Vol 3 Info and Hiatus

Alright! Vol 2 is officially over, and Vol 3. will soon begin. Now, to capitalize on my novels' increased viewership, and the explosion of powerstone incense, I will go on a short hiatus!

Not that smart, huh? Yeah, nooo, it annoys me as well.

But the thing is, right now, everyone is experiencing the increase in prices due to inflation, and as a student, I need to get a part-time job to keep up with the expenditure. But that would cut in my already sparse time that I have for writing… So I have a compromise… Patréon!

If you are not interested, scroll down to the ~~Fate/False Order~~, as there I will have info on the volume.

Yeah, not exactly what I want to do, as I am all for that free to read life, but seeing as I'll only be able to post once a week if I get a job, and I very much enjoy this, I am willing to take the plunge.

But, as I don't like only taking, I am willing to give back, and by that, I mean that if this patréon thing takes off, I will use some of that money to commission Fanart, of either past or future scenes in the fic, which I'll post on Webnovel as well, as to not alienate my free to read supporters!

If it really takes off, I'll try to commission an art piece every month, and if it comes so common, I'll have poles on Patréon for what to commission.

Now, ignoring the only real benefit I can give you all, I will lay out the price list. I am planning on having six ranks, four dollars increase from each, and each rank is one week ahead, meaning a total of 12 chapters available on patréon, with prices running from 4$, 8$, 12$, 16$, 20$ and 24$ a month.

Now, you might argue that that is a lot for some chapters, and maybe you are right. but seeing as a chapter takes me around eight to ten hours a pop to create, roughly 500-700 words an hour. Slow, yes, but it all takes a lot of time for it to be as good as possible.

And for those who like to compare patréon prices, all I can say is that I am offering somewhere around 48K - 56K words in total, which is about a short novel in length. While most patréon's that have low praised, but many chapters, tend to be due to a chapter being around 1000 words long, and machine translated to boot. So, I'd like to argue that I put in a lot more effort than those, and two dollars a pop for a chapter isn't such a terrible deal.

But to do all that, I'll need to hop off the grid for a bit to create the twelve needed chapters, so that's why there will be a hiatus.

~~Fate/False Order~~

Alright, marketing done, time to get into the meat of this.

Vol three is predicted to be around the same length, if not a bit longer than Vol 2. This is due to the fact that I am planning on focusing on the Clock Tower, Alistair's training and research, Tsukihime and Case Files.

A loss will happen, so I implore everyone to at least watch Lord El-Melloi II Case Files, as it is a good show, and will give more context, which might improve the overall experience for Vol 3. Along with the fact of it being a good time waster, while you all wait for the next volume.

There will be a few different arcs, and plenty of action, but this is the start of the proper canon divergence for Vol 4. which as most can guess, is the 5th Grail War.

I am all for some questions in regards to what you all think, so post them here, and I will try to answer as many as I can to the best of my abilities.

Now, onto how long the hiatus will last, probably around a month, maybe a bit more, as I'll try to churn out as many as possible, while not skimping out on quality.

Before I end things for the next month plus, I wish to thank all my readers for the support I have received for the story, especially recently. It makes writing an even greater joy, so you all have my thanks, and I hope you are all willing to wait for me to return. Thank You all for everything, and have a great day!