The Child That Should Not Have Been Born (2)

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'Most story games are like that. They start off easy but get exponentially harder as you progress.'


If the beginning of a game was difficult, who would want to play it?


At least in the beginning, it was standard to explain the game's background, introduce the characters, and show how to play.


'That doesn't mean the whole game should be easy. It might get boring halfway through.'


Just when players thought they had adapted, the difficulty would gradually increase.


This was a mechanism the developers used to keep the players engaged.


Heroic Academy had such mechanisms too.


'Stronger monsters? Complex patterns? Sure, those exist. But in this game, the real difficulty comes from the vassals.'


Heroic Academy wasn't just a game about enjoying academy life.


The players' main goal was to restore a fallen family and lead a party of heroes to defeat the Demon God.


That meant land management was essential, aside from other side events.


And that's when the vassals showed their true worth.


Ian remembered the time when he was active in a community sharing Heroic Academy strategies.


ㅇㅇ(121.139): Do we really have to manage the land? I wanted to wander around, but they keep pestering me to come back.

ㅇㅇ(49.165): LOL, if you don't, you're screwed. It's a straight path to the bad ending, so bear with it.

ㅇㅇ(121.139): Is there no way to replace these vassals? Even a kindergarten kid would do a better job. These guys are useless. I can't stand Shulkin either; it's driving me crazy.

ㅇㅇ(175.165): Are you dissing Shulkin? He's my hero, always miraculously saving the game when it's on the verge of collapsing due to demons. Apologize, no, apologize to Shulkin!

ㅇㅇ(121.139): What is this guy on about? Do you want to die?


'They were insane.'


You can't just do something. You are young and don't know anything. Guys who said the same thing and never accepted any tasks.


'And when things went wrong, they blamed the player.'


Ian remembered sneaking in at night to assassinate them for some vicarious satisfaction.


Of course, he gave up after seeing the bad ending about thirty times.


In the end, Ian scoured the community for ways to escape this miserable reality.


'I started looking for ways to replace all the vassals.'


Until he read a particular post in the community.


ㅇㅇ(211.218): Look at this guy struggling with land management


– To be honest, it was annoying at first. I understand that you want to grind, but just hang in there and wait until Chapter 3. The moment you kill Mammon, the vassals respawn as working dogs. They tell you to rest, but they keep working and they become crazy people.


At first, Ian thought it was a typical bait post.


'Veterans lying to catch newbies trying to escape.'


But Ian held on and replayed Heroic Academy, hoping against hope since he was already at a dead end.


And the moment he defeated Mammon in Chapter 3, Ian experienced a miracle.


'It wasn't a lie. From that moment, the family started functioning normally.'


The vassals showed such outstanding performance that it was hard to believe they were the same people.


It was almost as if an automated management system had been implemented.


'Of course, unique events like the tournament aren't in the game, so they won't be interested in that.'


Still, he no longer had to worry about every trivial matter like before.


That was why.


"Please kill me…."




Ian was staring blankly at Shulkin, who was shedding tears and asking for appropriate punishment.


Shulkin had indeed been negligent in his duties so far. While it might be understandable for a steward of a minor noble house, this was the steward of an important border territory in the Kallos Empire.


Given his actions, it was only right to punish him.


'But is death the right punishment, as Shulkin wishes?'


As Eri had mentioned, with Mammon gone, some of Volkanov's vassals had disappeared.


Regardless of their previous performance, the current situation was that they were short-staffed.


Thus, Ian hesitated to execute Shulkin.


'But punishment is still necessary.'


He had no intention of letting him off just this once.


Instead, he planned to give a punishment equivalent to death.


'When unsure of what to choose, it's always helpful to look back at history.'


Even King Sejong exacted his revenge on his opposing ministers, like Hwang Hee and Jo Mal-saeng, by working them to death instead of killing them outright.


Since there was a shortage of capable individuals, he decided to work Shulkin to death.




Ian sheathed the dagger he had laid down, causing Shulkin's pupils to tremble.


Meeting his bewildered gaze head-on, Ian extended a hand toward him.


"I understand your desire for death, but I have no intention of granting it."

"Why… why not…?"

"The family is in turmoil. We've experienced rapid development due to new ventures and suffered disturbances due to the barbarians. We must do everything in our power to prevent such chaos from repeating."

