The Cult of Raquel Serpent


THE COLD WIND HAD RAILED the City now for four crazy days. Winter rushed into Titans Landing as if expecting spring to come in early. The minds of the masses of the Polis could not even conceive what horrors of blizzard whipped their border neighbors.

Frostholm was an empire of white, forever bleak in the scape of snow.

"At least here it rains," one [Critch] man said.

It was Mir'sday – and while Rafel was locked away in a literal [Chrono-phobia] dimension, his harem were not. Aya Naamah couldn't feel her [Dominus] pegging some random blonde bimbo from the past. Ravenna was too distracted by Damnameneus and the rest of the fucking Councilpeople. And Corazón; her light voice could be heard in the quarters of Fort Sandringham—whipping soldier boys into the nature of Smither.