Chapter 67

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Grand Line – Paradise 

Inside the whale's stomach 


"Wait, if we're still inside the whale's stomach, then why is there a sky, clouds, and this island? There are even birds", Nojiko asks, still uncertain. 

"The stomach of a rat that isn't", Crocus says sarcastically. 

"Rude", Kaya says, a bit offended. 

"Oh, what did you expect? For me to be nice? You invade my private resort and still keep bothering me with a bunch of questions", Crocus comments, not caring whether he's being rude or not. 

"Wait, so this isn't seawater, it's gastric juice? Shit, how are we going to get out of here? I don't want to be digested", Nami asks, worried, realizing they're sailing in stomach acid. 

"The exit is over there", Crocus says, pointing to the side where there's a large gate, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. 

"Why the hell is there an exit inside a whale's stomach?", Usopp asks, surprised. 

"Alright, guys, let's get out of here before the gastric juice starts corroding the Merry", Nami says, ordering everyone to grab an oar so they can leave. 

"Ehh, is no one going to mention the fact that this old man painted the whale's stomach to look like the sky or that he somehow installed a gate in the whale? That's just wrong, doesn't anyone find that a bit cruel?", Kaya asks, bothered by it. 

"What? I like good weather, I'm not going to stay in a place that looks like it came out of a strange dream", Crocus says, shrugging. 

"AND WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO STAY HERE?", Usopp screams, frustrated with the old man's logic. 

At that moment, an earthquake happens, shaking everything and making everyone almost lose their balance. 

"What the hell?", Usopp screams, not understanding what was going on. 

"...Sigh... and here we go again", Crocus says with a tired sigh. 


"This whale is hitting its head against the Red Line again!", Crocus says, closing the newspaper and tossing it aside. 

"See, see, I told you, the whale is suffering because of what this old man did to her, he's trying to kill her, I knew it!", Kaya says, pointing at the old man. 

"Alright, mystery solved, let's get out of here, we'll deal with this later", Zoro says, grabbing an oar so they can leave quickly. 

"Urgh, I can't believe I'm going to say this, but the snot head is right, let's get out of here", Sanji says, also grabbing an oar. 

And while everyone was helping by rowing, Usopp notices out of the corner of his eye Crocus getting up and then diving into the gastric juice. 

"HEY, this crazy old man dove into the gastric juice!!", Usopp shouts, grabbing everyone's attention. 

"What is he doing? He's going to die!", Nami comments, surprised, before turning back to steer the ship. 

"I don't know, let's get out of here before Merry ends up sinking", Zoro says, not caring at all about what the old man is doing. 

At that moment, the whale crashes into the Red Line with great force, making everything tremble violently, and due to this, from a normal-sized steel door located at the top corner of the giant gate, which suddenly opens violently, a man and a woman holding a bazooka each are thrown into the stomach. 

Luffy then stretches his arms, grabs both of them in mid-air, and pulls them onto the Merry's deck, preventing them from falling into the gastric juice. 

"Who are these guys?", Nojiko asks rhetorically. 

"Forget that, more importantly, the old man is escaping", Usopp says, pointing to Crocus, who swam to the giant gate and was now climbing the stairs next to it leading to the normal-sized steel door above. 

"Forget about the old man, Usopp, he doesn't seem like a bad guy, and if he is, we'll just beat him up. For now, let's focus on getting out of here", Luffy says, setting the two strangers, who both he and the rest of us already know, aside. 

After rowing for a few seconds, everything suddenly becomes calm, with the whale seemingly stopping its head-butting against the Red Line. 

"I think the whale calmed down, the old man must have sedated it", Kaya says, speculating. 

"So, who are you two?", Nami asks, looking at the two strangers. 

"M... Mr. 9, they're pirates!", the woman whispers to her partner upon noticing the black flag with the Straw Hat Pirates' Jolly Roger on one of the masts. 

"I... I know, Miss Wednesday! And I think they know that we know that they know. As soon as they get distracted, we'll make our move, attack the whale, and kill it", Mr. 9 whispers, trying to analyze the facial expressions of the Straw Hat crew. 

"Ehh, you guys know we can still hear you, right? Even if you're whispering. And what's this about you wanting to kill the big whale?", Luffy asks, crouching down beside the two without them noticing, startling them with his question. 

"AS LONG AS I BREATHE, YOU WILL NEVER LAY A SINGLE FINGER ON LABOON!!!", Crocus shouts, appearing back on the small platform in front of the normal-sized steel door. 

"Oh, the old man is back", Usopp comments, turning his attention back to the old man, as do all his crewmates. 

As soon as the Straw Hats' attention turns to the old man, Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday quickly stand up, grabbing, aiming, and firing with their bazookas while shouting, "Hehehehe, now Mr. 9!" "Now that we're inside the whale, it'll be much easier to make a hole in its stomach!!" 

"Ohohoho, resisting is useless", Miss Wednesday says arrogantly, laughing like a stereotypical noblewoman. 

"Easy, easy, this whale will feed our entire village!!", Mr. 9 says, just like his partner, thinking they had hit the target perfectly. 

"Ehhh, I think you dropped these by accident", Luffy says, holding the two bazooka projectiles they had just fired, offering them back. 

""WHAT??!!!"", they both scream in shock, incredulous at what they just saw. 

"Now, would you do me the favor of tying yourselves up with this rope?", Luffy says, handing them a rope. 

""Of course... of course, sir, we'll do it!"", Terrified, the two comply with what Luffy asked and tie themselves up with the rope. 

=Scene Break= 

After leaving the whale's stomach and returning to the Grand Line's sea, everyone finds themselves relaxing in an area next to the lighthouse located on the left side of the Reverse Mountain canal, talking about the whale Laboon. Tied up and tossed in a corner were Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday, just listening. 

"This species is called an island whale, it can only be found in the West Blue, they are the largest whales in the world. The one we're on is named Laboon, and these two idiots are bandits from a nearby island. They want to kill Laboon for its meat, which would be enough to easily feed their village for about two or three years, but I won't let that happen. Earlier, you thought I was trying to kill Laboon, didn't you, girl?", Crocus asks, addressing Kaya, who was looking with a furrowed brow at the numerous scars on Laboon's head, which at the moment was staring at the Reverse Mountain. 

"From what you said, you don't want this whale to die, so why did you do all this to its body?", Kaya asks, turning her gaze back to Crocus. 


(AN: 1,254 Words)

Hey everyone, did you guys read the latest chapter that came out of the One Piece manga? I think I spent a good twenty minutes staring at that last page trying to decipher what those texts meant. I have some theories. I believe everyone has deduced that the three worlds refer to three different eras, right? 

I think the second world refers to the era of Joy Boy, the first world refers to the beginnings of the One Piece world, and the third world refers to the present and future. In both the first and second worlds, there is a part of the poem that says 'they never met', aside from many other things that it could mean. The idea that this refers to a possible separation of the continents and the people doesn't leave my mind. Like, in the beginning, there was Pangea, something happened, and this Pangea split into continents, most likely related to what is described in the poem of the first world. In the second world, the course of events further separated the world, this time into islands, and now we have the third world, which says 'they will surely meet'.

What does this imply? Will we have a Pangea by the end of this story? I don't know, for now, I only have inconclusive theories. This could imply many things, I just think that what I said could be one of them.

Another thing, I saw someone theorizing that this mural on the last page isn't telling something that happened in the past but is actually telling about the future. What do you guys think about that?


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