Tribes Of Sorcese


Peitho played the part of Israfel's confidante very well. Like a faithful hotel concierge, always out to outsmart the Madame and inform the Lord, or Viscount, or Marquis, or General—or whomever the cheating bastard might be—of his wife's presence in their establishment before ever the said 'cheating bastard' could get caught in the act.

Always, the Mistress was one leg out the window right before the Lady wife swarmed in to confirm her doubts—only to find an empty, spickspan hotel room. Such places weren't [5 stars] for nothin'.

Tonight, Peitho was Rafel's concierge.

And though he didn't need keep his skullfucking the [Critch] butcher a secret; his harem would need to grow at some point, Rafel enjoyed it more being clandestine. Being sneaky with Mama Mia was part of her allure. Of course her one horn and mighty cleavage came in first. 'I wonder how she lost the first horn, huh? I'll remember to ask the next time we do this.'