"I did nothing… When you were striving for the family, I always opposed and doubted you. Why do you keep me alive? The Volkanov family will prosper without me. I am… just an old dog now."

"An old dog… but the path you've walked is still there."

"What do you mean…?"


Ian had no intention of disregarding Shulkin's experiences before Mammon corrupted the family, memories of maintaining Volkanov.


"Rapid development is good, but it often brings confusion. I might not be able to manage that well. But with your experience, we can prevent mistakes, right?"


"Use your experience to guide our family in the right direction. That will suffice."


With those words, Shulkin could not bring himself to speak.


Not only was his speech choked with tears, but he also couldn't meet Ian's eyes, feeling ashamed for failing in his duties yet being given another chance.


However, he was certain of one thing.


"…I will keep that in mind. Young master."


He still had the resolve to devote himself to the Volkanov family once more.


Seeing Shulkin nod, Ian also smiled.


'Let's see… Shulkin is 65 years old now… He should retire at 120. That should be a fitting punishment.'


That seemed like an appropriate retribution.




As expected, the family stabilized after Mammon's disappearance.


Though some vassals vanished along with Mammon, causing a manpower shortage, it wasn't a major issue.


'A manpower shortage? The vassals can just work overtime to fill the gap.'


It might sound cruel, but it was their choice, so Ian felt no guilt.


'Of course, we can't keep doing that forever. We'll replenish the workforce.'


Having experienced the endgame, Ian knew exactly where to find talented individuals.


He would bring them to the family and set them to work.


'For that, I need the second tournament to succeed.


Ian carefully reviewed the plans for the next tournament.


Attracting new members was not easy.


'They're not fools, and they won't be swayed by just the title of working for a count's family.'


Those knowledgeable about the political situation would know working for Volkanov wasn't easy.


To entice them, Ian needed an attractive bait, and he decided to use the tournament.


'Even though the first one was a success, they would want to see if it could sustain its popularity.'


If the second tournament also succeeded, it would become an asset that could overshadow Volkanov's shortcomings.


'Preparations are going smoothly.'


He could afford to relax, or so he thought.


Knock! Knock!


"Young master, it's Viscount Shulkin. May I come in? There is urgent business."


Shulkin had unexpectedly come to him, holding a luxurious envelope.

Seeing Ian's curious look, Shulkin got straight to the point.


"I apologize for the sudden visit, but it is a serious matter. We've received a letter from Edenria."

"Edenria, you say?"

The Holy Land of Edenria… At that mention, Ian's eyes sharpened.


'It doesn't seem like it's with good intentions.'


It could be his suspicious nature acting up again.


The letter could be expressing sympathy for the damage Volkanov suffered from the recent barbarian attack.


However, Ian believed his suspicion was justified.


'I already received a letter of concern.'


First Prince Piers Arcana, who had refused the throne and taken the position of Archbishop in Edenria, had already expressed his sincere condolences and support to Volkanov.


'Of course, it is true that I came in the name of the 1st prince. Edenria's opinion was correct in dispatching a priest.'


But now they were sending another letter?


It couldn't possibly be for good reasons.


The timing was off, and it wasn't an official letter from Edenria either.


"According to the letter from Archbishop Raymond of Edenria…."


Shulkin swallowed hard before continuing.


"He expressed opposition to holding the tournament and requested to meet with you in person, young master."


The moment he finished speaking, a new notification window appeared before Ian's eyes.


[Quest 'Defy the Will of God' has been activated.]

[Piers Archana, who became the youngest cardinal using his immense divine power, is attempting to reform Edenria, breaking away from outdated traditions. Conservative Archbishop Raymond is in a power struggle with Piers and is focusing on enforcing the doctrines against those who violate them to restore order. Overcome Raymond's interference and successfully host the tournament!]


'So, that's why Archbishop Raymond is coming.'


He would use the doctrine prohibiting meaningless conflicts to obstruct the tournament.


'And if he's from Edenria's conservative faction… he'll probably bring an Inquisitor along.'


They wouldn't attack outright but would use the Inquisitor's presence to intimidate.


'Playing the original game, I had countless headaches from the sudden appearances of these Inquisitors.'


A potentially devastating situation if you're not prepared.


But why?


– Huh? Ian, what's wrong?


With the Ancient God Neltalion by his side, there was nothing to fear.

To read all 300 fully translated chapters and the first 25 chapters for free, visit patreon