Chapter 27

Chapter 27

The room was a mess. The smell of sex was everywhere. We tried so many positions. On the bed. The couch. On the wall. Our love juices stained everything.

After changing the sheets. Keeping the one with her virgin blood in a jade container and tossing it in my storage ring, Of course. I laid down with Edna in my embrace. Her breasts were plastered on me. Giving immense pleasurable feeling. Her content and satisfied smile made me want to kiss her some more.

[Time until Departure 00-01-17-37]

Now that ruined the mood...

I reluctantly separated myself from her clutches. She almost wringed me dry not going to lie. She was so passionate...

I wrote a letter for this occasion and left it in the nightstand. Pouring out my heartfelt feelings to assure her of my commitment to her.

I neared her. My beautiful, wet nurse...

I kissed her forehead gently. She hummed a little and smiled broadly.

I don't want to go...

Finally, after washing myself and wearing my light armour, I went to Nisha's room.

I opened the door to see her cutely hugging her teddy bear, sleeping soundly.

I sat next to her on the bed. Hearing her little snores filled me with happiness.

To see her sleeping without worry, to see her playing outside without any fear, and to see her dancing in the halls of the house...

I loved every second of it...

I practically raised her.

Kissing her forehead gently, I caressed her cheek one last time, then I left her to her dreams.

I could swear I saw her smiling...

I went a distance away. When I was far enough, I looked back to my home. There I made promises that I will keep. Had a family that I will cherish. Even found love again...

[Time until Departure 00-00-00-21]

My tears swelled in my eyes. And when it rains it pours. I'm a sniveling mess.

[Time until Departure 00-00-00-09]

I wiped my tears and closed my eyes. I will come back. I will come back. I. WILL. COME. BACK!

[Time until Departure 00-00-00-03]

[Time until Departure 00-00-00-02]

[Time until Departure 00-00-00-01]

[Time until Departure 00-00-00-00]


[Teleport Complete]


I opened my eyes to whiteness. Complete utter whiteness. The wind hit me hard, and I was flung a few meters till I found my footing on the snow. I looked around to see snowy mountains and a frosted lake. Since I'm a Vampire, the cold never bothered me. It was the wind! I was in the middle of a Fierce snowstorm!

I covered myself in Spirit Qi, then wore my cold weather clothing. White bear fur with a hood with matching pants. For appearances sake really. I also changed my hair color to black and my eyes to blue. Being a Vampire sure is convenient.

I can literally change my facial structure! Although it's kinda painful so I tend not to do it.

'System. Nearest village or settlement please.'

[20 km west from here.]

'Compass please?'

A yellow arrow appeared above my vision. Pointing in the right direction like it's a game or something.

'Thank you!'



I walked through the heavy storm. I can't use my movement ability without clear vision. And who knows what I might find in the sky if I jumped.

Slowly but surely, I reached the village. It was surrounded by a thick wooden wall reaching 10 meters high. Atop it was the guards. They looked to be mostly demi humans. With their wolf ears and tails.

I approached the gate "Can I enter the village?" I screamed from the top of my lungs.

"Not in this storm kid. Just grab something till it settles down." The guards said and laughed loudly…


Ughhh! Cruel fucks... What can you expect from fucking retards.

As much as I want to enter at all costs… What if one of them has a higher cultivation base than me? I'll be dead within seconds!

I didn't want to draw attention, so I retreated. Conjured a cave under the snow using my earth manipulation technique from my earth mage adept class, and sat down in it. I don't need fire since I'm not cold. I sat down to meditate waiting for the storm to die down.

Great fucking start!


Two days later... It took two days for the storm to end... Two! Fucking! Days! Just sitting there doing nothing!

I got out to the rays of the sun. It was dawn already.

I walked to the gate and saw it open with 2 guards stationed there. When I was about to enter, they stopped me.

"10 Copper coins."

I handed them the coins from my pocket.

"You know what. Its 20 C. Cough it up."


I handed in another ten and entered the village. It was your run of the mill village. There were some inns. Brothels. Smithy. Potion store and a guild Branch.

I ignored everything and went to the Nearest Inn. It was in an okay state. Nothing much really. I went to the counter and saw a fat fuck eating soup.

"How much for a room?"

He eyed from the corner of his eye. "1 silver a day. Payment in advance." I tossed 3 coins, and he caught them swiftly. After he made sure of its authenticity. He threw a key at me.

"2nd floor, 3rd room on your right." I nodded and made my way upstairs. I entered the room and went to the shower. There's hot water at least. I soaked my weary bones in the bathtub. Images of Edna passing through my mind. holy shit her tits were huge…

I should get out of the shower.

This is too pathetic...

After I finished bathing, I slumped on the bed. Still thinking about her... I tried to sleep but her image kept surfacing in my mind. I'm restless. My cock is fully erect.

Remembering her giant tits. Her jiggly ass. The way she looks at me While sucking me off...

Goddamn it! Fuck!

I need a distraction! I can't keep going like this… Aren't I supposed to go home? I need to go home! I want to fuck Edna's brains out!

Keep cool. Keep calm. Keep collected.

I'm going to the guild first thing in the morning!