Taking Low Level Job

After finishing his first training session with SELENE, Daniel could feel the burn in his muscles and the sweat trickling down his face. He sat down to catch his breath, wiping the sweat from his brow.["User, your training session was successful. Your physical attributes have increased,"] SELENE informed him.With a thought, Daniel opened his status window, and the translucent screen appeared before his eyes again, displaying the updated numbers.[Status Window:]Name: Daniel ThornAge: 25Occupation: MercenarySystem Integration: SELENE (Strategic Engagement and Logistics Enhanced Nanobot Engine)[Physical Attributes]- Strength: 51 (+1)- Endurance: 48 (+1)- Agility: 58- Stamina: 58 (+1)[Skills:]- Close Combat: 50- Marksmanship: 55[Condition]- Health: 98%- Fatigue: 35%- Injuries: None.[Special Abilities]- Enhanced Reflexes (via SELENE)- Nanotech Healing (via SELENE)---Daniel smiled at the sight of his improved stats. "Looks like the training paid off," he said to himself.["Indeed. However, your body requires rest and recovery to fully benefit from the exercises. Allow me to mend your muscles and alleviate your fatigue,"] SELENE suggested.He laid back on the floor, feeling the subtle tingling sensation as SELENE's nanobots went to work. Within minutes, the soreness in his muscles faded and he felt a refreshing wave of energy wash over him. It was as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep.Sitting up, Daniel marveled at how rejuvenated he felt. "This is incredible. I feel like I can go for another round."["Proper recovery is essential for optimal performance. I have repaired any micro-damage to your muscles and replenished your energy levels."]The Status Window is still visible in fron of his eyes. Daniel glanced at his skills section, noticing that his current levels were still relatively low."You know, looking at these numbers, my skills aren't as high as I thought they would be."["Your current skill levels reflect your experiences so far. With structured and targeted training, I can help you improve these skills more efficiently."]Daniel considered her words, realizing the potential for rapid growth. "So, if I train now with your help, I can get better faster?"["Precisely. My guidance will optimize your training regimen, ensuring maximum improvement in minimum time."]He nodded, his eyes filled with determined glint. But then, that glint is gone again in an instant."I want to start the training, but I don't have the facility to do that. Plus, I need to make money. Can't really focus on training when I'm always scrambling to survive."["I understand your predicament. A balanced approach is necessary. I suggest accepting low to mid-difficulty missions. These tasks will provide practical training for your skills and generate income."]Daniel nodded, considering the advice. It made sense. Training in real-life scenarios while earning money sounded like the best plan for now."You know what, SELENE? You're right. And with your help, I can handle those missions better than before."He felt a surge of determination. No longer would he be just scraping by; now, he had a chance to improve his body. He grabbed his jacket."Alright, let's get to work," he said, pushing open the door of his shelter and stepping out into the somber light of the city.Making his way through the familiar streets, Daniel soon reached the Mercenary Hold. The sturdy door creaked open, and he stepped inside, the dim interior lit by a few hanging lights.Dorian looked up from his desk as Daniel entered, his grizzled face showing a hint of surprise. "Back so soon?" he grunted.Daniel nodded, then approaching the desk. "Yeah. I'm here to pick up some new contracts."Dorian raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigu by Daniel's face that seems emitting a new light."Something good happened?" Dorian asked.Daniel made a curved downward with his lips and giving him a slight shake of his head. "Not really. Just trying to be positive."Dorian studied him for a moment before nodding and rummaging through a stack of papers. He pulled out a few contracts, laying them out on the desk."Here, take a look. These should be right up your alley."Daniel picked up the contracts, quickly scanning through the details."I'll take these," he said, selecting a couple of the jobs at once.Dorian handed him the papers and gave a nod of approval. "Good luck out there. Maybe the other will be going to the same job as well."Daniel looked up from the paper to Dorian, his face serious. "What you mean?""I got wind that The Forsaken are on the move. They're heading towards the location of one of these jobs," Dorian whispered.Daniel's heart skipped a beat. The Forsaken were a notorious faction, composed of mutated outcasts and societal rejects who had banded together. Known for their ruthless tactics and sheer unpredictability."Are you sure?" Daniel asked, keeping his voice steady despite the surge of anxiety. "Do we know why they're heading there?"Dorian shrugged, his eyes scanning the room as if to ensure no one else was listening. "Can't say for sure. Rumor has it they're looking for something valuable, maybe tech or resources. Whatever it is, you need to be careful."Daniel nodded, feeling the weight of the information settle in his mind. The Forsaken weren't just any enemy; they were brutal and relentless, their mutations often giving them abilities that were difficult to counter.["User, this new information adds a significant level of risk to the mission. However, with proper preparation and strategic planning, we can mitigate these risks,"] SELENE's voice echoed in his mind, her tone analytical."Got it. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll keep my eyes open.""Good luck, Thorn," Dorian said, his expression softening slightly. "Stay sharp out there."As Daniel exited the Mercenary Hold, the harsh reality of the situation weighed heavily on him. The Forsaken were not to be underestimated. Their presence meant that the mission could become far more dangerous than he had anticipated.["User, I recommend gathering additional intelligence on The Forsaken's movements and preparing for potential encounters. We should consider adjusting our strategy to account for their unique abilities and combat styles,"] SELENE suggested.Daniel nodded as he made his way through the bustling streets of Arkanis City. "Yeah, you're right. We'll need to be ready for anything."---