A little bite to eat before the main course.

As Aimi lay below me, trying to fight the pleasure taking over her body, I drowned in the fact I was making this girl conflicted with her feelings and desires, like making her fall was more enjoyable than it would be fucking her. "Aimi, I will take my sweet time making sure you know who you belong to," I whispered into her ear as her body shook with fear but also with the sweet taste of pleasure. She tried to push that out of her mind but did not prevail. I pulled out my cock, and she saw it making a shocked face as she tried to struggle with the roots. I ripped the underwear keeping me from her garden as I leaned forward, kissing her. As she bit my tongue but couldn't draw blood or make me feel pain as the head of my cock pushed into her making her arch her hips as her eyes widened from the invading mass. "IT'S TO BIG! YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK MY PUSSY!" Aimi yelled with tears flowing from her eyes. I caressed her face as I spoke to her.

"If you ask nicely for me to take it easy on you and allow me to have sex with you of your own choice, I will take it slow with you and not hurt you," I said as the tip of my cock hit her hymen she looked at me, struggling to think what to do as I whispered into her ear. "You have five seconds to make up your mind." As I said that, she snuffled as she spoke. "Please, fuck me gently." She said while turning her head, and I smiled. "Good girl, Aimi." I used my divine powers to make sure she didn't feel pain and only pleasure as I pushed my cock through her hymen, making her moan as she was shocked that she didn't feel pain and was feeling fantastic. "See, if you give yourself to me willingly, all that waits for you is pleasure and love that you wouldn't find from any other man in this world. Now, let's celebrate our newfound relationship." I said while moving her head to face me as I kissed her. This time, she was in so much pleasure that she couldn't think and just let me kiss her without a struggle as I undid the roots as I moved. She kept her hands above her head as she didn't notice them leaving. I kissed down her neck and started to suck on her nipples.

"Why does this feel so good?! I shouldn't like this, but my body and heart want more. Something is wrong with me." She said, filled with worry and shame. "Nothing is wrong with you, my dear Aimi. You were made to be one of my women; your body tells you that. After all, if it weren't so, then your body would hate this, but it's sucking on my cock, desiring my cum to fill your virgin pussy. Just give in and enjoy the pleasure we give each other, and I will take care of you for the rest of your life, my love." When I called her "my dear" and "my love," she moaned, and her pussy tightened, making her doubt if she should really fight this as everything he told her made sense at least on a physical level. I began to nibble on her erect nipples as she lifted her hips in response to the pleasure short-circuiting her brain as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her tongue stuck out. "IT'S SO GOOD, MR. ROCKEFELLER!" Her black-painted toenails dug into the grass while she started to squirt from her orgasm.

I pulled her up as she still enjoyed the flood of chemicals inside her mind. She wrapped her arms around me while I pleased my hands on her ass, lifting her up and down. She started to kiss and suck on my neck, not remembering I forced myself on her as she didn't care anymore and only desired more pleasure from me. Aimi started to move her hips. "Your cock feels so fucking good. Give me more of it and make me fall in love with you." She said as she looked me in the eyes, not caring anymore about me forcing her to enjoy this pleasure for the rest of her life. She was willing to give in as he could care for her as her great-grandmother told her he was rich. So, giving him her body and heart wouldn't be bad if she could enjoy her life without working and studying anymore.

I started to stand up as I held her, thrusting into her faster. Her screaming moans rang out as she fell deeper into the pit of pleasure and lust, drowning in it as it washed over her, making her gush from her pussy. "YES! MY DEAR, YOU CAN FILL MY SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD PUSSY WITH YOUR THICK CUM AND BREED ME. I WILL GO BACK TO THE US WITH YOU AND CARRY ALL YOUR CHILDREN IF I CAN BE DROWNED IN THIS PLEASURE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!" She screamed with a crazed desire, not caring if her life was that of a woman who lived to have children, as this man was everything she needed in life now. I smiled, giving her a few more minutes of hard fucking until she reached her limits and wanted my cum. "MR. ROCKEFELLER FILL ME WITH YOUR WHITE MAN CUM AND BREED ME!" She gave one more scream as she started to squirt, and I thrust into her womb and began to flood it with my thick jelly cum.

She shook in my embrace as she laid her head on my shoulder until she finally finished cumming my cock out of her pussy, making my cum gush onto the ground as I set her down on the ground as she sweated from the sex. She looked up at me while moving my cock to her face "Aimi, clean my cock off with your mouth." I said with authority as she smiled, moving her lips to my cock and taking it inside her mouth, moving all the way to the base and taking it back out, licking her lips and smiling. "Good, girl. I am going to enjoy you from now on, my dear Aimi. Get dressed as we have a little fun going on later, as your great-grandmother will explain to you once we go back in." I said while pinching one of her nipples as I leaned down and kissed her.

We got cleaned up after five minutes. As we returned, Aimi walked over to Oishi and whispered into her ear, making her chuckle, "Good, girl. You found a worthy man to carry on our bloodline. With granted, I will be joining you on that road as we leave these failures of men and go back to the US with him as he is the only man deserving of the women of this family and not the failures we married." She Oishi whispered back into her great-granddaughter's ear. They both laughed as Oishi's husband spoke, "What so funny?" He said, and Oishi smiled at him with a hint of contempt before speaking. "Talking about real men and fake men. It's a woman thing you wouldn't understand at all." She replied as he shrugged. He walked away as Aimi spoke.

"I can't believe you married that loser, Great-grandmother." Aimi looked at him like you look at a pile of shit. "If American men were around in Japan at the time, I would have picked a white man at that time." She said while sighing. As everyone finally showed up, the women left to have a little women's get-together as the men got together. I disappeared as I waited for them to drink the stuff. Isuzu finds me as they have done what I asked, and the women and men have passed out as I smile, licking my lips as time goes by. Moving all the women and men into the backyard where the party is going to be held, I made the older women younger as I didn't want them to be too wrinkly as that is kind of a turn-off for me as I strip them of their clothes and tie them up. At the same time, they are naked, making sure that their legs are spread wide open.

I stripped the men. All of them were so fucking small I had a hard time not laughing as I summoned wooden polls and tied them to them as the girls told me which women belonged to which men as I planned to fuck all the women, dear to those men right in front of them as they women see them getting turned on by it they will come to hate those men. I mean, a woman isn't going to respect a man that gets turned on by another man fucking their daughters and wives. It will break that bond between them and make them love me as I overwrite the sexual memories.

I made two clones for each female here. No matter how old or young they are, they will have their holes filled in front of the men in their lives.