Shadows of Retribution

Blood and vengeance. Those were the only things on Kai's mind as he stormed through the forest, his fangs bared and his eyes blazing with unbridled rage. The loss of Zara was a searing wound, a reminder that their fight was far from over. The air was thick with tension, every step they took echoing with the promise of retribution.

"Fuck this," Jaxon growled, kicking a fallen branch out of his way. "We need to hit these bastards where it hurts. Make them bleed for what they did to Zara."

"Agreed," Aaliyah said, her voice ice-cold. Her usual composed demeanor was gone, replaced by a steely determination that promised no mercy. "But we need to be smart about this. We can't just charge in like last time."

Luna, her eyes still haunted by the visions of their recent battle, nodded. "They were prepared for us. Someone fed them information. We need to find the traitor before we plan our next move."

Freya, despite her recent ordeal, was a picture of defiant strength. "We'll make them pay. All of them." Her voice was low but carried an edge that promised violence.

Finn, silent until now, looked at his sister with a mixture of pride and worry. "We stick together this time. No more splitting up."

Kai took a deep breath, trying to steady his mind. "First things first. We need to regroup and figure out our next steps. Milo, any ideas?"

Milo, always the thinker, glanced up from his makeshift gadgets. "I've been working on a few things. If we can get to a safe place, I can set up some defenses. But we need to be quick. They're probably tracking us."

"Then let's move," Kai said, his voice hard. "We can't afford to stay in one place for too long."

They moved through the forest with purpose, their movements swift and silent. The weight of Zara's death hung heavy over them, but it also fueled their determination. They wouldn't let her sacrifice be in vain.

After what felt like hours, they found a secluded cabin nestled deep in the woods. It was old and decrepit, but it would serve as a temporary hideout. They barricaded the doors and windows, setting up traps and alarms to alert them to any intruders.

As night fell, the group gathered around a small fire in the center of the cabin. The flickering flames cast eerie shadows on their faces, highlighting the mix of anger and grief that simmered beneath the surface.

"We need to find out who betrayed us," Aaliyah said, breaking the silence. "Until we do, we're vulnerable."

Kai nodded. "Luna, do you have any idea who it might be?"

Luna shook her head, frustration clear in her eyes. "My visions are clouded. It's like someone's intentionally blocking me."

"Then we need to flush them out," Jaxon said, cracking his knuckles. "Set a trap of our own."

Milo leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with an idea. "We can use the cabin. Make it look like we've let our guard down. When the traitor comes, we'll be ready."

Kai looked around the group, seeing the resolve in their faces. "Alright. Let's do it. We need to end this."

They spent the next few days preparing, fortifying the cabin and setting up hidden cameras and traps. Every movement was calculated, every step taken with caution. They knew the traitor was watching, waiting for the right moment to strike.

On the third night, their patience paid off. The sensors Milo had set up alerted them to an intruder approaching the cabin. The group tensed, ready for whatever came next.

As the door creaked open, Kai held his breath, waiting for the traitor to reveal themselves. The figure that stepped inside was cloaked in darkness, their features obscured.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jaxon demanded, his fists clenched.

The figure paused, then stepped into the light. It was a face they all knew, but the betrayal in their eyes was like a knife to the heart.

"Finn?" Freya's voice was a whisper, filled with disbelief and pain.

Finn looked at his sister, guilt and anger warring on his face. "I'm sorry, Freya. I had no choice."

"Bullshit," Aaliyah snapped. "You sold us out. You sold Zara out."

Finn's eyes flickered with regret. "They have something on me. On us. If I didn't cooperate, they would've killed Freya."

Freya's eyes filled with tears. "You should've told us. We could've protected you."

"Enough," Kai said, his voice cold and hard. "You betrayed us, Finn. And you will pay for that."

Finn's shoulders slumped, knowing there was no escape. "Do what you have to do."

Jaxon moved forward, his anger barely contained. "With pleasure."

Before anyone could stop him, Jaxon struck. The blow was swift and brutal, knocking Finn to the ground. Blood splattered the wooden floor, a stark reminder of the cost of betrayal.

As Finn lay there, broken and bleeding, the group felt a mix of anger and sorrow. They had lost a comrade, a brother, to treachery. But there was no time to dwell on it. They had to keep moving, keep fighting.

"We need to leave," Aaliyah said, her voice shaky but firm. "They're probably on their way."

Kai nodded, his heart heavy. "Let's go. We need to find a new safehouse."

As they left the cabin, leaving Finn behind, the weight of their mission pressed down on them.