Chapter 2: An Unlikely Hero

The following day dawned bright and clear, with sunlight streaming through the windows of Hans's cottage. Determined to uncover more about the village's history—and perhaps, entertain himself with local myths—Hans decided to visit the village library.

Schattenburg's library was a modest stone building, its shelves lined with ancient tomes and dusty volumes. The librarian, Frau Müller, was a stern woman in her sixties, with sharp eyes that seemed to see everything. Hans approached her with a polite nod.

"Good morning, Frau Müller. I was wondering if you could help me find any records or books about local legends, specifically about a red-eyed demon."

Frau Müller's eyes narrowed. "Ah, the demon of Schattenburg. Why do you seek such stories?"

"I'm a historian," Hans explained. "I'm interested in all aspects of the village's past, even its legends."

She pursed her lips but eventually nodded. "Very well. Follow me."

She led him to a secluded section of the library, where the air was thick with the scent of aged paper and leather. She pulled out a large, weathered book from a high shelf and handed it to Hans. The title, written in old German script, translated to "Legends and Myths of the Black Forest."

"This book contains what you're looking for," Frau Müller said. "But be warned, some things are best left undisturbed."

Hans thanked her and settled into a corner, flipping through the pages with growing interest. The book contained detailed accounts of various legends, but one chapter, in particular, caught his eye: "The Red-Eyed Demon of Schattenburg."

According to the text, the demon was once a human sorcerer who had made a pact with dark forces to gain immortality. In exchange, he had to sacrifice innocent lives. The villagers, upon discovering his true nature, banded together to trap him in a cave deep within the Black Forest, sealing the entrance with powerful wards and spells. It was said that the demon's eyes burned red with the fires of the underworld, and even the mention of his name could invoke his wrath.

Hans read late into the afternoon, losing track of time. As he closed the book, a sense of unease settled over him. The legend seemed too detailed, too vivid to be mere folklore. Determined to learn more, Hans decided to visit the oldest resident of Schattenburg, Frau Huber, who lived on the outskirts of the village.

Frau Huber's cottage was small but well-kept, with colorful flowers blooming in the garden. Hans knocked on the door, and after a few moments, it creaked open to reveal a frail old woman with kind eyes.

"Good afternoon, Frau Huber. My name is Hans Weber. I was hoping you could tell me more about the legend of the red-eyed demon."

Frau Huber's expression darkened, and she gestured for Hans to enter. "Come in, young man. This is not a story to be told on the doorstep."

Inside, the cottage was warm and inviting, filled with the scent of freshly baked bread. They sat by the fireplace, and Frau Huber began to speak in a low, tremulous voice.

"The demon was real, Mr. Weber. My grandmother told me stories of the terror it brought to this village. The elders of that time managed to trap it, but the seal is not permanent. Every few generations, there are signs that the demon is stirring, trying to break free."

Hans leaned forward, captivated. "What kind of signs?"

"Strange happenings, livestock disappearing, unnatural shadows in the forest, and always, the red eyes watching from the darkness," Frau Huber replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "And those who seek the demon's resting place often meet a terrible fate."

Hans left Frau Huber's cottage with a heavy heart and a mind full of questions. As he walked back to his home, he couldn't shake the feeling that the legend was more than just a story. Determined to uncover the truth, he decided to continue his research, not realizing that his curiosity would soon lead him down a dangerous path.

The sun set over Schattenburg, casting long shadows across the village. In the darkness, a pair of red eyes glowed faintly, watching, waiting. The demon was awakening, and Hans Weber was about to become an unlikely hero in a battle between good and evil.