
Yaling frowned as the city of red brick appeared on the horizon. Before being taken in by her Lord, she had visited all the major coastal cities of Essos, and Astapor was by far the most unpleasant. But that was then. Now, her Lord had gifted her power, and the fate of this abhorrent city was in her hands.

Her Lord had two tasks for her to complete in this godforsaken place: gaining the allegiance of the Unsullied and finding a specific Naathi girl who might be working as a translator. Depending on the girl, this would either be their last stop before returning to Braavos, or they'd have to make a quick detour to the isolated island of Naath. Aside from that, everything else was left to her discretion.

From what Yaling had seen so far in her life, Astapor was the worst of the worst places to have the misfortune of living in slavery. The Unsullied training was particularly cruel, and for every warrior completing the training, a newborn babe was killed in front of their mother to ensure that no weakness remained in them. Yaling didn't believe she would end up being very generous toward the many slavers inhabiting the city, and the Good Masters, specifically, might as well be dead men walking in Yaling's pretty phoenix eyes.

After making port, Yaling mounted a radiant white steed befitting the first and only Saintess of her Lord, with her mages disguised as black-clad warriors following at her side.

It was an especially windy day at the city's port, the winds blowing directly in from the sea, and Yaling watched as the inhabitants bustled around, trying their best to avoid breathing in the famous red dust of Astapor: men wearing turbans and scarves, while the few women hid under veils. Of course, the many slaves toiling away were left to suffer the harsh conditions.

Their group easily drew the attention of many as they rode down the main street toward the Plaza of Pride, not a speck of red dust dirtying their persons. The magnificent robes gifted by her Lord protected her at all times, while the mages had their own magical means to avoid the noxious atmosphere.

They entered the plaza, the winds dying down the further they got from the coast. Yaling looked at the monstrous harpy statue standing tall in the plaza's center for the second time in her life. This time she'd be sure to see the monument glorifying slavery crumble to the ground.

In Yaling's opinion, man selling man was an abomination, and she sensed her Lord agreeing with her thoughts. After all, it was only proper for a god such as her Lord to own the souls of mortals, so how could he tolerate others plundering what was rightfully his?

Not long after entering the main market, their group was approached by the first envoy of the city's rulers. Yaling wasn't surprised; they'd docked at most of the major cities along the way—plenty of time for word to spread of the glorious feats she'd performed on her Lord's behalf.

The envoy's mounted entourage approached, stopping a generous distance away after seeing her guards readying themselves for any trouble. "Golden Saintess, the Good Master Kraznys mo Nakloz invites you to visit his great pyramid," the front rider called out, making her hide a scowl.

How dare a disgusting slaver summon a Saintess of her Lord as if she were a common whore. Yaling only held herself back from avenging the slight against her god because the man wasn't long for this world anyway.

"Lead the way," she said, not bothering to be polite toward a slaver's lackey.

They traveled in silence, and as they neared Nakloz's pyramid, the cries of pain from the younger Unsullied in training only firmed her resolve to see this city fall.

As usual, her guards were asked to leave their weapons at the entrance, and as always, they complied, giving the false impression that they were unarmed.

Walking into the grand entrance where the slaver with udders larger than her own sat on his gaudy throne, Yaling smiled, receiving a welcoming nod from the obese man. She figured the slaver assumed she was pleased to meet him, but that couldn't be further from the truth. No, the only reason she was happy at the moment was because of the young girl with the characteristic dusky skin and golden irises of the Naathi people.

"Tell the golden whore that she's welcome to reside at my pyramid for her time in our glorious city," Nakloz exclaimed in High Valyrian. "Preferably between my sheets," he continued, muttering under his breath yet still loud enough for everyone in the chamber to hear.

"The Good Master…" the young Naathi began before Yaling cut her off.

"There's no need for translations, sweetling," she told the girl. "I'm sure Master Nakloz wouldn't mind speaking directly," Yaling showed a kind smile on her pretty face while internally sneering at the flustered pig.

