Chapter 42

Paradise Prison. Present day.

I opened my eyes to see the bewitching smile of Olivia. No matter how many times I look at it I just can't seem to get bored of it.

"Congratulations on reaching the Metamorphosis Soul Realm!" Olivia clapped and congratulated me. She looked so proud of her pupil.

"Thank you, my mistress. Without you, I wouldn't even dream of reaching this point." I bowed to her slightly While still sitting. I looked up to see her blushing.

"Oh please~ you flatter me too much! Even without my help you would have reached this point with your monstrous talent and comprehension factor."

I shook my head "Forgive me for saying this but that's nonsense. It was you who taught me and inspired me. It was you. All you."

Her blush deepened a little. She looks like a teen girl with her blushing.

"Whatever." She got closer and held my hand. "Let's go eat. You must be starving. No?"

Her soft hand on mine got my heart beating faster. "Yeah. I'm famished."

We walked hand in hand. I was stalling a little bit behind. Mainly to admire her figure. She was wearing a light blue robe accentuated by silver decorations. It looked amazing. Solely because she was wearing it. Golden accessories adorned her from tip to toe. Looking like an Empress.

We reached the balcony on the third floor. The feast was already there prepared by the mannequin maids. The aromatic fragrance of the food caught my attention. I gulped my saliva in anticipation.

I looked at the night sky. It was beautiful. Stars of different colors and gradients adorned the space like jewels.

"It's beautiful..."

Olivia looked at the night sky. "It is. Unfortunately, it's all fake...just an image projected by a formation. A" Gift" from those who imprisoned me... "

I gritted my teeth and clenched my hands. A deep hatred formed inside me. Olivia noticed my expression and sighed.

" It's alright, Jason... Although it is fake it's still beautiful. And also, you'll be able to see the real stars once you're expelled from this pocket Realm." A sad smile formed on her beautiful face.

I looked back at her. Her melancholic smile saddened me greatly. Such a pure and innocent woman was suffering all alone in this fucking prison! My heart ached...

" Olivia. I will get you out of this cursed prison. I promise you!"

"Ahahahaha! Jason. Don't make promises you can't keep." Olivia dismissed me.

I caught her shoulders "I always keep my promises! I will free you, Olivia! And we'll see the stars Together! The real stars!"

Olivia's eyes trembled. Her Body was shaken for a moment. The promise of seeing the real stars again moved her.

Olivia clenched her peerless white hands. Then she glared at me" You better keep your promise, or I will never Forgive you! "

" Yes! I promise! Cross my heart and hope to die!"

" Pfftt~! What does that mean? "Olivia unclenched her fists. She almost laughed.

" It means I would rather die than break my promise! " I gave her a determined look and smiled confidently.

" Hmph! You better! "



Not one day has passed without thinking about her...

Mary was my everything...

If I didn't promise her to keep on living and find happiness again, I would have ended it a long time ago...

I miss her warmth...

Even in death she took care of me. A month after her funeral a lawyer came to me with a will.

'Dear Husband, My Moonlight.

This letter was written after the day of my diagnosis. In the Case of my death, a lawyer will come to you carrying this message. With it also comes my inheritance from my departed parents.

A home for you and your new family.

I never wanted to live there. But I couldn't just sell the house. It had memories of my parents there. But I also never wanted to live there... Foolish right? I would've sold the house to pay for our mortgage. But with my death the deal is null and void. Courtesy of our government. The only good thing they ever did.

Also, my savings will be transferred to your account. I know you want to have your own Cafe. A good place to find a good woman, no? Anyways it should be enough for 2 years of rent and supplies. I wish you all the best, my moonlight.

It's good that we had health insurance. Or it would have evaporated with the costs.

Anyways I'm ranting too much here.

Love. Remember me. Okay?



Your Sunshine.'

My tears stained the will. My life lost its color after your passing, my sunshine...

I visited the house she gave me. All the rooms were either empty or filled with boxes. A Two-story villa in the suburbs. It was bigger than the house we bought. I sold it after seeing this place.

I started a Cafe down the Street. I never wanted to have my own Cafe. I just thought that out loud after Mary told me how good my coffee was. I just got good at it because she loved coffee...

Moonlight Cafe. She would've loved this name...

Today was the day where I received job applications for a waiter position, I put up online.

The bell rang. Signaling the arrival of the first applicant for the job. I looked at the arrival and saw a girl in big nerdy eyeglasses.

"I-is this Moonlight Cafe? The sign says so."

I blinked a couple of times. Is she serious? I eyed her from top to bottom. Black hair with brown eyes. Average height. Big breasts. Like. Real big. Curvy with a slime waist. She was wearing a jacket over her magical girl shirt. Blue jeans and crocs. Abysmal fashion sense. But a sexy body. Not bad.

"Yes. This is Moonlight Cafe. I'm the owner, Joe. Can I help you?" I stood up and said.

She smiled and said "I'm here for the job application. My name is Rachel!"

We shook hands and sat at a table. Rachel is a medical student. And since she's struggling with finances, she decided to look for a part time job.

"Will this job impede your education? I wouldn't want to be the reason for failing grades…" I was a little concerned.

"Oh, don't worry about that! This neighborhood is actually very quiet. I don't think there would be much traffic here! Hehehe~!" Rachel giggled. I can only shake my head…