where is he? [3]

Silence enveloped the area in a depressing atmosphere giving the vibes of undefined sadness.


Wind blowed and mist of dust particles became clearer revealing the downcast figure of Draven.

Everything is just deserted and giving the vibes of despair due to someone's death.

Draven stood there with newborn child in his hand.

Lightning still lingered in child's body and had greatly affected his internal functions ,it also seems to be affecting his outer skin like pluckering it .

He gazed at Kathrine's figure with little sadness on his face.

He tried to imagine what would Kathrine do when she will see her child's dead body.

And decided it wouldn't be any good for her condition.

So he came to a conclusion that he will take care of this innocent body.

He didn't want to bury this impeccable child, it would be too much for him.

So tried to find a good place,

He instantly used his perception to maximum degree and found a strange river about 10km in west.

He didn't know there was a river in this place but he decided to check it .

He appeared near the river in a minute as a result of his increased speed.

Seeing the reflection of the graceful moon on the surface of pure and clean water made his heart peaceful.

The gentle breeze of air kissing his skin in tender touch.

Nature was flexing it's beauty in most genuine way .

This river had an allure that transcends the human mind .

And not with some kind of mind manipulation but with pure and mystical atmosphere around it.

It instantly calmed his heart's raging emotions and made it even more refreshed.

This place was perfect for this.




All seemed there .

Carefully, with tender and gentle touch on child's body he created a barrier around him.

Having made up his mind .

He put the child on the river and pushed forward.

Barrier floated on the clean water enveloping the child.

Due to effect of lightning his body would be completely decayed about in 2 hours.

Untill that time he would be in this peaceful atmosphere.

This was what Draven thought.

With one last glance he left that place .

Peaceful silence followed on.



A day later,

A door of magnificent and giant hall opened and a figure walked in.

Fair white skin , chiseled face with sharp jawline and a body that would put shame on all bodybuilder's of earth.

Shoulder length obsidian black hair tied in a ponytail which was complimenting his black former suit .

Deep black eyes devoid of any emotions, hollow from inside giving the vibes of his strict personality .

His presence radiating an otherworldly allure, an aura that seems to above any human of this kingdom befitting to his status.

His shadow darker than any black hole , waiting for any chance to suck in everything in it while sticking close to him resonating with his tiny movements.

His movements were calculated and precised without any loopholes , his guard seems to be always on board ready to attack on any moment.

And most of all ,

A thin but thicker dark layer clinging to his body in a sceptical way , outlining his packed muscles.

It indicating the presence of one of the most Mysterious advance affinity _


With his piercing gaze forward, he walked with his overwhelming presence suppressing anyone before him.

All the guards present in the palace bowed their head with outmost respect and 'fear'.

He paused a little in front of a door .

Suddenly his demeanor turned 360 degrees .

A smile broke on his face hiding the depth of his emotions.

All of his pressure vanished like it didn't exist in the first and what left was a normal person who was going to meet his injured wife.

With little push he spread the door and stepped inside, not leaving that smile.

A gorgeous lady could be seen sleeping in a king sized bed .

Her hair tied in a bum .

Several bandages wrapped around her both shoulder and back with light magic mixed in it.

He closed the door and neared the lady without making any sound.

He sat beside her and took her palm in his.

And said in a tone filled with warmth,

"Kath "

His voice barely audible but it reached her ear nonetheless.

Before coming here he had consulted with the docters and had complete knowledge about kath's condition.

Her condition was better and she's almost about to regain her consciousness.

But that's also the biggest problem.

Because how her mind would digest the heartwrenching news was upto her .

That was exactly the reason he wanted to be there next to her.

Kathrine's eyebrows twitched a little and her eyes flickered, opening it revealing her ocean blue eyes she scanned the surroundings.

Her eyes darted towards the man sitting beside her and she out of instinct she immediately hugged him .

Resting her head on his chest .

" You are late" she whispered almost inaudible.

"I am sorry"he apologized in gentle tone while wrapping his arms around her .

Suddenly a wave of memories flooded on her mind , her past fight with that vampire , her newborn twin and mostly her son's face.

She seperated herself from him then with her eyes filled with nothingness .She asked the very same question that the man beside her was avoiding.

"Where is he ?"

Her chilling voice echoed in the room.

" Who?!! You mean that vampire , you don't have to worry about that because he's already dead.


" You have just recovered you should first rest well then we will talk , okay"

He added. And then gently slided the blanket trying to put above her but_

A hand reached for his .

And he stopped.

" You know who I am talking about, so tell me where is he? " this time her tone contained slight anger.


Black haired man knew there's no point in avoiding it , truth' will be revealed sooner or later .

So he sighed and _

"He's dead " he said two words but that were enough to break the woman beside her .

"N....n..nno.....i..it's impossible! he can't die'

It has to be lie , yes ...yes it's a lie, he can't die because he is my son . He would be waiting for his mother, I should go quickly !!where is he ?where...wh"

Losing her composure she tried to move but immediately two hands grabbed her shoulders and with his eyes meeting her's.

"Listen !!kaith!!

He's dead ,okay ?!!

Our son died in that battle and we have to accept it ."

" You don't want to forget about our another child, do you?

She needs you , her mother!!

You first have to calm down yourself and recover faster because you also have to take care of her,right?"

He said trying to convince her .


Hearing his words large tears welped up in Kathrine's eyes and started flowing reaching her cheeks.

She tightly hugged him and cried revealing her outmost sadness.

All night she cried without even moving an inch , her eyes even turned red due to crying hard.

Black haired man comferted her while gently patting her back all night.

After that,

He just stared at the ceiling .

It isn't that he wasn't feeling anything.

It was just he was suppressing it.

Not allowing them to come out.

But with determined eyes he glanced at his wife , caressing her forehead , he said:

"I will kill every single vampire who are responsible for our son's death ,

I promise you."

The king of human kingdom and the second strongest human in the world '

Alex M. Ellington

Has declared the vampire's demise .