
The masked man narrowed his eyes, anger flaring at Daniel's insolence. He stepped closer, gun trained on Daniel's head.But Daniel wasn't done yet. The pain in his leg was excruciating a moment ago, but the adrenaline coursing through his veins added with SELENE's treatment dulled it enough for him to make a move.But the man didn't know that.["User, I've treated your wound as much as possible. You'll still feel the pain, but you can move now,"]Daniel was ready. He even wait for that. With a burst of energy he lunged at the masked man and knocking the gun aside. They tumbled to the ground."Ergh!"Daniel's leg screamed in protest, but he pushed through the pain. He managed to land a solid punch to the man's jaw, but the masked man was well-trained and recovered quickly.["User, use your elbow to block his next strike. Then aim for his throat,"] SELENE advised, her tone urgent.Daniel followed her guidance, raising his elbow just in time to deflect a vicious punch. He countered with a strike to the man's throat, causing him to choke and reel back.But the masked man wasn't done yet. He growled, then lashed out with a kick, catching Daniel in the side and sending him sprawling.Gritting his teeth, Daniel scrambled to his feet, only to be met with a powerful blow to his midsection. He doubled over in pain, but managed to keep his balance. The masked man moved in for the kill with eyes that looked sharp and merciless.["User, roll to your right and grab the debris. Use it as a weapon."]Daniel rolled as instructed, his fingers closing around a jagged piece of rubble. As the masked man loomed over him Daniel swung the debris with all his might, catching the man across the face.BRAAKK!Blood splattered from the impact, and the man staggered back, momentarily dazed.Taking advantage of the brief opening Daniel pushed himself up, lunging at the masked man once more.They grappled fiercely, each trying to gain the upper hand. The masked man managed to land a few solid blows, but Daniel's resolve was unyielding. He fought back with everything he had.Fortunately, his movements sharpened by SELENE's enhancements because he don't really have enough training in any martial arts. All of his fighting is just based on street brawl.["User, aim for his knee. It will destabilize him,"] SELENE's voice cut through the chaos.Daniel complied, delivering a swift kick to the man's knee. The masked man grunted in pain, his leg buckling under the force. Seizing the moment, Daniel tackled him to the ground, pinning him with sheer determination."Who are you?!" the masked man spat, his voice laced with venom. Clearly shocked by Daniel's strength and resilience even though he had clearly been shot. The man thought that is should've been palaryzed him."Just a mercenary," Daniel replied, his grip tightening.The masked man struggled, but Daniel held firm. With a final surge of strength, he slammed the man's head against the ground, rendering him unconscious.Panting heavily, Daniel collapsed beside him, his body trembling from the exertion and pain.["User, you've done well. This will be a valuable experience for your growth,"] SELENE's voice was calm, yet there was a hint of pride in her tone.Daniel heard SELENE's voice cut through the haze of exhaustion.["User, I have been recording your experience in fighting. This data will be invaluable for enhancing your skills,"]"Recording, huh?" Daniel thought, a bitter smile tugging at his lips. "Good to know this hell is at least being put to good use."["We need to ensure that the masked man is dead. Leaving him alive could pose a significant threat in the future. It is imperative to eliminate all potential sources of danger."]Daniel's heart sank at the thought. Killing in the heat of battle was one thing, but executing an unconscious opponent felt different.Yet, he knew SELENE was right. Leaving the masked man alive could lead to unforeseen complications, especially if he came back seeking revenge.With a grim resolve, Daniel pushed himself up, wincing as pain shot through his injured leg.He walked to the unconscious man. The masked man's chest rose and fell shallowly, blood still trickling from the wound on his face.Daniel stared down at him, conflicted. He had never wanted to become a killer, but in this brutal world, survival often required making that kind of choices.["User, hesitation could cost you dearly. This is a necessary action,"] SELENE reminded him.Sighing, Daniel nodded. "I understand."He take his rifle then shot the man in the head. The body went still.Daniel then crouched beside the now lifeless body of the masked man and searched through the man's pockets. He needed answers, something to make sense of this chaos.After a moment of searching Daniel's hand closed around a small, sleek device—a PDA. He pulled it out, its screen cracked but still functional.With a quick glance he activated it, hoping to find some information on who these attackers were and why they had targeted the Forsaken.He found detailed notes on the briefcase and other equipments they have to retrieve and the order to kill everyone who had seen it. The one who ordered it was unknown.Pushing the device into his pocket, Daniel stood up and moved back to his vantage point. The battle below was still raging, the Forsaken fighting against their well-armed attackers.Raising his rifle, Daniel took aim and began shooting again. His enhanced reflexes and precision, guided by SELENE, allowed him to pick off the attackers one by one.BANG!Another assailant fell, clutching his chest as he crumpled to the ground. Daniel shifted his aim, finding his next target.As the attackers' numbers dwindled, the Forsaken began to rally, their morale bolstered by the unexpected support.After ensuring that the immediate threats were neutralized, Daniel descended from his perch, making his way through the battlefield. His leg still throbbed with pain, but its not a big deal. He moved swiftly, using the debris for cover as he approached another group of attackers.They were focused on the Forsaken, oblivious to the danger behind them. Daniel raised his rifle and fired, taking down two of them before they could react.BANG!BANG!Each encounter left more bodies in his wake, the once-overwhelming force of the attackers now reduced to scattered remnants.---