Birth of an anomaly [3]


The door of the room spread out revealing a hooded figure covered in pure black robe.

From the aura he was emitting, the three other present in the room could guess that he's strong.

Not just strong; but very strong.

He walked in and stood at few meters away from them.

The gazes of the three were fixed on him , reading his every single movement.

The hooded vampire moved his hand upward with the same pressure he was emitting.

His every action was like a death warning to them.

Slowly , he began to remove his hoodie.




Very slowly , it looked like a scene straight out of a movie.

The other three's gazes were fixed on him.

Without even blinking their eye they were just observing him.

After few seconds his face came into view and as soon as they saw his features their eyes widened.

'A vampire in the palace.'

But how?!!

Pitch black hair , crimson red eyes and pale white skin that was what they were seeing but what caught Kathrine's attention was a mark on his chin .

It was a mark of three small stars.

From it she immediately understood that they were in great trouble.

Three star indicates one of the vampire general .

Their powers are mostly in sovient rank.

But coupling it with their incredible regeneration ability they become freaking strong.

She was seeing one of them right here.

The vampire gazed at them and grinned causing their shoulder to shivered from fear .

Kathrine quickly composed herself and asked :

"Who are you ?! "one second later

"and why are you here?."

His grin widened and he said in a playful tone :

" As if you don't know , my queen "

Kathrine's eyebrows twitched at his playful tone but she kept her anger on check to think rationally.

Escaping was the only possible way to avoid this situation.

Because fighting that man would be just digging their own grave. And they also couldn't hide because he was a sovient stage mage.

Although Kathrine was in 5 star sage stage , her strength was far less compared to the vampire in front of her.

She was also feeling weak due to an unknown reason.

The gap between a sage and a sovient is considerably large , fighting a sovient while in sage stage will be just foolishness.

She just wanted to stall time for other's to come and activate her life saving artifact in the meantime.

This life saving artifact can only be used on one person.

Her husband had given her this for the time when her life will be in danger.

It will instantly teleport anyone to a place that is set in it's functions.

Meanwhile the vampire general was enjoying this situation with an amusing smile. she quickly opened a small portal and took out an object from it.

Vampire thought it as futile attempt . Defeating anyone with one main stage ahead with the use of Artifacts is just impossible.

So he quietly observed.

The artifact was red in colour with capsule like structure.

But she didn't want to use it on herself .

Turning around she glanced at her new born twins ..

A bitter expression appeared on her face with immense sadness shooking her core.

The artifact could save only one person so she had to choose between them.

For her it was the worst situation.

She would rather die than to be in this situation.But unfortunately she must to do it .

Both child were her own blood and the thought of choosing between them is just unimaginable for her.

She composed herself and let go of those thoughts. She had to take advantage of the vampire's carefree nature and execute her plan.

Moving her attention she fixed her gaze on the vampire in front of her.

" I know, you are here to kill us but could you spare me some time by which I could hug my both child atleast once."She requested whatever came into her mind.

The vampire felt a self satisfaction seeing this Lady requesting in front of him.

He thought for a moment.

He could sense that Human Queen's mana is weak right now and she also seems to be having difficulty in moving.

He wondered why !

But he let it aside.

Because of his arrogance he agreed and went towards a sofa placed in the room and sat on it with his legs crossed.

Kathrine understood his decision and turned towards twins lying on the bed.



Both priestesses stood silently without even saying a word.

Observing her.

One of the twins was a girl and other was a boy.

Kathrine's eyes flashed with determination.

She bent down and extended both hand .

She positioned the artifact on top of girl.

And then carefully picked up the boy.

The vampire general who was watching this raised an eyebrow.

He wondered why she only picked one.

But then in the blink of a moment the girl lying on the bed disappeared.

His eys widened at this and he abruptly stood up.

"You! What did you do?!!!" He exclaimed in anger.

"Just saved my daughter what else " Kathrine smirked .

The two priestess who were silent , found the vampire distracted, and taking advantage of it casted their most powerful spell on him.

Light manipulation ~[DIVINE Rays]

Maximum output....

Both uttered at same time.

They extended their both hands forward and twisted their index finger to form a cross sign.

Immediately two cross shaped bright lights materialized in from them.

The intensity of the attack seemed high.

That was because_

Mana used in this attack was pure and clean.

They launched it forward without wasting any second.

It went straight to him like a laser bullet.

Light rays landed on him and _


A loud sound of explosion followed and dust started to spread out .

Both priestesses sighed in relief.

They thought they got him.

This should at least give him some heavy injury, both thought.

But that was a blunder!

Their eyes a caught a glimpse of something in the smoke that was generated due to previous attack.

A sudden chill ran down their spine.

A purple lightning was coming their through the smoke of the blast.

They tried to defend themselves with a shield but the attack shattered the shield with such like a mirror .

That attack hit their body directly.

Thousands of volts of lightning flowed in their veins.

Due to which their body's burned instantaneously and dropped on the floor.

As red eyes vampire started moving away from the smoke his figure again came into view.

His both hand were little brushed and his clothes were tattered slightly but other than that he was completely fine.

His clothes returned to normal in a moment and his injuries healed right away due his blood ability.


He clicked his tongue in anger.

"Those bitches! Dare to attack me ."He cursed.

"Fucking bitches!!! "

He cursed in anger again then shifted his attention to look at the queen.


Only to find no one there .

"That bitch!!!!!!!"he cursed again.

He fixed his gaze at that place And_

"I'll definitely kill your child" muttered before diasappearing.