Chapter 38

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East Blue 

A few hours away from the Conomi Islands 


As they were just a few hours from reaching the Conomi Islands, everyone gathered to have an outdoor meal on the deck of the Merry. 

"Sanjii, I'm hungry, hurry up", Luffy yells, banging his fists, holding utensils, on the table they had brought onto the deck. 

Sanji then emerges from the kitchen, carrying a tray on each arm with a mountain of plates stacked on them. 

As Sanji places the plates on the table, serving the ladies first, Luffy drums on the table with his fists, staring at the food with drooling anticipation, shouting, "FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, FOOD, HUNGRY, HUNGRY, HUNGRY, HUNGRY." 

"Luffy, shut up, for God's sake, or I won't give you any food", Sanji says, irritated by the noise Luffy was causing. 

Luffy immediately goes silent, staring eagerly at the food, then looking at Sanji with tearful eyes. 

Seeing Luffy like that, Nami feels sorry for him, so she says, "Sanji, serve Luffy already, or he might burst into tears." 

"Your wish is my command, Miss Nami", Sanji replies with a love-struck look. 

"Yayyy, I love you, Nami, you're amazing", Luffy says excitedly as a mountain of plates is placed in front of him. 

Hearing Luffy say that he loves her, even though it wasn't in the way she would prefer, makes Nami blush deeply. 

As they eat, the sea next to the Merry becomes a little agitated before a Sea King with the appearance of a cow breaks the surface of the water, staring at the Merry, specifically at the food Sanji had made. 

"Shit, that's Momoo, the sea cow mascot of Arlong's pirates", Nami shouts in worry as she recognizes the creature. 

"It's looking at our food, seems like it's hungry", Kaya says, noticing that Momoo was staring fixedly at the food. 

Luffy then positions himself between the table and Momoo, defending his meal. "Get your eyes off my food, big cow." 

"But I'm hungry", Momoo says, eyes watering. 

"Then ask Sanji to make some food for you because this is mine", Luffy says, sticking his tongue out at Momoo. 

"Did Luffy just have a conversation with a Sea King, or am I imagining things?", Sanji asks, amazed at what he just witnessed. 

"Yeah, I'm like Dr. Dolittle", Luffy replies with a grin. 

"Not sure who that is, but I take it he can talk to animals, right?", Sanji asks, wanting to confirm his guess. 

"That's right. Also, the big cow here is hungry, so could you make something for it to eat?", Luffy asks Sanji, pointing his thumb at Momoo. 

"Sure, just give me a moment", Sanji says, heading back to the kitchen. 

"Hey, big cow, Sanji's going to make food for you. In exchange, how about you pull our ship to the Conomi Islands, sound good?", Luffy asks Momoo, offering a deal. 

"Alright, that works for me, that's where I live anyway", Momoo says, accepting the deal. 

After feeding Momoo, they tie the Merry to it with some ropes, and Momoo takes them to the coastal region of one of the islands in the archipelago in just twenty minutes, saving them a few hours of travel. 

After untying Momoo and saying their goodbyes, the Straw Hats dock the ship at a port near Gosa Village, according to Nami. 

After disembarking, Usopp shrinks the Merry to a tiny size and safely stores it inside a small padded metal box, placing it in his pouch, and then they begin walking through the village. 

As they walked, silence reigned among the group, all of them boiling with anger as they saw the village in ruins, with houses turned upside down. 

Suddenly, a boy appears wielding a sword, attacking Usopp while shouting, "I'll kill you Fish-Men for what you did to my father!" 

The boy is then stopped by a beautiful young woman with short blue hair, covered in tattoos, who lands a karate chop on his head and says, "Don't attack the Fish-Men, you brat. Besides, that guy isn't even a Fish-Man, despite how he looks." 

"Hey, I'm human, alright? I just have a slightly prominent nose", Usopp says indignantly, offended that they thought he was a Fish-Man. 

"Nojiko? What are you doing here?", Nami asks, realizing it was her sister. 

"Nami? It's been so long since I've seen you", Nojiko says, walking over to her younger sister and embracing her tightly. 

"I've missed you too", Nami whispers, hugging her sister firmly. 

While the two shared this moment, Sanji watched the scene, completely melting as he thought, 'Oh my God, Miss Nami's sister is drop-dead gorgeous.' 

"So, what are you doing in this destroyed village?", Nami asks her sister after they break from their hug. 

"This idiot's mom was worried he'd end up getting himself killed seeking revenge, so she practically begged me to come to get him", Nojiko says, giving the boy another smack on the head. 

"I'll get my revenge, I'll kill all the Fish-Men", the boy shouts angrily, rubbing his head from the hit. 

"Funny", Luffy says suddenly, catching everyone's attention. 

"My revenge is funny to you, huh?", the boy asks angrily, trying to rush at Luffy but being held back by Nojiko, who grabs him by the shirt. 

"No, it's funny how things happen. Fishmen suffered at the hands of humans, being enslaved and treated horribly for a long time. This caused many of them to develop hatred, contempt, and a desire for revenge against humans, often to an extreme level, like with Arlong. Then, people like him appear and do things like what he did here, creating people like you in the process, full of hatred and seeking revenge, not against the individual, but against the entire species. See what I mean? It's a vicious cycle, like that saying, 'An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and in the end, the world ends up blind and toothless'", Luffy says, philosophizing. 

Everyone who knew Luffy stood there with their mouths open, staring at him in disbelief. 

"Why is it that most of the time you act stupid and idiotic, and then suddenly you have these moments where you say something super intelligent?", Nami asks, checking to see if Luffy had a fever or something. 

"Hey, I'm not stupid! Quite the opposite, I'm super smart", Luffy says, puffing his cheeks and returning to his usual self. 

"Let me get this straight, you want me to give up on my revenge after everything they've done?", the boy asks, clenching his fists in anger. 

"No, I just want you to understand that one person doesn't represent an entire people. Besides, your mom is still alive, right?", Luffy asks, turning his gaze to the boy. 


"Arlong will be defeated and brought to justice, so instead of living for revenge, live for your mom. Arlong's not worth wasting your time on", Luffy says, ruffling the boy's hair as he looks down, lost in thought. 

At that moment, they all hear someone shouting at them, "Halt, intruders! We saw you dock at the port nearby. Surrender calmly and come with us." 

Looking in the direction of the voice, they see three Fish-Men, armed with swords, approaching them. 


(AN: 1,201 Words)


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