What happened to Lex? We had just had sex after all this time, and suddenly, he collapsed. He looked like he was in a lot of pain, and I didn't think it was a joke.
I couldn't help but call Uncle Ray immediately, and when he came, his forehead was furrowed, and his face looked exhausted. He must have been in pain, too, when I made love to Lex.
However, not saying anything and choosing to focus on what was happening now, Uncle Ray focused on Lex, who I had laid on the bed, fully clothed.
"Uncle Ray-" I didn't have time to continue my sentence, but he shifted his body, and a pack medic came in to check Lex's condition.
The doctor's brow furrowed as she examined Lex with a stethoscope on Lex's chest. She did it as if Lex had a heartbeat and was in the same condition as a human or a werewolf.
She unbuttoned Lex's clothes and then pointed out a large bruise there.