A Plan Unfolds

Isabella's engagement to Lord Edward Thornton became widely known, bringing a sense of gloom to the usually bustling Harrington estate. Isabella withdrew to her quarters, her heart heavy with grief, feeling the weight of her father's decision. The idea of being forced to marry Edward—a man she hardly knew—let alone fall in love with him was intolerable to her. Her thoughts kept drifting back to the man who had completely won her heart, the handsome Duke William Crawford.

William paced anxiously in his study at his London mansion, disturbed by the news. He knew he couldn't simply stand by and let Isabella be pushed into a loveless marriage. Seeking to end the betrothal, he called upon his devoted companion, Sir James Wentworth, who was renowned for his slyness and ingenuity.

Arriving on time, Sir James listened to William's recounting of events with a serious expression on his face.

"We need to act fast, William," Sir James insisted. "Thornton is influential, and once the engagement is official, it will be much tougher to reverse."

William raked a hand through his dark hair in frustration. "I know," he said. "So what can we do? Edward won't give up Isabella easily, and her father is quite determined."


After a moment of thought, Sir James' eyes lit up with an idea. "We need to uncover any dirt on Thornton. If we can find any scandal or wrongdoing from his past, we might be able to persuade Isabella's father to reconsider the engagement."

William nodded, hope flickering in his eyes. "Thornton's past isn't clean. I've heard rumors about shady friends and gambling debts. If we can find evidence..."

"Exactly," Sir James agreed. "I have contacts who owe me favors in the underworld. I'll start digging for any dirt on Thornton. Meanwhile, you need to reassure Isabella and let her know we're fighting for her."

With resolve, William and Sir James put their plan into action. Sir James began investigating Thornton's shady history, while William penned a letter to Isabella, expressing his unwavering love and assuring her that they were doing everything to safeguard her.

My Isabella, my dear

I regret deeply to learn of your depressing engagement to Lord Edward Thornton. Know that I will not watch helplessly as you are coerced into an unloving marriage. I am making every effort, together with my good friend Sir James Wentworth, to find a way out of this engagement.

Hurry on, and have faith in our affection. I am in spirit with you, and soon we will be in body and soul together.

Forever yours,


William gave his loyal servant the letter, and the servant gave it to Isabella's lady's maid.

Reading William's heartfelt letter gave Isabella a new sense of hope. She knew she had to stay patient and strong, trusting William and Sir James.

Weeks went by as Sir James kept digging into Thornton's past. He uncovered a string of unethical actions, unpaid debts, and gambling problems that stained Edward Thornton's reputation. With this information, Sir James and William formulated a plan to present their findings to Lord Harrington.

They knew it would be a challenge. Lord Harrington was a proud man, and he wouldn't easily admit he had made a bad decision for his daughter's future. Still, they had to give it a shot. Isabella's pleasure was at risk, and the stakes were too great.

William and Sir James arrived at Harrington Hall one evening in the dark. A covert message from William notified Isabella of their arrival, and she waited impatiently for their signal.

She knew it was time when she noticed a lantern flickering in the garden.

Sneaking out of the house, she met them by the old oak tree. Her voice trembling with excitement, she asked, "William, Sir James, did you find anything?"

William took her hands and said, "We did, my dear. Sir James found evidence against Thornton. We need to present it to your father and persuade him to cancel the engagement."

Isabella nodded, her heart pounding. "I'll do whatever I can to help."

They walked together to Lord Harrington's study, where he was sitting and going through some correspondence. The severe lord raised his head, startled to see his daughter and her friends. He insisted, "What is the meaning of this?"

Isabella took a deep breath and said, "Father," her voice was steady even though she felt nervous, "There's something you need to see. It's about Lord Thornton."

Sir James stepped forward and handed over the documents he had collected. "These papers, my lord, reveal Lord Thornton's debts and associations with dubious characters. He's not the man you believe him to be."

As Lord Harrington reviewed the evidence, his expression became more serious. His pride wrestled with the undeniable proof before him. Finally, with a look of concern for his daughter, he glanced up. "Is this true, Isabella? Do you still wish to marry Thornton?"

Isabella replied, "No, Father," her eyes pleading. "I don't love him. William has my whole heart."

Lord Harrington sighed deeply, the weight of his decision pressing on him. "Very well," he said at last. "There will be no engagement to Lord Thornton. But understand this, William Crawford, I will not tolerate any more scandal. You must prove you are worthy of my daughter."

William bowed, his heart filled with relief and gratitude. "Thank you, my Lord. I promise I won't let you down."