16. We Meet Again

The bell rang, signaling the end of the

period, but none of the students showed any intention of leaving. With a great deal of

pushing and shoving, Aiden made his way through the crowd of rowdy teenagers and

headed to his next class. As he rounded a corner in the hallway, he was stopped by

Joshua, who wanted help with his basketball game after school.

As innocent as the request sounded, Aiden understood what a danger it represented.

Shooting a few hoops wouldn't be suspicious by itself, since he'd always been able to

play fairly well. If a coach happened to see him, though, they'd almost certainly notice

there was something very odd about his newly enhanced ability and who knew what

might happen after that.

Unwilling to take the risk, Aiden told Joshua they'd have to practice another day and

continued walking to class. The rest of the afternoon wore on fairly peacefully. Still,

Aiden noticed that the other students seemed to view him differently after the incident in

PE class.

Now when they looked at him, he saw nothing but respect in their eyes. This was

especially true of the girls in the class, who flirted with him throughout the day in all

kinds of strange, subtle ways. They spoke to him differently, too.

Before, they'd only have questions about homework or school, if they bothered speaking

to him at all, that is. But now they were more interested in talking about basketball or

asking him about his life. Viola, of course, was quick to discourage their attention.

She reminded them that Aiden had to devote all his energy to studying if he was going

to win the math competition, which was now only a month away. If they didn't stop

distracting him and he ended up losing, it would be on their heads, and Viola would

make sure the whole school knew who was responsible. The girls backed off after that,


Although Aiden didn't care about the math competition that much, some of the girls

were starting to get on his nerves, and he was thankful to Viola for the peace and quiet.

Aiden enjoyed spending time with Viola, and he knew she enjoyed their friendship, too.

Aiden carried Viola's books when the two walked home from school together, and he was

always doing little favors for her without being asked.

He was better off for her friendship, and he wanted to give her plenty of reasons to stick

around. As the pair headed down the hallway after class, they heard a gruff, demanding

shout behind them. Aiden, wait for me! Aiden and Viola exchanged a grimace.

It had been bad enough having to deal with those irritating girls, but the character who

was after them now could have outdone an army of them. No matter what they did to

get rid of him, he just wouldn't stop bothering them. A plump body squeezed itself

through the back door of the classroom with great difficulty.

It was Chubby Mason, owner of the infamous Book of Beauties. In addition to staring at

these beauties, he also had read superhero comics in his spare time. Until today, Aiden

hadn't known that Mason was more than just a fan of superhero comics.

The boy also wanted to become a comics artist. Mason had been bothering Aiden ever

since he saw Aiden's incredible performance on the basketball court. He thought Aiden

would be perfect as a reference for a basketball comic he was creating, and he seemed a

little unwilling to take no for an answer.

Chubby, I'm starting to feel terrified of you. Seeing Mason's pitiful, dog-like eyes gazing

up at him, he suddenly shook his head and, with a wry smile, added, Fine, just draw

whatever you want. Nice! Mason yelped excitedly.

Just as he was about to say something else, his attention was rested away by something

behind Aiden. He stood motionless as he stared fixedly at a point beyond and just above

Aiden's right shoulder, as though his soul were being sucked out of his body. Looking

around, Aiden saw that the other guys in the hallway wore the same staring, vacant


Huh? What was behind him? Aiden turned around, dumbfounded. Slowly, a smile spread

across his lips. The world is such a small place.

Mia's face was calm as she walked down the hallway. She was light on her feet, and her

limbs moved fluidly, like a flower floating on the surface of a still pond. Mason began to

hyperventilate when he realized Mia was walking toward them.

What's her name? Aiden asked Mason. Mason's eyes grew wide with disbelief. You don't

even know Mia from senior year, he sputtered.

She's hot as hell. What a total ice queen. A while back, she was scoundred by a bunch of

these Hollywood execs.

