Chapter 5: Signs of Trouble

The next morning, Hans and Eva set out to recruit Father Markus and Karl. They hoped these allies would lend their expertise and credibility to the cause, convincing more villagers of the imminent threat.

Father Markus, a tall, gaunt man with a calm demeanor, welcomed them into the church. The ancient stone building was filled with the soft light of candles, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

"Father Markus," Hans began, "thank you for seeing us. We have urgent news about the red-eyed demon."

The priest nodded, his eyes reflecting a deep wisdom. "I have heard the whispers, Hans. Come, tell me everything."

Hans and Eva recounted their findings, the warning signs, and the council's refusal to act. Father Markus listened intently, occasionally nodding.

"The legend of the demon is well known among the clergy," Father Markus said after a moment of silence. "There are ancient rites and blessings that can strengthen the seals and protect the village. I will help you."

Relieved, Hans and Eva thanked him before heading to meet Karl, a retired soldier who lived on the edge of the village. Karl was a burly man with a rugged face and a no-nonsense attitude. When they explained the situation, he took it seriously.

"If what you say is true, we need to prepare for a fight," Karl said, his voice firm. "I'll gather some of the villagers who trust me. We'll keep watch and be ready for anything."

With Father Markus and Karl on their side, Hans and Eva felt a renewed sense of hope. They spent the next few days organizing patrols, conducting rituals, and spreading the word among the villagers. Some people began to take the threat seriously, but many remained skeptical.

One evening, as Hans was walking back from the church, he heard a commotion near the village square. Rushing over, he saw a crowd gathered around a farmer who was shouting in panic.

"My livestock! They've disappeared!" the farmer cried, his face pale with fear. "All of them, gone without a trace!"

The villagers murmured anxiously, exchanging worried glances. Hans pushed through the crowd and approached the farmer. "What happened?"

"I don't know," the farmer replied, his voice trembling. "I went to check on them this morning, and they were all gone. No signs of a struggle, nothing. It's like they vanished into thin air."

Hans's heart sank. This was exactly the kind of sign he had feared. He turned to the crowd, raising his voice to be heard. "This is what we've been warning you about! The demon is awakening, and it's starting to attack. We must work together to protect our village."

Some villagers nodded in agreement, while others still looked skeptical. Hans knew they needed more evidence to convince everyone. He decided to investigate the disappearance himself, hoping to find clues that would support their claims.

With Karl's help, Hans examined the farmer's property. They found strange markings on the ground, similar to the symbols in his great-grandfather's journal. Hans felt a chill run down his spine. These were not the work of any animal; they were signs of dark magic.

Hans and Karl reported their findings to the villagers, showing them the markings and explaining their significance. Slowly, more people began to believe in the threat and joined their efforts to fortify the village.

Despite their growing support, the atmosphere in Schattenburg grew tense. Night after night, more strange occurrences were reported—shadows moving in the forest, eerie whispers carried on the wind, and the occasional glimpse of red eyes in the darkness.

One night, as Hans was patrolling the outskirts of the village with Karl, they heard a blood-curdling scream. Rushing toward the sound, they found a young woman, Gretchen, standing at the edge of the forest, her face twisted in terror.

"It's here," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I saw it. The demon. Its eyes...they were glowing red."

Hans and Karl exchanged grim looks. The demon was no longer just a distant threat; it was here, in their midst. They had to act quickly to protect the village and find a way to banish the demon once and for all.

As the night wore on, Hans couldn't shake the feeling that time was running out. The red-eyed demon was growing stronger, and the battle for Schattenburg was just beginning.