chapter 5

Author's POV

The sky grew dark and heavy with clouds, casting an oppressive shadow over the land. Rain began to fall, first as a light drizzle, then swiftly turning into a relentless downpour. The sound of thunder echoed through the air, a low, ominous rumble that seemed to shake the very ground. It felt as if nature itself was holding its breath, waiting for what was to come as Damian underwent his transformation.

In an instant, Damian stood before Isabella and her mother. He moved with a speed that showed his supernatural ability. Without warning, he grabbed both Isabella and Mrs. Williams by the neck, lifting them off the ground with ease. His grip was strong and unyielding, his eyes burning with a dark, cruel light.

"No betrayal will go unpunished nor without a consequence," Damian said, his voice cold and filled with malice. His expression was twisted into a devilish smile, reflecting the evil within him.