The Bussiness Taken Care

["There is a prototype weapon in the room, User. I will guide you to it,"] SELENE informed Daniel.Daniel's eyes scanned the dimly lit room, following SELENE's directions.["Move to the far left corner, where there is a cabinet. Inside, you will find an experimental plasma blade. It was developed as a close-quarters combat weapon during the latter years of the Golden Age."]

"What? I didn't know there was something like that."

["The weapon is still in the development stage and has not been released to the public. The weapon is still not stable but for now it is our best chance."]

"Alright, then."Daniel moved cautiously, his footsteps barely making a sound. Reaching the indicated cabinet he found the heavy door slightly ajar. With a grunt, he pulled it open, revealing an array of dusty equipment.His eyes quickly landed on a sleek, black device nestled among the clutter. It looked like a handle, with a series of buttons and a small display screen on its side.["This is the plasma blade,"] SELENE explained. ["It is a versatile weapon, capable of generating a blade of superheated plasma. To activate it, press the button on the side and swipe the handle in a cutting motion."]Daniel grabbed the handle, feeling its surprisingly comfortable weight in his hand. He pressed the button as instructed and with a flick of his wrist, a brilliant, humming blade of blue-white energy sprang into existence.The light it emitted cast eerie shadows around the room, and Daniel couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and exhilaration."Impressive," he muttered, testing the blade with a few cautious swings. The weapon responded with fluid precision, slicing effortlessly through the air.["The plasma blade will be effective against the armor the party outside are wearing. It can cut through most materials with ease. Use it to your advantage,"] SELENE advised.Daniel nodded, feeling a newfound sense of confidence. "Thanks. Anything else I should know?"["The blade's energy reserves are limited, so use it wisely. It can be recharged using compatible power sources you might find later,"] SELENE added."Alright, that problem can wait for later," Daniel whispered, gripping the plasma blade tightly. He then looking for another kind of things he could use in the room before pressed his ear to the door, trying to catch the conversation outside.---"Isn't he taking too long?" the woman among them asked."Don't think about it. We just have to wait. He can take as long as he wants," said the leader.Hearing that, the woman could only sigh, unable to protest any further.The woman even decided to sit down, no longer wanting to maintain a ready stance. She thought that dealing with that lone mercenary wouldn't be difficult with their current skills and technology.---Suddenly, the heavy iron door to the room hissed open, its sound echoing down the corridor. The three soldiers in their advanced stealth armor immediately snapped to attention, their eyes fixed on the entrance.In the tense silence something small and metallic fell from the doorway, clattering against the concrete floor. The soldiers' eyes widened in surprise as the object rolled towards them, emitting a faint ticking sound.Before they could react, the device detonated with a deafening blast. The explosion was not lethal, but it was designed for maximum disorientation. A blinding flash of light filled the corridor, and an ear-splitting bang reverberated through the confined space.The soldiers staggered, their vision swimming with bright spots and their ears ringing painfully. The advanced cloaking technology in their suits flickered and failed, rendering them suddenly and completely visible.Their high-tech masks no longer shrouded their faces, and the tactical armor, once seamlessly blending into the background, now stood out starkly in the dim hallway."Shit!" the leader cursed, blinking rapidly in an attempt to clear his vision. His two companions were similarly disoriented, clutching their heads and struggling to regain their bearings.Daniel took advantage of their confusion, emerging from the doorway with the plasma blade humming ominously in his hand. SELENE's voice guided him, providing real-time updates on the soldiers' positions and movements.["Engage now, User. They are disoriented and vulnerable."]Daniel lunged forward, targeting the soldier closest to him. The plasma blade cut through the air with a sharp hiss, slicing through the soldier's armor with ease. Sparks flew, and the soldier let out a cry of pain as he collapsed to the floor.The leader managed to draw his weapon, but his movements were slow and uncoordinated. Daniel ducked under the hasty shot, closing the distance in an instant. With a swift, upward slash, he disarmed the leader, the plasma blade severing the weapon in half.The third soldier who is a woman, tried to regain her footing, fumbling for a grenade at her belt.Daniel didn't give her the chance. He kicked the grenade out of her hand and followed up with a decisive strike, the plasma blade cutting cleanly through her armor. She fell to the ground, groaning in pain.Daniel stood over the fallen soldiers, his breath heavy but steady. The corridor was filled with the acrid smell of burnt metal and the lingering effects of the disorienting blast. He deactivated the plasma blade, the room returning to its dim, eerie silence.["Well done, User,"] SELENE's voice came through clearly. ["The immediate threat has been neutralized. You should secure the area and gather any useful intel from the fallen soldiers."]Daniel considered for a moment taking their gear—the high-tech armor, sophisticated weapons, and advanced cloaking devices—but quickly realized it would make him a target. Whoever had sent these operatives would likely have ways to track their equipment.["I advise against taking their primary weapons or armor, User. They are likely equipped with tracking mechanisms that could compromise your location,"] SELENE suggested.Daniel nodded, agreeing with SELENE's assessment even though its a shame leaving this kind of weapon and armor here. He began to search the bodies carefully, looking for items that could be useful but not easily traceable.He found a few items: a compact medkit, some emergency rations, and a small, unmarked data chip that SELENE assured him was safe to take.As he searched the leader's body, Daniel's fingers brushed against a patch on the inside of the tactical armor. It bore an insignia he didn't recognize—a stylized emblem featuring a black eagle clutching a lightning bolt in its talons. Above the eagle were the letters "OBI.""What's this?" Daniel muttered, pulling the patch free and examining it closely.["Scanning,"] SELENE responded. A moment later, she provided an explanation. ["This insignia belongs to a covert organization known as the Organization for Bio-Intelligence, or OBI. They are known for their ruthless tactics and advanced technological research. It appears these operatives were sent by OBI to retrieve the technology you now possess. That is, me."]"OBI, huh? Sounds like a bunch of bad news," Daniel mused. He pocketed the patch, thinking it might be useful for identifying other operatives in the future.Having taken what he could safely use, Daniel stood up and looked around one last time. The corridor was silent again safe the bodies of the fallen operatives."SELENE, we can't leave these bodies here. Is there a way to destroy them?"["This facility was once equipped with various methods for disposing of hazardous materials and bio-waste. There should be an incinerator in the lower levels. Additionally, some labs might have had access to chemical solvents capable of dissolving organic matter."]Daniel considered his options, weighing the risks and benefits. "Where's the nearest incinerator?" he asked.["The incinerator is located two floors below your current position, in the waste disposal section. I can guide you there,"]Nodding, Daniel returned to the bodies and began dragging them one by one toward the stairwell, relying on SELENE's guidance to navigate the labyrinthine complex.---