chapter 4

A few days passed since the encounter with Kakashi.

Kaito woke up early in the morning, feeling a mix of soreness and excitement.

After a quick breakfast, he set off for the Forest of Death, ready to continue his training.

Arriving at his usual spot, Kaito took a moment to stretch and prepare himself.

But before he could start, he felt the presence of someone nearby.

His enhanced senses picked up a subtle shift in the air, a faint rustling of leaves.

He looked up at a branch and saw Kakashi perched there, observing him silently.

"Kakashi?" Kaito called out, slightly surprised.

Kakashi jumped down from the branch, landing gracefully a few feet away from Kaito.

"I see you're back for more training," he said, his tone neutral but his eyes curious.

Kaito nodded, trying to gauge Kakashi's intentions.

"Yeah, there's a lot I need to work on," he replied, maintaining a calm demeanor.

Kakashi studied him for a moment, then smirked.

"Mind if I join you? I could use some practice myself."

Kaito was taken aback but quickly recovered.

"Sure, why not?" he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

The two of them began their training session with a series of warm-up exercises.

Kaito noticed that Kakashi was observing him closely, analyzing his movements and techniques.

It was clear that Kakashi was curious about his abilities.

As he analyzed Kaito, he suddenly asked, "Why do you still insist on remaining a Genin?"Kaito chuckled softly. I have my reasons."

Kakashi just shook his head and said, I don't see any reason to hide your abilities.

After all you'll have to take part in the war and you'll have to give your best in the face of numerous dangerous situations.

Kaito was well aware of what Kakashi was thinking.

However if he shows his talent and gets the attraction of Danzo things might become a little problematic.

Take a look at Kakashi's father,

As the famous white fang of Konoha who received military services during the second shinobi world war, yet such a shinobi went through harsh condemnation

From all the inhabitants of Konoha just because of a failed mission.

Kaito clearly realised that such a development was instigated by someone from Konohas high high-ranking official.

The third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi maintained complete silence at the time, after all only a few of his words would mitigate the consequences of the failure of the mission.

Not to mention that sakumo failed the mission because of his desire to save his comrades.

And Kaito know that Danzo had a hand in it.

Because sakumo was threatening his plans.

Given the authorithy and strength of sakumo in the future he might become the main candidate for the post of the fourth hokage and danzo won't allow that.

After sakumos death Danzo or course pays close attention to Kakashi,now there is no problem as even if danzo wants to drag Kakashi to root danzo, sarutobi definitely won't allow it.

And naturally kaito certainly isn't going to join the root as he won't fall for the fanatic and brainwashing Danzo.

Kaito shook his head not intending to explain to Kakashi as he is still too young and impulsive.

He should not know about the dark side of Konoha yet.

Now that it's a tense pre-war period he can show some strength without much consequences because all the attention of danzo should be focused on other villages

and not expanding root.

Kaito thought.

"Soon, there will be opportunities for me kakashi let's not worry about that and focus on improving our current strengths instead", kaito replied

Kakashi rolled his eyes and nodded.

As for the development of personal strength during the war, it should not be impossible to achieve the level of elite jonin or perhaps even kage as he has the template system.

Suddenly Kakashi eyed Kaito with a hint and determination and said.

Kaito, let's have a rematch.

I won't lose to you this time.

Kaito smiled faintly, his thoughts still lingering on the complex machinations within Konoha.

"Alright, Kakashi. Let's see how much you've improved."

They moved to an open clearing in the forest.

You ready?

Kakashi clutched a kunai each hand and took a fighting stance, his eyes sharp and focused.


As soon as kaito gave the signal the figure of Kakashi rushed forward.

Quickly closing the distance with impressive speed, he sharply swung his arms, striking the two kunais from both sides at once.

Kaito who stood calmly with his calculating eyes deftly dodged and blocked each strike with minimal effort.

Kakashi retaliated with a swift kick, but Kaito anticipated it, ducking and attempting to sweep Kakashi's legs.

Kakashi jumped, twisting in mid-air, and countered by swinging both kunai diagonally.

But kaito with his tekkai hardened fist blocked Kakashi's double attack with one movement.

Clang! clang!

Kakashi's eyes widened but kaito sent a sharp blow taking down the two kunai and immediately sends a hard kick towards Kakashi's chest


Kakashi's figure turned into smoke.

Shadow clone

Kakashi formed a series of hand signs. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" he shouted, unleashing a large fireball towards Kaito.

Kaito's eyes narrowed as he activated Soru, disappearing and reappearing in front of Kakashi with blinding speed.

The fireball exploded behind Kaito, but he remained unscathed, his movements fluid and precise.

Kaito used Rankyaku, sending a sharp blade of air towards Kakashi.

The young prodigy managed to dodge, but the shockwave sent him skidding backward.

He sent a barrage of shurikens towards kaito but he hardened his body with Tekkai to resist the barrage

Kakashi, noticing Kaito's resilience quickly changed tactics.

He dashed forward, closing the gap between them in an instant, and aimed

powerful punch at Kaito's midsection.

Kaito, anticipating the move, used Soru to vanish from Kakashi's line of sight and reappear behind him.

Kaito jumped, sending a powerful kick towards Kakashi.

Kakashi crossed his arms, bracing himself as the kick struck, the force pushing him back but not down.

Kaito didn't waste a moment. Utilizing Geppo, he launched himself into the air, gaining the high ground.

"This ends now," he declared, channeling all his strength into a single, powerful Tempest Kick.

The air crackled as the attack descended towards Kakashi, leaving no room for escape.

Kakashi's eyes widened, but he quickly formed hand seals. "Earth Style: Mud Wall!" he shouted, slamming his hands onto the ground.

A thick wall of earth erupted, intercepting Kaito's attack.

The impact shattered the wall, sending debris flying, but Kakashi had already moved, darting to the side to avoid the fallout.

Landing gracefully, Kaito surveyed the battlefield, searching for Kakashi. "Hiding won't save you," he called out, his voice echoing in the clearing.

At the same time Kakashi emerged from the ground, a kunai in his hand, his eyes focused on Kaito.

With swift precision, he lunged forward, aiming to stab Kaito.

But as the kunai made contact, the Kaito in front of him vanished, revealing it to be nothing more than an after-image.

Kakashi's eyes widened in shock, realizing his mistake too late. Before he could react, Kaito reappeared behind him, his movements swift and precise. Kaito grabbed Kakashi from behind, holding a kunai to his throat.

"You lost, Kakashi," Kaito said calmly, his voice firm but not unkind.Kakashi froze, feeling the cold steel against his skin.

He sighed, a small smile forming on his lips. "I see," he admitted, relaxing slightly. "

As Kaito released Kakashi, the latter couldn't contain his curiosity.

"How did you do that?" Kakashi asked, his voice tinged with genuine interest.

"That technique you just used—the one where you flew into the air and sent that air slash at me—I've never seen anything like it before."

Kaito's eyes softened, a hint of pride flashing in them.

"I created them myself," he replied.

The flying technique is called Geppo, and the air slash is Rankyaku.

They're part of a taijutsu style I've developed.

Kakashi's brows furrowed in thought.

"Geppo and Rankyaku, huh? They're incredibly effective.

You must have put in a lot of effort to develop such unique techniques.

Kakashi's curiosity turned to admiration.

Creating your own techniques... that's impressive, Kaito. I can see why you're so strong.

[A/N: techniques does not belong to mc...]

Kaito nodded.

Maybe one day I'll teach you some of them

Thanks, I'll take you up on that offer.

Kakashi said.