A norm and A genius [2]

Two months ago, a genius girl found two ways to use mana without a mana core .

But she only revealed one of the both and to only few individuals of Royal association.

And didn't explain about the other one.

That seemed unreasonable to many of the high ranked nobles who heard about it later on.

But they couldn't do anything about it because of a certain individual.

People had to accept it afterall who could force the daughter of the strongest.

So they didn't have much choice and began to test the method to find if it really works.

Association's members used her first method on few of the people who were incompetent.

Early on most of the people thought it as a stunt to gain publicity and didn't believe the method ,Why?... because it came out of a 14 year old girl's mouth .

Even if she was the daughter of a powerhouse that didn't explained that she could do something this incredible.

So they didn't pay much attention to it.

But to their surprise it succeeded and in every single way.

Then that news started to spread and made a huge uproar in the human kingdom.

This new find shook the entire kingdom with it's success.

Everyone's perceptive changed about her and they became extremely cautious towards her.

Afterall who knows her other method could be more impressive.

If she was a normal girl they would have forced her to reveal that method but that was not the case here_

Because she was the daughter of the strongest and no one dared to make enemy out of him.

After that ,

Many organisations tried to contact her to know more about the first method but they were immediately rejected due to her father's interference.

But after some persuasion and giving her best conditions on a contract, she agreed on explaining the first method's all functions to the Royal association so they could completely grasp it's functioning .

She made it official not because of money or fame but because of her helping nature and this must be reminded.

One day every important figures of Royal association were present in a gathering to discuss about this topic.

Their high technicians and magicians were also present there.


Technicians working alongside magicians fully analysed the method and tried to find any side-effects or any other problems it could cause .

But they found none.

All of them were stunned , amazed and dumbfounded at that fact and only one thing crossed their mind.

How could a 14 year girl thought of this unbelievable and unrealistic method?

This is impossible!!!! Absolutely impossible!!!

Their comment were justified,

Afterall every big action always had it's side-effects.

After it's complete examination , they didn't make any changes to the method because it wasn't needed.

It was perfect.

A perfect model with detailed and precised steps to follow.

It was easier than what everyone thought but it also crossed their expectations with it's working method.

And one month later,

A conference was held and a hundred percent working method for using mana without a core came into existence.

I am sure you are wondering about it's huge impact on people because almost everyone could create their mana core , so why?

That's because a considerable amount of individuals who don't have mana core awakened the Advanced affinities.

And that was the reason for it's bigger impact.


Flora had also read more about that genius girl but it was useless to Louis .

So she didn't mind it that much.

But she ignored last part of the article and which she shouldn't have....

Now here she was standing in front of Louis while looking at his sad smile.

Feeling a certain emotion ,she voiced the word's that came from her inside.

"Louis , you don't have to loose your hope ."

Louis cast his gaze in her direction.

"You are trying to give me false hope so that my mood could get better , right?!!"

He joked playfully to lighten the mood.

"Hey!!I am not joking, if you really don't believe it then I will show you the proof ."

Her mood did lighten and she said that in a pouting tone.

" Hmm , you have a proof ,no? Then show it to me .Where is it ?! I can't seem to find it here ."

Words flowed from his mouth clearly trying to tease her even more.

But this time Flora smirked And_

"You don't believe me! Then wait here I will come back in a minute."

Saying that she turned around and went for her room in hurry.

Louis just stared at her back with his lips slightly curled up.

A minute later~

She came back with an article in her hand .

She stood in front of him and extended her hand holding that article in front of him .

He gazed at the article and with a little pause he took it from her.

Without second thought he started to read the part she wanted to show.

Then as he continued reading, his face also followed series of expression.






And then lastly again his face lost it's colour , because at the end there seems to be certain conditions to meet for that method to work.

And availability of those circumstances to work that method was almost impossible for the children in orphanage.

But under his dead expression...he was full of rage ...

'....Why?!! ....why?? Why it always happen to me?!!!...I get it , it's all that fucking luck of mine's fault..."

He cursed at himself and his luck.

'..Fuck!!! this is useless to me.....

After venting his frustration he calmed down a little and was able to think rationally.

' What's the use of crying now ,I should have seen this coming .. ....wait! I should not give up that easily. There has to be some means for me to get those things, but how?"

He sighed and raised his gaze to look at Flora's face which was full of life like she has achieved what she wanted to.

He didn't want to remove that happiness she was feeling for him but what could he do.

" Ummm.. Flora, I think you should read the conditions that are required to work that method."

Flora's smile broke and confused by his word's she tilted her head a little.

"What conditions?!!"

Hearing it Louis sighed and muttered under his breath inaudibly so that it could not reach her ears .

'I knew it ,this girl is a little dumb'

" I am talking about this "