Chapter 81: New Friend

"My my, what a lovely group we have here. You three must be visitors from a lively city, I'm very much willing to give you a tour of the kingdom, for free! Again, I am Desmond, one of the leading caravan owner in this area!

Zephyr thinks to himself after Desmond's remark.

'Wow, what a dynamic spirit he has. Even though the whole of Verspala seems to be suffering from tiredness, this man right here looks like he absorbed all of them hahah…wait.'

Hywel looks at Desmond from head to toe, seemingly observing his spirit.

"Strange. Your spirit's untouched, unlike the majority of the people here in Verspala."

"Hohoh, a trader's spirit should always be in high vivacity in order to rise to the top after all!"

Desmond spins around and bows at the end, his hand gesturing towards his caravan.

"Might I interest you in some products of ours, dear guests?"