Chapter 3

Chapter 3 System info

I went to my room and jumped onto the bed.



Race: Human

Title: Born of War, Child of Slaughter.

Class: N/A

Level: 1

Strength 5

Dexterity 5

Vitality 5

Stamina 5

Intelligence 5

Wisdom 5

Agility 5

Luck 100

Hmmmmm, I guess it's to be expected. I am a baby after all. But why is my Luck 100? I guess I am fortunate to be alive with a Calamity class as my caretaker.

And my Titles are strange. Born of War? Child of Slaughter? What the hell does that mean?

The only one who I think might know must be my mistress. But how can I confront her with it? Just say uuuh mistress am I child of Slaughter? Am I born of war? Does that ring any bells?

Yeah, I won't do that. I'll probably say where did she find me and who are my parents. I'll talk to her about it later.


[The host will need to activate his dormant mana core once he reaches 5 years of age to access classes and the skill trees.]

We'll get there eventually, i guess.

'System, explain the stats'.

[Strength: Governs your muscle, bone, tendons, strengths.]

[Dexterity: Governs your Sleight of hand, Weapon Prowess, etc.]

[Vitality: Governs your health and health regeneration.]

[Stamina: Governs your stamina and stamina regeneration.]

[Intelligence: Governs your Mana Capacity, And Mana regeneration.]

[Wisdom: Governs your comprehension, Decision Making, And brain processing speed.]

[Agility: Governs your reaction speed, Running speed, etc.]

[Luck: Governs luck.]



'System, how do I cultivate and when can I start?'

[Seeing as you're a unique existence possessing a Mana core, you can start cultivation at the age of 5. Most people start at the age of 10 mind you. Cultivation is the act of going against the natural order. To be a cultivator is to reach immortality, the apex, total strength.

And utter Domination. You start by refining your body, Muscle, Bones, Tendons, Nerves, Organs.

Everything must be refined and tempered so you can take in and absorb Spirit Qi. This stage is called Body Refining Stage.

After absorbing enough Spirit Qi, you will form The Dantian near your heart. And from your Dantian you start opening your meridians one by one, totaling 108 meridians. The meridians' purpose is to channel Spirit Qi from and to the Dantian, Making it so you can absorb faster and unleash Spirit Qi or enhance your body. This stage is called Meridian Opening Stage.

After Opening the last Meridian, you will need to absorb the abundance of Spirit Qi into your middle Dantian that's near your heart, and start condensing it to Core of Solid Spirit Qi. This stage is called Core Condensation Stage.

After that you would need to form you Qi Seed or Seeds around the Solid core. These Qi Seeds represents your elemental affinities and Law comprehension. Most people form 1 Qi seed in their entire lifetime, due to lack of resources or comprehension. But you host, if you increase your Wisdom, you will be able form much more than just one or two.

You can gain more Qi Seeds even after this stage, but we'll leave it for later.

After forming at least one Qi Seed, you will start forming you Spirit Qi Sea from the Solid Spirit Qi Core. This stage is called Inner Sea Stage. You don't always have to form a Qi Seed to form your Inner Sea.

After tha-]

Okay enough I get it!

Ugh that's too much for now. System know when to stop.



I should take a walk, that was a lot of info dump.

I'll go see the fox girl since I "learned" how to speak recently I should introduce myself to my "big sister".

I walked through the hallway on the 2nd floor where my room is and found her room at the far end of the hallway.

I knocked on the door "hello, are you there? "

" WHAT" a shout resounded from inside the room.

"Uhhh. Sorry maybe next time" And turned around and was about to leave. Then the door burst open and two small, delicate hands reached out to my waist and pulled me inside the room.

I looked around While she still hugged me from behind, the room had an eastern feel to it. Very simple and cozy. In clear contrast to the villa, we're in.

She was still hugging me While humming a tune. I'm staring to think that she thinks I'm a doll.

"Hey, can you put me down"

She turned me around and looked at me with an astonished look. After that she lifted me above her head and smilingly said: "My little brother is so cute how can I let you get away from me?!"

"Sigh… Ok I understand" I said with a dejected look on my face.

She pouted and put me down. Then she patted my head and said: "There, there, it's all going to be okay don't cry little brother".

Her smile was enough to make me want to protect her all my life.

"I wasn't going to cry". I said with a poker face.

"Sure, you didn't, you're big and strong!" She said with a smug smile.

"Anyways, I came here to know more about you, what's your name?".

Her face brightened with a sweet smile showing her sharp canines. Then she put her hand on her chest in a very princess like pose.

"My name is Yuki. A Demifox, your big sister". She said while pointing at her flat chest "I'm 10 years old right now and will start cultivating soon, So wish me luck little brother".

Yuki , huh… doesn't that mean snow in Japanese? Doesn't make sense seeing her fiery demeanor...

"Nice to meet you Yuki, I was named today as Jason. I hope we can be good friends in the future." I said with a smile.

She Karate chopped my head and said: "Call me big sister!"

Wincing through the pain I said: "okay! Okay… please don't hit me…".

Yuki flinched. Then she patted my head and smilingly said: "There, there, it's all going to be okay, don't cry little brother".

I squinted at her, 'man she has issues. But she's cute so it's okay'.