Chapter 10

The next day we gathered at the gate of the estate. The lady elf estate was big. But the only building was the mansion in the center.

A giant black crow with six red menacing eyes appeared on the horizon. Atop it was an enchanting beauty. She was wearing a maid outfit. sleeveless top with a short skirt covering only half her thigh. Her breasts were begging for release. She wore black stockings on her long, thick legs. This was a succubus through and through.

The crow landed 50 meters from the gate. Then the woman gracefully dismounted and walked straight to the gate. She stopped at 10 meters from the gate. Then she curtsied with a deep bow. Her breasts were dangling like ripe fruit.

"Greetings Mistress. Guardian of the Empire of Dawn. War angel. The Valkyrie. Silver wings. Shadowheart Sect Elder, Mia, humbly greets you."

The mistress only nodded. Cold.

"Take care of little Sarah. Her young master has grown attached to her." The elven beauty smirked at me. Stop. You'll make me blush.

"She will be in the care of the Sect master herself. Her future will be bright. The young master will be pleased with her. I assure you." I glanced at Sarah and saw her blushing. What are they teaching her there?

"Now child. Say your farewells." Elder Mia said with an amiable smile.

"Young master. I'll see you later okay? Edna and Anna will take care of your food and clothing so don't worry. Remember to brush your teeth and shower every day. Also, don't for-" I cut her off and said:" Alright, alright, I get it. Now come give me a hug." Then I stretched out my arms.

Sarah blushed. The she slowly approached and embraced me." Don't me miss me too much Sarah. " And I pecked her cheek.

Sarah blushed even more. Then got away from and picked up her belongings and stood next to the Elder. Not daring to look at me.

The Elder smirked at me. It's like she's seeing through me or something. She's still too young Elder Mia. Don't overthink things…

Then she picked Sarah and her belongings. And bid us farewell.

Sarah POV

The Dark Crow lifted off. And I went with a heavy heart. My beloved master waving goodbyes at us with a broad smile. He's so cute! God, I wish I never separate from him... But it's necessary. I must be the best maid for him. It is my duty and honor to serve my master faithfully.

Elder Mia looked at me inquisitively " What are you thinking about little Sarah?"

I blushed then meekly said:" I-I'm t-thinking about my young m-master, lady Mia..."

"Good. A good maid thinks about her master's needs the most. You will be a good maid little Sarah."

"N-no! I'm going to the perfect maid for him!" I shouted at her. But then I remembered my insolence in shouting at her face. "F-f-forgive me lady Mia for shouting at you..."

Melodious laughter sounded from her. Then she patted my head " That's good little Sarah. A maid strives to be perfect in every aspect. Whether its cooking, cleaning, defending her honour and master's, or... warming the bed."

I blushed heavily. The she continued" We will mold you into the perfect maid. Our cultivation manual is the most superior Yin and Darkness manual. The Gentle Shadowy Embrace will smooth out your already Darkness attributed physique. Abyssal Devouring Physique, was it? Your master is lucky indeed. "

" No. I'm the lucky one to have a master as wonderful as him... "I said in a low tone that didn't escape lady Mia's ears.

She giggled a little" You love him too much huh? Did you seduce him already? You know he's still 5. I'll give a piece of advice little one. Sleep with him every day. Make him long for your touch. Your warmth. Your lips. Also hold his hand whenever you can… "

My god! She's too lewd!

" Lady Mia! "

" What? You will be his sooner or later. Better start young I say hahaha~. "





I already miss her. She's very kind and gentle. Adorable and cute. The perfect little maid…

Before I went back to the mansion, the mistress stopped me suddenly " Jason I have a gift for you."

My eyes sparkled at her. I extended both my hands at her "Gimme gimme!"

She smiled at my act "Too eager I see~. Anyways here you go." Then she handed me a plain silver ring.

"What's this?" I asked.

"This is a concealment ring. A very precious treasure. It will hide your cultivation. You're 5 and already at the 3rd level of body refining realm. It will arouse suspicion and people will try to hurt you and find out your secrets. It also has another function. You can show your desired cultivation to people. As long as its equals or less than your actual cultivation by a major level. "

My hands were shaking looking at the cheat treasure in my hands. I wore it on my right ring finger. Then it shrank to accommodate my finger" I will treasure it. Thank you, my mistress. "

" Oh. By the way where did you find it? "

She raised an eyebrow at me" Found it? I made it myself. Boy. "

" Oh! Ahahahaha! As expected of my mistress. You're amazing! " I tried to rush in and hug her, but she moved swiftly. And I ended up faceplanted into the dirt.

" One other thing. " She said. Ignoring my still body. Unbelievable…" Jane. She will come back in 2 weeks' time. You should meet her by then. "Then she teleported away in a vortex of gray and dark energy.


That woman… She turned me into a vampire for some reason… What does she want from me? Rather, what can I even do for her? Does she know I have a Mana Core? I mean… I am an anomaly in this world… But how will that help her? Will she just use me in the end and discard me once my usefulness is over?

I don't want that…


I want her...

I want her to be mine…