Consumed by Desire

Behind the imposing structure of the school building, a boy and a girl stood facing each other, her expressions a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. The girl's cheeks were a deep shade of crimson, portraying her overwhelming nervousness. Her voice, trembling with unease, emerged in hesitant stutters as she struggled to find the right words.

Avoiding the boy's direct gaze, her eyes flitted to the ground, her resolve wavering under his expectant stare.Summoning her courage, she extended her hand, which held a small, neatly wrapped box adorned with a delicate pink ribbon.

Her fingers trembled, making the box quiver slightly as she offered it to him, the gift a silent testament to her feelings. Just as she was about to open her mouth to speak, an unexpected sound of approaching footsteps interrupted the moment.

Startled, they both looked up to see a tall boy with a handsome face but a serious expression approaching them. The newcomer's presence cast a sudden tension over the scene, leaving the girl's words hanging in the air, unspoken.The newcomer arrived in front of them, his eyes briefly flicking to the gift in the girl's trembling hand.

He then turned to them, his stern features softening into a gentle smile as he spoke, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have an important task to complete." Despite the kindness in his voice, there was something intimidating about his demeanor, a subtle edge that made him appear more daunting.

With an apologetic smile, he extended his hand and took the gift from the girl. "I'll hold this for him," he said, then firmly grasped the boy's arm and began to lead him away without waiting for a response.The girl stood there, her mouth slightly open in shock, watching their retreating figures with a dumbfounded expression.

The gift, now in the hands of the tall boy, felt like a symbol of her unspoken words and interrupted moment, leaving her rooted to the spot, unsure of what to do next.


After being dragged down the hallway for what felt like an eternity, Rai finally came back to his senses. Realizing what was happening, he struggled against his captor's firm grip, his voice rising in a mixture of frustration and anger.

"What have you done? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" His words echoed down the empty corridor, the deserted space a stark reminder that graduation had ended some time ago, leaving the school eerily quiet.

Sevas, the tall boy who had interrupted earlier, showed no sign of acknowledging Rai's outburst. His expression remained impassive as he continued to pull Rai along, unfazed by the protests. Despite Rai's continued shouting, Sevas remained focused on their destination, his determination unshaken.

Finally, they reached a secluded classroom at the end of the long, dimly lit hallway. Rai's anxiety spiked as he glanced around, his nervousness growing with each step.

"What are we doing here?" he demanded, his voice trembling slightly as he renewed his struggle against Sevas's hold.

The hallway's silence amplified his distress, making the situation feel even more isolating.Sevas remained silent, his attention fixed on a key he produced from his pocket. Without a word, he approached the door of the secluded classroom and inserted the key into the lock.

The door opened with a decisive click, the sound breaking the tense silence. Rai's heart raced as he tried to make sense of what was happening, his mind racing with questions about the mysterious room and the purpose of their unexpected detour.

Sevas pulled Rai into the secluded classroom, his grip firm and unyielding. As they crossed the threshold, Sevas swiftly shut the door behind them with a heavy thud.The sound of the door clicking shut was followed by the unmistakable click of a lock engaging, sealing them inside the dimly lit room.

The sudden isolation amplified Rai's unease, his earlier protests now mingling with a growing sense of apprehension as he faced the unknown that awaited within the room.

"Wh-what did you do?" Rai's voice trembled as he demanded answers, his anxiety palpable. He attempted to move towards the door, but Sevas intercepted him with a determined stride.

Without a word, Sevas grasped Rai's arm firmly, his grip unrelenting as he pulled him towards another door within the classroom. Rai struggled against Sevas's hold, his efforts futile against the taller boy's superior strength. Despite his attempts to resist, Sevas's steady force propelled him forward.

They entered a second room, the space dimly illuminated and filled with an air of mystery. Rai's struggle continued, his nervous energy manifesting in every attempt to break free. But Sevas, unaffected by Rai's resistance, led him through the room with a calm and purposeful demeanor, leaving Rai increasingly anxious about the purpose of their confinement.

