zephyr continuously shows different kinds of expression whilst thinking hard.

"Master Zep?"

"Ah, don't mind me Ana."

He then stands up and thinks to himself: 'No matter. The other guilds who have pledged seem to be reliable anyway. And I have Anastasia with me to keep them in line!' He then pats Anastasia in the head.

'Ah, this reminds me of the days I couldn't pat or even touch Ana back then.'

"Alright. This seems like a big responsibility but…guess I have no choice for now."

Zephyr then proceeds to walk outside of the Guild Hall, wearing his guild leader's robe. Alongside him is his trusted ally and friend, Anastasia. The two will now take up the stage in front of the guilds who have pledged with them, and announce the establishment of their Clan.

Meanwhile, in the ruins of a once historical edifice, there sat a group of white hooded hunters who seemed to be waiting for someone. They're intimidating, aside from being silent the whole time, anyone can tell that they're a group of talented hunters composed of different classes who are hired to hunt someone down. After a while, a woman who is trying to keep a low profile passes by, noticing the group of hunters, she clutches her chest and takes a few steps back as if she realizes who they are.

"W-what are you all doing here?"

"You know exactly why, Alice. The [— Research Institute] has eyes and ears everywhere. Your attempt to slave the monsters and control them is one of the most precious studies we are trying to achieve. Now here you are, you have attained something no one could ever hope to achieve. Yet, all of it was confiscated by the GEO."

"So now you're here to recruit me again? I'm sorry to tell you but–"

An assassin type hunter then immediately gets behind her, resting the sharp point of his dagger in her neck.

"And I'm sorry to tell you– that you have no other choice."

Alice clenches her fist as her eyes quickly scans everyone present with the exception of the hunter behind her.

'Can I take them alone..? Mages and fighters are no problem for me, however, the assassin types are the problem. Moreover, all of them seem to be star ranked hunters mixed with some blood ranked ones. This will be a bit trick–"

Footsteps then can be heard approaching the area. As the sound of the mysterious footsteps became nearer, everyone's attention focused on the man approaching the group.

"What's this? A group of grown-up hunters ganging up on a frail lady with nothing on her. Whatever happened to chivalry these days."

The man looks and sounds confident. His eyes are like a blaze ignited by passion, his long ash tinted hair smoothly follows the breeze of the gentle wind, yet…for those who are trying to observe him, would have a queer feeling that there's something unearthly about this person.

"A witness huh. I have a bad feeling about you, you sound and look odd. However–"

Everyone from the group had drawn their weapons, while the assassin who had Alice in his grasp grabbed her by her collar and jumped back.

"-no matter who you are, we don't let any witness alive…wait…"

All of them had the same reaction, even Alice. Their eyes opened widely after noticing a certain object. Specifically, a ring that is hanging from the person's neck, tied up with a chain.

'That ring…there's no mistaking it! A mineral that is said to be the symbol of power, crafted and divided into six separate rings, worn by six hunters. The said hunters…are none other than–'

"His looks, his build, and the pressure he's giving, there's no mistaking it. He is [Grim Fate]'s vanguard and tank– {Impenetrable Spearhead}, Hywel Wayneflet!"