29. Please come again tomorrow.

customers. After he was completely at ease, Aiden fell into a deep and restful sleep.

With the series of ringing bells, the third week of Aiden's high school life officially began.

He had a few elective courses in the morning. To Aiden, who had reached proficiency in

all subjects, the words of his teachers were tedious and dull, lulling him to sleep.

It wasn't easy for him to stay awake until lunchtime. Aiden grabbed a quick bite at the

fast food restaurant near the school, and then once again buried his head in the books at

the library. His mission today was to look for books on economics.

But there seemed to be surprisingly few of these. Eventually, he was able to find a

promising book entitled Food and Beverage Management. Ding! Food and Beverage

Management Ability, plus one.

Current Progress, one out of ten. Current Level, Beginner. The librarian, Miss Matthews,

was getting more and more curious about Aiden.

She had thought that Aiden would only be hanging around the library for three minutes.

She didn't expect to see him here at lunchtime every day. This level of diligence made

Miss Matthews, who was studying for the GRE, feel ashamed.

Today, she had the sudden impulse to want to know what kind of books Aiden read every

day. At this moment, Aiden was leaning against a bookshelf. He was completely focused

on reading the book in his hand.

Sunlight shone through the window and fell across his face. From a distance, the scene

was so perfectly composed, that it looked to Serena Matthews like a scene out of a

movie. His face is quite handsome, she thought to herself.

Her face suddenly turned red as she checked herself. Serena, what are you doing? Aiden

was flipping through pages at what seemed to be a ridiculous speed. Miss Matthews

frowned and quietly walked toward him.

Just as he was about to finish flipping through his book, a delicate fragrance caught his

attention. What was that? Aiden was about to turn his head when a small hand ruffled

his hair. Miss Matthews, what are you doing? Stop! Aiden looked at the woman beside

him, dumbstruck.

She chuckled as he patted down his hair and tried to hide his irritation. Why don't you

read normal books instead of these books on food and beverage management? She

asked, looking skeptically at the cover of his book. And who reads like this, ten lines at a

time? She mimed flipping pages at lightning speed as her eyes darted back and forth.

Was she mocking him? I don't get it, she continued. What are you playing at? Aiden

rearranged his hair again and set his jaw. If you think it's okay to touch me, then let's see how you like it! He grabbed at her sleeve and pulled.

Maybe he pulled a little too hard. Her blouse came off a bit, exposing her shoulder. What

a beautiful shoulder, thought Aiden in the stunned silence that followed.

Miss Matthews was clearly a bit startled by what had just happened. After a brief and

awkward moment, she pushed him away and pulled her sleeve back up over her

shoulder. Then she walked away without saying a word, feeling embarrassed and angry.

If Aiden was an adult, she might have slapped him. Once she reached the reception

desk, she glanced back at Aiden and saw the confusion and panic in his eyes. She

reminded herself that he was just a high school student.

He hadn't done it intentionally. She breathed out slowly and tried to relax. She was the

adult here.

Aiden, not sure what to do, slowly approached the reception area. Miss Matthews was

sitting down with her head buried in a book. She didn't look up as he approached.

Miss Matthews, I'm not playing some sort of game here. I'm really studying. It's just that

my learning method is... unusual.

Miss Matthews raised her head to glance at Aiden coolly. Her expression said it all. She

couldn't care less what his learning methods were.

Aiden smiled bitterly, but his eyes were looking at the book next to Miss Matthews' hand.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that she was looking at a math question. He

could tell right away that this must be a fairly advanced textbook.

Certainly college level. So the rumors were true. Miss Matthews was preparing for the


Aiden had an idea. In his mind, he said, System, scan this question. Ding.

Activating proficient mathematics ability. Scanning the question. Scan complete.

The probability of the host successfully finding a solution is 70%. Please confirm if you

would like to continue. Yes, Aiden thought.

A solution has been found. Sending solution. Miss Matthews was feeling agitated.

She had been trying to solve this problem for a few days already with no luck. She had

asked a few different math teachers at the high school, but they weren't able to help.

She had even searched through some of the books in the library, but she still wasn't

making any progress.

How frustrating! And now this embarrassing incident with Aiden. It hadn't been a good day. She pursed her lips, sulking.

Just then, a clear voice suddenly sounded in her ear. Use the Lagrange Mean Value


You should use the Lagrange Mean Value Theorem. Miss

Matthews looked around a few times to confirm that it was Aiden who had spoken.

She stared blankly for a moment. The Lagrange Mean Value Theorem sounded familiar.

It was an important theorem in advanced mathematics.

But why had Aiden suddenly said this to her? What did he mean? Aiden shook his head

and pulled the textbook out of Miss Matthews' hand. He casually picked up a pen from

the table. What are you doing? Miss Matthews was confused.

She stood up and looked over Aiden's shoulder, trying to snatch the book back. But then

she stopped abruptly. She watched as Aiden started writing quickly.

Very quickly. He wrote down a long list of equations that she couldn't interpret. At first,

she was dumbfounded.

But then she looked closer and started to see the logic in what he was writing. So this is

what this problem is about. Can this theorem be used like this? Three minutes later,

Aiden handed the book back to Miss Williams.

Ding! Helping Girls Solve Problems. Flirting Skill, plus one. Miss Matthews looked at Aiden

with surprise and joy.

How did you learn this? Aiden was just a high school student. How could he have solved

this advanced problem so easily? Was he some kind of math whiz? Aiden spread his

hands. You believe me now, don't you? Miss Matthews recalled the strange speed with

which Aiden had flipped through his books.

Maybe it wasn't so surprising that he was able to solve this problem. But she still couldn't

quite believe it. So she took out a few more problems to test him.

Aiden's talents were undeniable. He easily solved all of them without the slightest

hesitation. I really don't know what to say.

Miss Matthews looked at Aiden as if she was looking at a circus freak. She wondered if

she was dreaming. Are you still angry? Aiden asked.

Miss Matthews became serious. Honestly, yes. I'm still a little angry with you.

Even if you're a genius, that doesn't give you the right to treat people with disrespect.

Aiden's face fell. Then what can I do to make it up to you? Miss Matthews smiled.

Maybe if you promise to help me study math, I can forgive you. Seeing Aiden hesitate,

she smiled coolly. Otherwise, I might have to be a little more strict about following school

policy on book borrowing limits.

I seem to recall you taking out quite a few books lately. Probably more than is technically

allowed. He didn't expect Miss Matthews to forgive him immediately.

But these were fierce methods indeed. Aiden had no choice but to give in and agree to

her conditions. Over the course of the next hour, Miss Matthews took full advantage of

Aiden's knowledge and expertise, which she was in desperate need of.

She pestered him on a wide range of advanced math topics in an almost crazed manner.

It was only when the bell rang that Miss Matthews reluctantly let him go. You must

remember to come tomorrow too! She called out with a smile as he fled the library,

causing a few passing teachers and students to cast sidelong glances.

Miss Matthews, feeling a bit self-conscious, slipped back into the library. Ding. Teaching


Teaching ability. Plus one. Current progress, one out of ten.

Current level, beginner. The first class in the afternoon was information technology.

Essentially, it was a computer class.

After Aiden left the library, he went straight to the science building. Although IT was not

a compulsory course, Aiden had always been interested in computers. In elementary

school, he had even written a paper about how he was going to become a computer

engineer when he grew up.

This class definitely wouldn't make him sleepy.