Sevas threw Rai onto a bed with a forceful shove, a chuckle escaping his lips as he did so. "One of the teachers uses this room to rest," he said with a smirk, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and mockery. "But I'm sure he wouldn't mind if his dearest number one student needed it for a while."

Rai, now sprawled on the bed, looked up in shock and confusion, his heart pounding with both fear and frustration. The room's unfamiliarity and Sevas's cryptic words only heightened his anxiety as he tried to make sense of the situation and what Sevas's intentions might be.

Rai was about to speak again, his mind racing with questions and anger, when Sevas abruptly cut him off with a forceful kiss. The suddenness of the action took Rai by surprise, his protests muffled as Sevas's lips pressed firmly against his.

The intensity of the kiss was overwhelming, leaving Rai momentarily stunned and unable to respond. As Sevas's kiss persisted, the room seemed to pulse with a new, charged atmosphere, transforming Rai's confusion and frustration into a whirlwind of unexpected emotions.

Sevas kissed Rai until he was breathless, the intensity of the moment leaving Rai gasping for air. The passionate, forceful kiss seemed to stretch on forever, leaving Rai's mind reeling.

As Sevas finally pulled back, Rai struggled to regain his composure, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Just as he was about to recover and possibly voice his shock or confusion, Sevas's gaze remained steady and unreadable, the atmosphere between them still charged with unspoken tension.

As Rai struggled to catch his breath, Sevas's movements became more deliberate and assertive. Without breaking eye contact, Sevas reached towards the buttons of his uniform. His fingers worked quickly and efficiently, unfastening each button one by one with swift precision. The speed of his actions left Rai stunned and unable to react effectively.

Each button was removed in rapid succession, heightening the tension in the room as Rai's sense of helplessness grew, leaving him uncertain of how to respond to the escalating situation. Soon, every button on Sevas's uniform was undone, the fabric hanging open and exposing his chest. The rapid, deliberate removal of the buttons left Rai feeling increasingly overwhelmed and disoriented.

The room seemed to close in around him, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken tension and the uncertainty of what would happen next. Rai's mind raced as he tried to process the sudden and intimate shift in the situation, his previous protests now stifled by the intensity of the moment.

Sevas looked at Rai with a fervent gaze, his eyes burning with an intense focus as he scanned every part of Rai's exposed body. The intensity of his stare was almost palpable, making Rai feel increasingly vulnerable under his scrutiny.

Sevas's eyes roamed over Rai's form, lingering with particular intensity on his chest, where his gaze seemed to pause, reflecting a mix of desire and determination. The charged atmosphere in the room heightened as Sevas's attention remained fixed, leaving Rai feeling exposed and unsettled.

Sevas lowered his head and lightly plant a kiss on his vulnerable neck as if testing the dish he was about to devour.He then continued to lower his kisses stoping at the potruding pink nipples, he lightly lick his left nipple while using his hand to play with the other The sudden sensation send chill down his spine as a suppress moan made its way out of Rai's mouth.

As Sevas's determined actions continued, Rai's resistance slowly began to wane. Overwhelmed by the situation and realizing that further struggle would be futile, he reluctantly gave up his attempts to resist.

With a deep, resigned sigh, Rai allowed Sevas to proceed with whatever he intended, his earlier defiance giving way to a sense of acceptance. The shift in Rai's demeanor was evident as he resigned himself to the situation, his body and mind surrendering to Sevas's actions.

Moans escaped from Rai's mouth as he arched his back, his body responding involuntarily to the sensations. Each sound was a mix of surprise and reluctant pleasure, his form betraying his internal conflict.

Sevas, noticing the changes in Rai, intensified his actions, his movements becoming more fervent. The rhythmic sounds of his sucking filled the room, accompanied by the lewd noises of his tongue swirling around Rai's now sensitive nipple.