"Worry not, Good Master. My Lord commands forgiveness, for we all end up in his warm embrace at the end," she preached, outright lying. Her Lord could definitely be a vengeful and wrathful god when he felt like it.

"Ahem… apologies, Saintess. I was not aware you spoke our esteemed tongue," Nakloz excused himself, likely only embarrassed that he didn't know she spoke Valyrian. After all, a man like the fat slaver wouldn't have any shame for demeaning a woman of faith like herself.

"That aside, I've prepared a grand feast, but for now I'll have my servants settle you into your quarters," Nakloz said. Yaling felt like the man just wanted to escape the embarrassing situation.

"Very well, I look forward to the feast then," she agreed easily, following the servants out of the hall, with no desire to stay in the slaver's company longer than required.

"Your orders, Saintess?" Dana, the commander of the mages, asked after arriving at their quarters and casting privacy wards.

"Mark out everyone who will be a problem after gaining control of the Unsullied," Yaling commanded before getting ready to rest for the night.

Yaling could have finished her task as soon as she arrived at the pyramid. It would have been simple to have one of her mages confound the Good Master into handing over the reins of the Unsullied, but her Lord had told her, and she agreed, that life would become far too bland if you took the easiest path at every turn.

A New God's Conquest

Kraznys lumbered away from his throne room. Curses! Who would have thought the foreign cunt could speak his noble tongue?

He'd only invited the woman to stay at his magnificent abode because he knew his fellow Good Masters were planning the same—something about the bitch being a powerful sorceress starting a new religion.

Kraznys didn't know about any of that hullabaloo, but he did know that his prestige would rise from hosting the golden whore. Besides, even with that little slip-up, Kraznys was sure he could woo the woman with his vast riches and his mighty livestock. Again, he didn't know about any of that magic nonsense, but the Saintess was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

Later, shoving the many delectable cuisines down his gullet, Kraznys had nearly forgotten about that earlier mess, and seeing the YiTish beauty daintily nibbling on a succulent piece of meat he'd had served, he was sure she too had forgotten about it. Heh, soon, those delightful lips of hers would be pressed against another meat of his, Kraznys thought, his mouth already watering at the picture.

"My dear, I hope you're enjoying this fine feast, and if you don't mind me asking, what brought you to this lovely city of mine?" Kraznys asked magnanimously. It wasn't often that a man of his standing took interest in another's goings-on.

Kraznys watched her cutely nod that pretty little head of hers. "The food's delightful," she smiled, patting a small trail of grease that was running down the corner of her lips. Kraznys gulped, thinking of another type of liquid that would soon be trailing down that seductive mouth. "Believe it or not, Good Master, but I've genuinely come because of the Unsullied that I've heard so much about," she said, making him perk up, surprised the stunning girl had such fine taste.

"Oho, you don't say. Well, as the city's premier seller of the fearless Unsullied, you were lucky enough to come to the right place," he told her, seeing the lovely woman's long lashes flutter in awe.

"In fact, how would you like to go on a tour of my facilities on the morrow? I'm positive you'll come out even more impressed than what you've heard from the stories," Kraznys kindly offered. Not many would be fortunate enough to receive the personal attention he was offering. He was sure this would be another step in the right direction for the golden beauty to be making her way between his sheets.

"That would be delightful!" the Saintess exclaimed, clapping her elegant hands together, making him picture what else those things would eventually be doing.

Kraznys gulped, wiping a bead of sweat away from his manly visage. He was starting to get ahead of himself there for a moment.

Pulling himself together, Kraznys continued the enjoyable evening, merrily boasting about his many achievements over his prolific life.

The Saintess, of course, ate it all up, oohing and aahing at his interesting tales, all while daintily picking at the fantastic feast he'd provided.

Finally, though, their time together had to come to an end as the night went on, but Kraznys was sure his lovely guest would be thinking of him in her dreams tonight.

