As Eimy was sucking my cock when Saki woke back up, she opened her legs and fingered her pussy. My cum gushed out as she brought it up to her mouth and sucked on her fingers as she crawled over and got next to Eimy and helped her clean my cock. "I thought you didn't like this foreigner cock? But here you are licking and sucking my white cock." I said sarcastically as she blushed and shook her head. "My husband hates foreigners, and it rubbed off on me, but I have realized you all are better than Japanese men at everything, and white men are the best at sex." She said seductively as she moved her lips to the tip of my cock as she pushed her mouth onto it gobbling up my cock. It was hot seeing this once proud woman pleasing me, the God of love, lust, and desire.
"Saki, take all of my cock into your mouth like a good little slut." I said with a commanding voice as she looked up and pushed all of it inside as it expanded her throat; you could see the outline of the head of my cock make its way down her throat and back up as she did it over and over until I flood her mouth full of my cum as it rushed down her throat and out of her nose as she had to pull her head back as my cum covered her face and hair painting her in my color as I finally stopped cumming and put my clothes on as she coughed and smiled as cum still came out of her nose as she spoke "Did you enjoy it, master?" She asked, making me smile. "It was some of the best heads I ever had. I will be making you do that more often, Saki." I finished saying as she kotowed to me, touching her forehead to the floor. "I live to please you, my master."
Saki said as she was on the ground, and I smiled, getting up as I dressed and left the room looking for the next woman I was going to fuck. As I went to the main tea room, I heard Isuzu and Itsumi talking and laughing. As I entered the room, they saw me with Oishi Miura. When she saw me, she was confused as she hadn't met a foreigner before, and this one was standing in the room. While I closed the door, Isuzu and Itsumi jumped on her. When I turned back around, she yelled. "Little Isuzu, what are you and your daughter doing!" She was shocked that the two of them were attacking her and pinning her to the ground as I walked over. "They are doing what I asked them to," I said, stripping my clothes off. She noticed my manhood and struggled as I placed my hand on her head, turning back the time and making her 40 again.
"Oishi, I am going to fuck you into submission. As I did your three sisters, just sit back and enjoy getting fucked by the God of love, lust, and desire. My cock can't wait to make you moan." I said while my cock started to pump full of blood, and she watched it enlarge once it reached full mass; she began to struggle more before speaking. "I have a husband; please don't do this. I will do anything, please." She said with worry as I smiled and thought about something. "Let's play a game then. If you can make me cum with your mouth in five minutes, I won't fuck you. But if you can't, you must ride me of your own free will. How does that sound? To not betray your husband, you have to prove you can." I said while looking her in the eyes, and she nodded her head, agreeing to the terms of the deal. I held my hand out, and she shook it as the light started to shine, making her scared.
"Don't worry. This will only make you keep to your word. I don't want you to go back on your word, as that would be lying, and lying is wrong," I said with a wicked smile. Oishi gulped as she started crawling in her tight black dress, which made her body stand out now that her body had gone back almost 40 years for her. As she stood on her knees looking at my massive cock that was putting its shadow on her face, she thought to herself that this man's cock was a work of art before shaking her head as Oishi didn't want to think about it and just made him cum with her mouth to get this over with as her hand touched the cock before her Oishi could feel the hotness it made her pussy gasp once she touched it. Her mind screamed as she felt herself get wet with just touching his cock. She was scared that she wouldn't be able to make him cum in those five minutes and would fall to lust once this went into her.
"My cock isn't going to suck itself," I said, snapping her out of her daydream as she looked up and grabbed my cock with both her hands as she could truly feel its girth and size at this point before sliding the head into her mouth. She started to leak more from her pussy the moment she tasted it. She thought it tasted so good before snapping out of it. She went down slowly, only stopping when it hit the back of her mouth. She didn't put it deeper into her mouth, which would be her downfall, as only having it inside her mouth and not down her throat won't make me cum at all. She started to move her head back and forth as she looked up and could see I wasn't impressed as this wounded her pride as a woman. She sucked harder and faster, trying to make me feel something. She looked at the clock to see a minute had passed, and she couldn't make me make a sound. Her husband would have been moaning non-stop at this point.
She thought, wondering why this man felt nothing from her blowjob that would make her husband cum within a minute or two. But this man isn't even impressed by it. "You think, why am I not showing signs of pleasure, my dear Oishi." The moment she me call her dear, her pussy betrayed her as it sprayed a little inside her dress. She liked me to call her darling. "It's because you're not that good with giving me head," I said with a hint of teasing, as she is a somewhat prideful woman, and when someone tells her that she isn't good at something, she will try harder. That's what Sakura told me. As she had taken my words as a challenge, she unzipped her dress and pulled it down, revealing her ample breasts. She put my massive cock between them and started to suck on it again.
Moving her nice tits did make me feel something, but it wasn't going to be the amount she needed. I looked at the clock, and only two and a half minutes left. She followed my eyes as half the time was gone, and she didn't feel like she was any closer to making this handsome man cum yet. It bothered her as she froze for a moment as she caught herself calling him handsome she shook her head, wondering why her mind was drawn to this man even though he was forcing her to suck on his massive white cock that made her body act up. "Come on, your not going to make me cum with this half-hearted attempt at a blowjob. You have to take my cock into your throat if you want me to feel anything." I said, egging her on as only two minutes are left, and at this point, even if she does put my cock into her throat, she won't make it in time.
She was scared to do it, so I asked, "What, you never deep-throated a cock before? Is your husband that small? I bet he never could make you feel good during sex, then. It's as petty as you're sexy as hell, and I would always please someone of your beauty." I said, making her heart flutter from my compliment, and she was now struggling inside herself. As he was right, she could never deep throat her husband as he was only three inches long and wasn't that thick either compared to this man's tasty cock. His was pathetic. Oishi pushed my cock deeper into her mouth until it started to move down her throat, sending waves of pleasure through her body as she squirted inside her dress. Impossible, I orgasmed while doing my first deepthroat as she shook while trying to take more of the cock down her throat and send more pleasure into her before she had to pull the cock out of her mouth.
Oishi placed her hands on the ground, quivering as her orgasm was intense. As she finally stopped cumming, a ringing sound went off; she looked up to see five minutes had passed, and she turned to me with a scared look seeing me smile. "Shall we have fun, Oishi?"
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