Chapter 15

We arrived at a huge mansion on the outskirts if the village. Total of the estate was less than my mistresses. But the building was bigger. I know my mistress doesn't care for luxury that much. Being eccentric and carefree.

We arrived at the gate. Then Nora screamed " Father! I'm home!".

Out comes a middle-aged man with Blonde hair and blue eyes. Muscular and with scruffy beard. He eyed me and squinted. Then relaxed his face and approached his child smiling.

"Nora… Where have you been? Didn't I tell you to leave Bella outside the house? She may make a mess everywhere…" The father was ignoring me for some reason. Eh, we'll get to it, I guess.

"No father! Bella is very smart and cute! She will never make a mess. Oh. And this is my new friend Jason!" Nora pointed at me with a giggle.

The man glared at me. "So, you're one of the strays that lady Marigold has taken in. Right?"

I glared at the man. 'Scan him' I said inwardly.

[Early Rune Fusion Realm]

[Weaker than the elven mistress, but can still annihilate you.]

Tsk. Of course.

"My lady has taken me in yes." I said with gritted teeth.

The man showed a sly grin. Is this a win for you? Pitiful man. Bullying the weak.

"Father! He's, my friend! You shouldn't bully him!" Nora shouted at the side. My Dame in shining armor~.

"I'm sorry Nora. I'm just teasing him a little. He's a young man he'll rough it out." The man said to his daughter. Eyeing me from the side in contempt. What the fuck did I do? I saved your daughter and her pet! You ungrateful fuck!

I just gave them a stupid smile befitting my age. Acting ignorant in these confrontations can be beneficial. Or at least can let their guard down.

"Whatever father. Just don't tease him too much. He's still a young Boy. Now if you'll excuse us, we'll go to my room." Nora took my hand While holding Bella in the other.

While going up the stairs I glanced back at the man and gave him a sinister smirk.

The man furrowed his brows. Then relaxed like nothing happened. After all, I'm only 6 years old.

We arrived at Nora's room. As expected of an Ojou-sama her room was lavish. From the gold decorated bed of finest silk and pillows with the comfiest feather. To the open door of her changing room filled to the brim with all kinds of clothes. I even saw a Daoist robe.

While I admired her painting above the bed. Where she posed with her father. She was pouting, probably because of the uncomfortable-looking pink dress. While her father was wearing a golden suit of Armor. Wearing a stoic smile.

The missing mother wasn't lost on me. I figure she's not around. Maybe dead, who knows.

While I was admiring the painting. Nora pulled the hem off my shirt. I turned to her and saw her embarrassed expression.

"Father wouldn't let me take it down. So please stop staring at it."

"Why would you want to take it down? You look cute!" I teased.

She frowned "Are you teasing me?"

"Yes" I answered.

"Haha! You're funny! Come lets have some tea." She laughed it off and we sat a small table. She clapped and a maid with a tea set entered the room. Then she exited.

She offered me a cup of tea and I accepted gladly. The aromatic scent of the tea reminded me of past times in my old life. Where I sat at the balcony. Mary sitting Beside me.

Who's Mary? What is this feeling?

A tear fell from my eye. Nora noticed "What's wrong? Was the tea hot?"

Nora woke me from my reverie. I smiled at her "No. It's just... I remembered someone."

Nora's eyes softened. She brought her chair closer to me. And held my hand "Is it your mom?"

I pursed my lips. The little girl must be missing her mother. I can imagine her remembering her mother and crying silent tears.

I held her hand with my other hand "You can say that. I just miss her."

Nora clasped my hand. Tears trickled down her rosy cheeks. "I miss mama so much! I-I miss her so much! Waaaahhhh~"

I hugged her and patted her back. She still cried and cried. I can only console her by patting her.

After 10 minutes of crying, she stopped. I cleaned her face with a handkerchief. I caressed her cheeks" Feeling better? "

She glanced back at me. Then at Bella. Who was silently watching us from her bed in the corner of the room.

" Forgive me Jason. I dirtied your clothes... "

This girl...

" Don't worry about its Nora." I smiled warmly at her. The loss of a parent can be devastating to such a young girl. I can only be a good friend to her.

We continued our tea party. I was cracking jokes to lift her mood. Doing silly faces sometimes. A child like her doesn't need much to cheer up.

We played in the back garden with Bella. Playing catch and throwing frisbees around.

When it was 4 pm I excused myself. She made me promise to come back. I promised I would come to see her once a week.

She waved goodbye at the gate with a broad smile. I waved back and returned to the estate.

I saw the kids I beat up eating ice cream as they ran around, playing. Their two little black... Dogs? They look like wolf cubs.

I saw their smiles as they ate their ice cream, carrying around what I assume to be groceries.

I smiled and went my way back to my home.

I saw Yuki standing at the door, glaring at me. I smiled as I neared her.

"Missed me already?" I looked up at her as I teased her. Yuki looked to the side as she blushed a little.

"N-No! no… Why didn't you tell me if you want to go to the village? I could've come with!" Yuki pouted cutely.

"Sure, why not? I met this girl named Nora. She's cute~. I think you will be good friends!" I held Yuki's hand and went inside.

Yuki's face flushed crimson from his hands pulls. And she whispered "If it's for you… sure…"