Sevas's sucking grew more intense, as if he were trying to draw something more from Rai, his lips and tongue working with increasing urgency. Rai's nipples, already swollen from the attention, seemed to respond to Sevas's efforts, creating a charged and intimate atmosphere.

Sevas eventually paused, sensing a reaction, shifting his focus, his kisses trail downward, moving with deliberate intent. His lips pressed gently against Rai's skin, traveling lower and lower, eventually reaching his bellybutton.

The movement was slow and methodical, each kiss leaving a warm, lingering sensation, as Sevas explored the new area, hightening the atmosphere. Rai's heart skipped a beat as he felt a sensation from a certain place, Sevas reach out and touch the hardened member of Rai.

The warm touch could be felt across the fabric as it slid up and down, which produce a broken moan from above Sevas's, Rai squirmed lighty, unknown if wether to avoid or enjoy the touch that brought an unfamiliar sensation.

Then the hand touching him left, as he produce an unsatisfied grunt, he looked down to find Sevas looking at him, he then smiled at him, his eyes filled with unconcealed desire.

Sevas reach to his belt and slowly unfastened it, while still looking up at Rai like a predator ready to pounce on its prey, the belt fell with a clang, he then proceed to Rai's button, feeling his pants being undone, Rai panic and reach out to stop Sevas.

Sevas halted his action, his voice, a low, hoarse whisper, as if he were struggling to contain a monster within him. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked, the words trembling with barely controlled urgency. Sevas's piercing gaze locked onto Rai, leaving him feeling utterly disoriented. Rai's mind whirled with a chaotic blend of emotions—fear, confusion, and a deep, unsettling dread—that he couldn't quite identify.

The intensity of Sevas's stare was like a vise, tightening around his thoughts and paralyzing him. As Sevas's movements continued, Rai's sense of time seemed to stretch and warp, making it even harder to grasp what was happening or to decide how to react. Seeing Rai's lack of response, Sevas let out a dark, satisfied chuckle. He continued his advances with a calculated, predatory grace, his determination unwavering as he pressed on, seemingly emboldened by Rai's confusion and inaction.

Soon, Sevas had successfully undone Rai's pants, the fabric falling away with a soft rustle. The situation became even more charged as the tension between them grew, leaving Rai struggling with his rising panic and helplessness.

He look at Rai's standing member, it's tip is flush red with pre-cum making its way out of a small opening, small veins can be seen around it as it pulsates with eagerness. Sevas lowered his head and the tip of Rai's cock touch the lower lip of Sevas, that touch made Rai tremble with unconscious anticipation.

Sevas parted his mouth and a wet red tongue made its way out of his wet red lips, It gently lick the tip, as if licking a delacy. His licking eventually intensified as he started to suck the top of Rai's cock while using his hand to play with his testicle.

Rai let out a moan that came from within his throat, it carried an unconcealed pleasure. He reach onto Sevas's head wanting to push further, wanting to dig in deeper into Sevas's throat, but not daring to.

He unconsciously moved his hips making his member enter deeper into Sevas's mouth, hitting the roof of his mouth, Sevas, being aware of his desire, took in all of his member, reaching his throat, he tighten his throat and Bob his head up and down.

Receiving such intense service, Rai moan loudly, a psychological tear slid down from his closed eyes, he stretch his neck up as an intense sensation assaulted him.

Soon he was unable to hold back he shuddered and cum into Sevas's mouth his stomach tightening, hot liquid sprayed inside, it's thickness can be felt as it slide down his throat. He then spit some of the cum into his hands and rubs it into Rai's back hole. A gasp escaped Rai's mouth as he felt a touch to a place he never use for anything besides what it was made for.

A finger slid in, which was met with a bit of resistance from the entrance that was never once entered but was now being pried open, his finger probe inside, he slid it in and out, resembling a moving cock, he inserted another finger when the hole got use to the movement, soon it reach three finger.

Rai moaned in pleasure, he put his hands around Sevas's neck and weakly pulled him up, Sevas cooperated and soon came face to face with Rai,Sevas looked at Rai with burning gaze, he lowered his head and kisses him deeply, his tongue sweeping every crevice of his mouth as if searching for a sweet nectar.

