Chapter 3: [Self-Existence 2]

Power levels and acquired skills:

Mage: [Beginner/Intermediate/High/Above Nature/Legendary/??????]

Swordsman: [Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced/Sword Master/??????]

Warrior: [Beginner/Intermediate/Berserk/??????/??????]

Acquired skills by the hero:

Regeneration: [State: Always active except in case of self-deactivation / Provides high-speed cell regeneration]

No Pain: [State: Active / Acquired from cells being exposed to pain for a very long time, allowing you to control the sensation of pain / Side ability: Automatic body movement / Consequences: Leads to fainting and in extreme cases paralysis due to spinal cord injury]

Super Vision: [State: Inactive / Acquired from staring without moving for a long time without losing sanity / Ability to see things beyond ordinary nature]

No Fate No Destiny: [State: Always active / The owner is not subject to the reality of cause and effect / This ability does not exist for anyone else as it was created as a result of the events that happened / ???????? / ?????????]

??????: [??????/??????]

Beginning of Chapter 3:

[Let's stay silent and just watch.]

[The hero begins to think as he lies on the ground in that dark abyss that resembles a bottomless pit where you can't even hear the echo of your voice, alone in that place that is dominated only by darkness, without losing his mind and psychological stability all because of one question!!]

[Why should I die?]

Psycho begins to talk to himself:

[Psycho, hmm, I'm not used to this calm.]

Psycho goes to a place where the monsters gather and lies there. The monsters begin attacking and devouring him, but he has the regeneration ability.

Psycho: [This is better, let's create a bit of pain to help me relax.]

After a short while, Psycho thinks:

[Hmm, I didn't think the dark power would absorb the abyss's darkness, but I doubt it will stop because the abyss is unlimited in space and time and all natural laws.]

Suddenly, Psycho feels something strange in his body restraining him.

[I don't know, but I feel that something is restraining me, let's use the super vision I saw in my skill window.]


[What? Huh?! Three black chains of varying sizes are pumping darkness? What is this, I don't know what will happen if I remove them and can I even remove them? With my current ability, I can't even break the first chain!! I must train instead of lying down. Let's start now!]

Psycho begins doing push-up exercises while continuously being devoured by monsters.

Psycho: [One!! Huff... two huff... three huff...]

Psycho continued doing push-ups amidst all those monsters. After a while:

Psycho: [Three hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine... huff]

[Four hundred million..... huff.]

[Hah, that was long, let's stop now.]

Psycho lies down and begins thinking:

[Hmm, I don't know how much time has passed after all these events, maybe millions or billions of years, I really don't know, let's stop thinking about that. What's important now is to try breaking the first small chain.]

Psycho activates the super vision ability and wraps the chain around each of his hands, starting to pull with all his strength until his body begins to tremble from the force of pulling the chain that can easily destroy a small mountain.

Psycho: [What is this, why didn't it break? Wait, it cracked!! But this is not enough, I need to increase the pulling force!.... Think, think, what should I do? Yes, got it!! Automatic movement!]

Psycho creates pain in specific areas to move automatically and pull the chain from both ends to break it.

Psycho: [What is this, the chain prevents the regeneration of my hands!! Impossible. The blood is flowing like water, damn, maybe I'll lose consciousness, I must hurry.]

The chain begins to break again, but not significantly.

Psycho: [It seems I've reached my limit. Hah, I said limit. I, who have no fate or limits, hahaha, break already! Haaaaa.]

Psycho screams at the top of his lungs as if it were his last day.

Suddenly, the chain breaks, causing a spacetime rupture, splitting the scene in half. Psycho rises in a place where nothing exists, the absolute void.

Psycho: [What is this, where am I?!]

Suddenly, a different kind of black, distorted window appears.

Psycho: [What's this written here? Loading 60% ...]

The loading gradually completes, 80%, 90%, 100%...

Suddenly, Psycho opens his eyes to find himself in his old self when he first met the gods.

[What's this, what happened?! Was everything a lie!! Wait! Why can't I move or speak, and why is my body saying the same words as when I first met the gods?]

Psycho couldn't understand what was happening and his hope for revenge gradually diminished. Suddenly, a system window appears!

Psycho: [What's written here.... Wait, this is impossible. It seems my current existence wants me to take revenge. Hahaha, hehehe.]

Psycho laughs hysterically to himself as he's trapped in his past body, which continues its conversation with the gods just as it did the first time.

Psycho: [Hmm, this is a power equivalent to cutting fate, the flashback power. Let's see how this power works....]

[Flashback Power: You can browse the past but not change it, similar to a video. You can fast forward and rewind to the desired moment during the viewing. To continue the events, you will automatically transfer to your past body as a mere observer / Additional power: During the moment pause, you can freely roam the space your past body observes, but you cannot change anything / This power can evolve....]

Psycho: [Hahaha, I never thought I'd get such a power, but it seems to be the effect of the No Fate No Destiny ability. Without this, such things wouldn't happen against the world's existence law.]

Psycho begins to silently think deeply.