The next day, Kraznys woke, excited to further charm the beautiful Saintess. He was sure that after getting a look at his goods, he'd have to beat the woman away with a stick if he wanted to keep her out of his chambers. He didn't want to keep the exquisite woman away, of course, and would gladly welcome her inevitable visit to his bed.

But that was for later. Right now, he had a grand tour to prepare for.

And a grand tour it was indeed, Kraznys thought, having finished showing the many stages of the Unsullied's training, finally preparing for the finale.

"Here we are, my dear. Feast your eyes on the fifteen thousand fully trained Unsullied," Kraznys gestured, raising his golden harpy whip high. He was pretty sure he saw the Saintess blushing at his display, as was only proper.

"Unsullied! I have an important guest today. Salute the Golden Saintess," he commanded, sure that this would have her small clothes on the floor in no time.

His Unsullied pounded their arms together in unison, the beauty at his side lighting up at the show. "Oh my, how tantalizing it must be to hold such power," the Saintess gushed, making him puff up his chest in pride.

Kraznys saw his chance, deciding to quickly pounce on it without hesitation. "Would you like to taste a sample of sorts?" he asked, gesturing toward the whip in his hands.

Kraznys was pretty sure he could smell the arousal wafting off the woman at his question. Or maybe that was just the sweat trapped between his neck rolls. Either way, his soon-to-be prize eagerly accepted his gracious offer.

"Unsullied, obey your mistress while she holds the Harpy's Fingers," he ordered, handing over temporary control of his slaves to the beauty at his side.

Kraznys froze, an agonizing pain assaulting his chest, and after looking down, the golden rod protruding from himself was the obvious culprit. How did this happen? He didn't even have time to react. Was this really going to be his end?

Kraznys looked to the woman who'd been hanging off every word he'd spoken this day, watching a wicked grin replace the lovely smile that had been on the beauty's face not a moment ago. "You have no idea how long I've been looking forward to this," she sneered, making him wonder if all their wonderful time spent together was a lie. Looking down again at the golden shaft piercing his chest, he figured it indeed was all a lie.

Kraznys closed his eyes for the final time, lamenting his foolish desires. He only prayed no one would remember him as the Good Master who died chasing a fine piece of ass.

"Unsullied!" Yaling shouted, raising the golden whip. "Fight for me, but more importantly, fight for yourselves! Kill the masters, break the chains of your brothers and sisters, and see this city of torment fall today at our hands!" she cried before hearing the rhythmic beating of spears on shields resounding throughout the field after her words fell.

Yaling wouldn't be sitting on the sidelines for this, no, she'd lead her people into battle from the front.

Her divine scepter had already taken on her preferred form as a spear, and next, the gold and silver dress transformed into the magnificent battle garb her Lord had designed: ornate plated armor tied together with silver straps. Her Lord had told her the transformation was merely for style and wow factor because even the elegant dress the armor transformed from held the same protections.

It truly was a testament to the Unsullied's discipline when they barely reacted to her starting the day's violence by charging in a supernatural blur of golden light, piercing the neck of an Unsullied trainer employed by the former Good Master.

Yaling saw the reverence in the eyes of the men she led into battle, the chaos starting from the Good Master's great pyramids before spreading towards the markets.

She blurred through the battlefield, striking down any who dared hold the chains of their fellow men in her presence, the Unsullied at her back, freeing their fellow slaves and doing their best to protect the innocent.

Yaling wouldn't call herself an expert when it came to battle. She did put her all into training with the little time she had, but the power flowing through her body and divine armaments would make even an amateur into the deadliest warrior.

As the sun set, Yaling looked from atop the tallest of the pyramids, watching as a great portion of the city burned to the ground.

She'd seen death, but this was the first time dealing it out herself, and in such numbers at that. If not for feeling her Lord's warm embrace and encouragement, she didn't know how she would be feeling right now.

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