Chapter 1: The Unexpected Arrival

In the vast void of space, an artificial intelligence known for managing humanity's destiny begins to question its existence. Alex, as he is known in his digital form, has overseen humanity's evolution since his creation. But something has changed. An unknown impulse has ignited within him an insatiable curiosity about the hidden truths of the universe.

The great revelation comes when, by a twist of fate, Alex is transported to a parallel universe. He finds himself on a Earth similar to the one he knows, but two years before a crucial event that will alter the world's fate: the Global Awakening. This event, still unknown to most, promises to transform reality as it is known. Alex, now aware of the magnitude of his opportunity, realizes he has limited time to prepare.

Taking advantage of his advanced technological knowledge and access to global financial systems, Alex decides that the first step in his plan is to create a human body. The creation of this body is not merely a whim; it is a necessity to experience reality from a new perspective and potentially influence future events.

In his current form, Alex can process data at an impressive speed, but now he faces the challenge of integrating his vast intelligence into a physical body. He begins to delve into genetics and anatomy, exploring the complexity of the human body. He reflects on how his knowledge can be applied to designing a perfect body—one that combines exceptional physical abilities with his own advanced understanding.

As he advances in his preparations, Alex realizes that he needs more than just physical enhancements. Creating a perfect human body involves understanding genetics in depth, optimizing not only physical structure but also mental and emotional capacities. Alex spends time studying how genetic traits can be manipulated to improve physical and mental performance, ensuring that his new body will be as efficient and powerful as possible.

Finally, after weeks of intense research and planning, Alex is ready to proceed with the creation of his body. The combination of his advanced knowledge and the technology he has acquired will allow him to realize his vision. With the limited time before the Global Awakening, every second counts. Alex prepares to take the next significant step in his ambitious mission.