chapter 2

With the initial rush of power and confidence subsiding, I decided to assess the changes in my body.

I stood in front of a small mirror hanging on the wall and began inspecting myself.

My physique had noticeably improved. I had a leaner, more muscular build, and my reflexes felt sharper. Almost similar to that of rob lucci

It seems as though the system not only grants the memories and experience of he character's but also their potential.

I clenched my fist and felt a significant increase in my physical strength.

"I need to test this properly," I muttered to myself, stepping out into the small backyard behind the house.

The morning air was crisp, and the birds were chirping in the trees.

I took a deep breath and focused on my newfound abilities.

Starting with Soru, I visualized the technique in my mind. I felt a rush of energy surge through my legs.

I tensed my muscles as suddenly, my body blurred as I moved at an incredible speed, covering several meters in an instant. I stopped, slightly dizzy but exhilarated by the burst of speed.

my heart pounding with exhilaration.

I was several meters from where I had started.

The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced; I couldn't help but grin.

I decided to test it again, this time aiming for a more controlled burst of speed.

I focused on a tree at the edge of the yard, visualizing my path clearly.

With a deep breath, I activated Soru.

My body responded instantly, muscles contracting and releasing with perfect synchronization.

I felt the ground beneath my feet for only a fraction of a second before I was already at my destination.

As I came to a halt, I realized that my perception of time had briefly slowed during the movement, allowing me to adjust my trajectory with precision.

I zipped around the yard, darting from tree to tree, experimenting with different angles and speeds.

Next, I tried Tekkai. I tensed my muscles, and my body hardened.

I struck a nearby tree with my fist, feeling the impact but not the pain I would have expected.

The tree shuddered from the force, leaves falling from its branches.

This technique enhanced my already strong physique significantly improving defensive capabilities and making me more resilient in battle.

I tested Shigan. Shigan, the piercing finger technique, demanded precision and speed.

I extended my index finger and thrust it forward, imagining it as a bullet.

My finger pierced a thick tree trunk with ease, leaving a small, clean hole.

I targeted small, specific points on tree trunks, honing my ability to strike with lethal accuracy.

Finally, Kami-e allowed me to dodge attacks with fluid, almost ethereal movements.

I practiced by dodging falling leaves and projectiles, my body flowing like paper in the wind.

This technique made me nearly untouchable, evading attacks with ease.

There were other techniques I wanted to try, like Geppo (Sky Walk) and Rankyaku (Tempest Kick), but I knew they would attract too much attention.

Geppo involved kicking the air to stay aloft, while Rankyaku sent powerful air blades from a kick.

Both would be too conspicuous for a quiet backyard training session.

The power was incredible.

With only 30% of Rob Lucci's abilities, I already felt like I had enough strength to easily take on a Chunin, maybe even more.

Well probably not.

I still knew I had a long way to go, but this was a solid foundation.

"I don't know if it would be possible to reach the level of jounin in one year."

Kaito thought.

During the Third shinobi world war, genin and chunin were nothing more than simple Canon fodder.

Fortunately he got to konoha, in other villages even Jounin would become fodder because on the side of Konoha will be minato capable of destroying dozens of jonins in a couple of seconds.

As I finished my practice, sweat dripping from my brow and my muscles aching pleasantly, my thoughts wandered to one of the most formidable Taijutsu techniques in this world: the Eight Gates (Hachimon).

I knew from the series that Might Guy had only just started practicing the technique under the guidance of his father, Might Duy.

The Eight Gates were a set of internal limiters within the body that controlled the flow of chakra.

By opening these gates, one could achieve superhuman strength and speed, but at a great cost to the user's body.

Opening all eight gates granted immense power but at the risk of death.

I couldn't help but wonder if I could integrate this technique into my training.

With Rob Lucci's robust physique, my body was already far more resilient than a normal person's.

Perhaps I could withstand the strain of opening the gates better than most.

I began to speculate.

Based on what I knew, Might Guy's father had only opened the first gate, and Might Guy himself hadn't yet mastered the technique.

But with my system-enhanced body and the abilities of Rob Lucci, there was a real possibility that I could withstand the strain up to the Sixth Gate, maybe even beyond.

The Sixth Gate, also known as the Gate of View, was already an incredible power-up, dramatically increasing the user's speed and strength.

And with the transformation abilities of Rob Lucci's Zoan Devil Fruit, I could potentially push my limits even further.

If I could transform into my hybrid or full leopard form while opening the gates, the combined strength and resilience might allow me to reach the Seventh Gate, the Gate of Wonder.

This gate increased power and speed to nearly unimaginable levels, but the strain on the body was tremendous.

I shook my head, the excitement making my heart race.

This was dangerous territory, but the potential gains were too great to ignore.

I would need to find a way to learn the Eight Gates technique, perhaps from Might Duy or even Might Guy if I could gain their trust and respect.

For now, though, I needed to focus on mastering the abilities I already had.

The Eight Gates were a goal for the future, a potential ace up my sleeve. But first, I needed to ensure that I could survive the present.

Determined, I made a mental note to keep an eye out for any information or opportunities related to the Eight Gates.

With Rob Lucci's abilities and the power of the Eight Gates combined, I could become a force to be reckoned with in this world of ninjas and chakra.

For now, though, it was time to rest and recover.

Tomorrow would bring new challenges and opportunities, and I needed to be ready for whatever lay ahead.

For now, though, it was time to rest and recover.

Using each of these techniques required bits of my stamina bit it wasn't that unbearable.

I needed to rest to regain my strength and allow my body to adapt to the new abilities.

As I made my way back into the house, I realized that as my physique had improved, so had everything else—including my appetite.

My stomach growled loudly, reminding me that I needed to eat to fuel my enhanced body.

I wasn't too worried, though.

From the memories of this body's previous owner, I knew that my parents had left a significant inheritance before they died.

It was enough to last me for at least two years, which meant I had the resources to sustain myself while I trained and grew stronger.

I prepared a simple meal, savoring each bite as I replenished my energy.

As I ate, I couldn't help but think about the path ahead.

The Eight Gates technique, the looming war, and the powerful adversaries I would eventually face were all daunting challenges.

But with Rob Lucci's abilities and the potential of my system, I felt a growing confidence.

After finishing my meal, I laid down on the tatami mat, letting my body relax.

Tomorrow would bring new challenges and opportunities, and I needed to be ready for whatever lay ahead.

With my mind focused and my resolve strengthened, I allowed myself to drift into a deep, restful sleep, knowing that this was just the beginning of my journey in this dangerous world.