Fish-Men: Fish-Men are humanoids with features of aquatic, water-breathing creatures. Each Fish-Man has traits linked to a specific fish or cephalopod, granting unique abilities such as squirting ink, multiple limbs, growing endless sets of teeth, or camouflage. Fish-Men possess both lungs and gills, allowing them to survive on land and underwater. They are naturally ten times stronger than humans from birth, with their strength further amplified underwater. Additionally, Fish-Men have a latent ability to manipulate water, which can be enhanced through training in Fish-Man Karate.
Merfolk: Merfolk have the upper bodies of humans and the tails of fish. Male Merfolk are called Mermen, while females are Mermaids. Both can live on land and in the sea. While Mermen retain their tails throughout life, a Mermaid's tail splits into legs at age 30, enabling better land movement. Merfolk are the fastest swimmers among all aquatic beings and possess the unique ability to communicate with fish. Mermen often display fish-like attributes in their upper bodies, while Mermaids' upper halves are more human-like.
Giants: Giants resemble humans but are vastly larger, with the smallest known Giant standing 12 meters tall. Their immense size grants them tremendous strength, making them some of the most powerful beings in the world. Giants are highly sought after as soldiers, and various attempts have been made to artificially turn humans into Giants, though none have succeeded. While Giants originate from various lands, the country of Elbaf in the New World is their most famous homeland.
Long-arms: The Longarm Tribe resembles humans but possesses an additional segment and elbow in each arm, making their arms significantly longer.
Long-legs: The Longleg Tribe resembles humans but has extremely tall legs that make up the majority of their height. These legs grant them immense physical strength, though they are also considered their greatest vulnerability. Many Longlegs adorn their legs with tattoos and wear minimal clothing to showcase them.
The Three-Eye Tribe: Members of the Three-Eye Tribe closely resemble humans but have a third eye on their forehead. This third eye can grant the ability to hear the Voice of All Things and read Poneglyphs, though these abilities are rare. Members of this tribe are extremely uncommon, with Charlotte Pudding being the only known individual from this race.
Dwarves: Dwarves are tiny humanoids small enough to fit in a human's palm. They possess fluffy tails, immense strength for their size (enough to damage buildings), and incredible speed. They are also highly skilled in cultivating plant life but are notably gullible. A well-known colony of Dwarves, the Tontatta Tribe, resides on Green Bit near Dressrosa.
The Snakeneck Tribe: The Snakeneck Tribe consists of people with extraordinarily long necks. They are generally slim and often decorate their necks with collars or tattoos.
Mink Tribe: Minks are humanoids with features of furry mammalian animals. Each Mink has traits linked to a specific mammal, such as rabbit Minks being able to jump exceptionally high or canine Minks chewing bones. Male Minks typically resemble anthropomorphic animals, while female Minks appear more human-like but retain some animal traits.
Minks are natural-born warriors capable of discharging electrical shocks called Electro. They naturally resemble the hybrid forms of human Zoan Fruit users, though key differences include:
Most Minks wear shoes, unlike Zoans in hybrid form. Zoan users cannot use Electro. Most Minks reside on Zou, a remote location, but some have ventured out and live among other races.
Lunarians: The Lunarians are a nearly extinct race that once lived on the Red Line. They possess the unique ability of ignition, allowing them to generate and manipulate flames at will. Lunarians are distinguished by their black-feathered wings, silver-white hair, and brown skin.