Chapter 71: Sole Destination

–Telmaris, GEO's private conference room–

"The government was overthrown…although the seat of the highest authority remains empty. Since it's a Kingdom now, it should be the king right?"

Zephyr asks.

"That's right. With a faction that ready to take over, they should have someone in mind to put into power already. But up until now, no one is seated on the throne."

Rojin takes a sip of his fragrant tea. He then continues-

"It seems to me that they're waiting for someone. I have no clue, however, who the person in question is."

Zephyr thinks to himself.

'Should be someone powerful, no? The word king is somehow making an impact on me, I don't know why…'

He then remembers his nightmares about a falling castle.

' that the reason?'

Hywel chugs the hot tea as if it's warm water.

"Interesting. So, what's the favor you're asking for that, SPECIFICALLY, needs Zep?"

Rojin puts down his teacup on top of the table.