He pulled out his hand receiving a sweet moan in response that he swallowed from their connected mouth, he positioned himself between his legs and reach out to unfasten his belt, he undone his button and pulled down his zipper, he reacher inside and pulled out his cock that is twice the size of Rai's.

Rai took in a deep breath as he look at the humongous monster that is greeting him, Sevas rubs his member gently as he look at Rai with intense gaze, his desire is apparent in those deep red eyes, his member looks pale, a contrast to rai's vibrant color, veins clearly visible.

In a husky, almost whispering voice, he looked deeply into his partner's eyes and said, "I'm sorry, baby, I don't have a condom" He didn't give Rai a time to react as he suddenly inserted the tip of his member.

Rai let out a gasp as a sharp pain shot through his back. "N-no, don't... It hurts, pull out," he cried, his voice trembling. Tears streamed down his cheeks, disappearing down his neck as broken sobs escaped his lips.

"Shh, it's okay," he said softly, his voice gentle and reassuring. "The pain is only temporary. You'll start to feel better soon." Sevas kisses him on the lips trying to divert Rai's attention as he gently move his member deeper into Rai's warm flesh. Rai's inner wall tightly clung onto his member, his inside trembling, Sevas's kisses appears to be effective as Rai's hole started to loosen, he took this opportunity to dug in deeper, reaching his deepest part, Rai felt full as the cock buried down to the base.

Sevas exhaled a deep, contented sigh, feeling an overwhelming sense of fulfillment wash over him as he finally united with his beloved. The moment he had longed for had arrived, and he could feel the warmth and connection enveloping them both. He started to move back and forth when Rai got use to his size.

Rai puts his legs around Sevas's waist to give him better access, an intermittent moan and gasp flows out of his open mouth, his tongue slightly peeking out as if asking to be suck out, sweates dripped from them as they countiued the their intercourse, Sevas's thrust becoming faster, his shirt has been disregarded from who knows when, "Now he stood between Rai's legs, his strong chest rising and falling with each breath, his abdomen adorned with strong muscles, his bare back, filled with deep scratches. Each movement accentuates the firmness of his physique as they continue. The room fills with the sound of their labored breathing and the rhythm of their entwined bodies."

Love juices flowed from where they are connected as it produces a squelching sound, his hole eagerly sucks on Sevas's cock, as if begging for more, the slapping sound of the ball sack could be heard reverberating around the enclosed space, hot breath migled along with their sweats. The air is filled with the smell of lust.

Moans can be heard from time to time as the bed creaks with their movement, *i'm almost there" he said with a labored breathing, "m-me too" Rai replied with a moan, Sevas reach out to rai's member and started to stroke it hard as he fasten the movement of his hips, intensify both if their moans, a great pleasure surges from within as they both felt a tingle in their stomach, their muscle tightened as they released their loads.

Hot liquid poured out onto his hole, he use his cock as plug to stop it from leaking out , he kissed Rai as he continued to pour his cum inside, he could feel Rai's inner wall tighten as he felt his cum inside his stomach, the cum made rai feel full, he shuddered and also released, wetting his and Sevas's stomach. Sevas gave Rai a final kiss before laying down beside him, panting.

Due to its plug being remove, thick, white liquid poured out of the hole, Rai tried tightening it but to no avail. It remained open as if molded into Sevas's size, the liquid trickled down, wetting the bed sheets, the fishy smell of the cum wafts through the enclosed space, they're breathing ragged. They look at each other to see a deep emotions from within, sevas draw closer and plant a light his to rai's red lips he stayed there for a bit, as if savouring the aftertaste.

"Sevas looked into his eyes, a tender smile forming despite their labored breathing. 'I love you,' he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. 'I've loved you for a very long time. Please don't push me away.' Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the sweat as he held on tightly, his vulnerability laid bare in that intimate moment.