They wanted her as a model, an actress, a singer, basically anything. But she turned

them all down. You're telling me you really, seriously don't know who she is? Mason's

face reddened with annoyance, as though Aiden had just done something unforgivably


As Mia approached them, Mason ran his fingers through his

hair and nervously clawed at a cowlick.

He flashed his most enchanting smile and sputtered, Miss, I... But before he could get

another word out, Mia stopped in front of them. Much to Mason's annoyance, she didn't

give him a single glance. As soon as she had come into view, her gaze had been

reserved for only one person.

So we meet again. Smiling, her eyes rested on Aiden. The amusement that was readily

apparent on her already beautiful face made her look even more enchanting, and the

male students in the hallway melted.

Indeed, Aiden smiled back. He hadn't expected to meet Mia again. From the looks of it,

the incident that day hadn't left her with any lasting mental trauma.

That day, that day... They both spoke at the same time. At that moment, they weren't

two people who had only met once. Somehow, they seemed to share a common mind.

Mia covered her mouth and laughed softly. She proceeded to stretch out her hand

gracefully and introduce herself. I'm Mia, senior year student.

Aiden Dale, from junior year. Aiden shook Mia's hand gently. Yes, it was the same

feeling, the same as that day.

Aiden noticed a rather unusual atmosphere forming between the two of them, but he

wasn't sure if this was due to his newfound proficiency in flirting or something more

meaningful. This... this... you... the two of you... Mason seemed to lose control of his lips

and tongue as his gaze moved from one to the other. Viola was still standing at Aiden's

side, though her mood had taken a decided turn.

She pouted and turned away from Aiden, asking with only a hint of jealousy. So, Aiden,

have the two of you met before? It's a long story, Aiden sighed, gripping Viola and Mia by

their arms and guiding them toward the school exit as he spoke. But he hadn't

anticipated the reactions of the male students behind him.

Damn, who the hell did this guy think he is? He has one beauty on each side. The Ice

Queen even smiled at him. Mason, who had been so stunned he was unable to move,

watched the three figures retreat with eyes wide and unblinking.

He then withdrew his sketchbook from his bag and prepared to illustrate the scene. This

scene will be used as a reference for the main characters in my comic. I've got to start


I can't keep putting it off. As they walked, Aiden and Viola recounted the events of that

day in detail. Viola's expression changed as Aiden spoke, its form shifting constantly in

sympathy with his words.

Overwhelmed with various emotions, shock, worry, sympathy, relief, awe, she had unknowingly come to identify herself with his perspective, with his side of the story.

Thank goodness you're so capable, little Aiden. Otherwise, Mia would have.

Viola held Mia's hand tightly, her face full of concern. I just happened to see little Aiden

on the field today. If I hadn't, who knows when I would have found my savior.

Mia rolled her eyes at Aiden, as if blaming him for leaving without saying anything that

day. Aiden could only reply with a wry smile. Mia, you're so pretty when you smile.

How could anyone ever call you an ice queen with a smile like that? Or is that what you

want to be, an ice queen? It sounds so unpleasant. Viola, you're pretty gorgeous too, you

know. You're probably really popular in your class, right? Not at all.

It confused Aiden to see the two girls acting like good friends. Why did he feel so isolated

right now? At an intersection on the way home, Mia bid farewell to the other two. I have

to go to work soon.

I guess I'll see you later. Only a few people knew why Mia had gotten a job this past year.

Her family was relatively poor, so Mia worked as a salesperson at a clothing store a few

nights a month to help with bills and other expenses.

Remember to be home early, said Aiden. After that, Aiden left. Mia felt her heart warm,

and she smiled to herself.

But her expression changed as she watched him disappear into the distance with Viola at

his side. Frowning and clenching her fist in frustration, she did something her mother

always did and began repeating a positive mantra under her breath to raise her spirits.

Mia, you can do it.

Happiness is something you can achieve through your own effort. You just need to try.

Meanwhile, at Otis High School, Dennis Harvey knocked on the door of the principal's


He held a stack of papers with both hands, and Aiden's math answers sat at the very top

of the pile.