
Qujiang, one of the seven main leaders of the Tianlang Gang, has reached the level of Qi Gathering Level 1 in cultivation. His fighting soul is a sword, and his swordsmanship is unparalleled. He also controls a martial arts technique called the Ultimate Sword Technique.

Once fully utilized, it is enough to compete with a master of Qi Gathering and Peak Realm!

He has a great reputation, how could I not know

Bai Feng responded with a smile on his face and a look of admiration in his eyes. At this moment, the waves of memories churned in his heart, and various memories from the previous life kept surfacing in his mind, deepening his gratitude and respect for Qujiang.

In the previous life, the Bai family was besieged by the Lin family. Fortunately, with the help of the Tianlang gang, Bai Feng was able to escape the pursuit of the Lin family under their protection. That's why Bai Feng met Qujiang and became familiar with many members of the Tianlang Gang.

Later, Bai Feng successfully connected the meridians and stayed in the Tianlang Gang for a period of time, following Qujiang to study martial arts, practicing swordsmanship, and even possessing the technique of the domineering sword. That period of time was an invaluable growth experience for Bai Feng.

For Bai Feng, Qujiang from the previous life was not just a friend, but also like an mentor. Bai Feng always held a deep respect in his heart.

Unfortunately, later on, the Tianlang Gang was unable to escape the persecution of the Lin family, and Qujiang unfortunately died in that fierce battle, which became an indelible pain in Bai Feng's heart. Every time he thought of it, Bai Feng felt heartbroken and secretly swore that if there was a chance to start over, he would repay this kindness and protect them thoroughly.

Now, returning from rebirth and seeing Qu Jiang again like his mentor, Bai Feng's heart was filled with excitement, his eyes reddened, and his body trembled slightly. He kept shouting in his heart, 'In this life, I will never let tragedy repeat itself!'

So, when he saw Qujiang almost die at the hands of the Ghost Mastiff King, Bai Feng stepped forward without hesitation, with a resolute expression. He thought to himself, "Even if I put in everything, I can't let Qujiang suffer any more harm

Listening to Bai Feng's detailed account and being so familiar with himself, Qu Jiang looked shocked and furrowed his brow, like two entangled venomous snakes, lost in thought, desperately recalling when he had seen this young man before?

But no matter how he tries to break his head, he has no clue.

Master Qu, this young man is the useless Bai Feng from the Bai family

Just as Qujiang frowned and pondered, a member of the Tianlang Gang beside him reacted first and issued a warning. That gang member's face was full of contempt.

Shut up, don't be rude

Upon hearing this, Qujiang's eyes widened in anger, veins bulging on his forehead, and he shouted loudly.

The Tianlang gang member shrank his neck in fear, like a frightened little bird, and instantly fell silent like a cicada.

Brother Bai, I'm truly sorry that my subordinate acted recklessly and spoke in a way that offended you

Qujiang looked at Baifeng with an apologetic expression on his face and bowed, his eyes filled with guilt.

Until now, he remembered that the young man in front of him was none other than the famous' useless' in Lingshui Town?

The white wind who is rumored by many to have blocked meridians and unable to cultivate martial arts!

It's okay, I've always been called a waste in Lingshui Town

Bai Feng smiled indifferently, although his face appeared carefree, there was a hint of bitterness in that smile. He self deprecatingly said in his heart, "What do those people's idle words mean? I will prove myself with my own strength

The people in Lingshui Town who chew their tongues recklessly are purely ignorant. How could the White Brothers be useless

Qujiang furrowed his brow, looked serious, and his eyes were full of determination.

waste material?

If Bai Feng is really useless, how can he easily kill the Ghost Mastiff King and several fierce Ghost Mastiffs?

Why don't you apologize to Brother Bai

At last, Qujiang looked at the sarcastic member of the Tianlang Gang again, angrily rebuking him with a stern expression.

The helper nodded incessantly and looked at Bai Feng with a sincere expression and guilt in his eyes, saying, "I'm sorry, Bai brother. I didn't hesitate earlier and offended you so much!" His muscles trembled slightly with nervousness.

It's okay, don't take it to heart

Bai Feng smiled and waved his hand, with a gentle expression, but a hint of subtle relief flashed in his eyes. He was all too familiar with these people in front of him, all of whom had fought to the death against the strong members of the Lin family in the previous life to protect him thoroughly.

It can be said that these members of the Sirius Gang are all life-saving benefactors of the previous life of the White Wind. This gang member was just an unintentional mistake, how could Bai Feng be so angry about it?

By the way, Brother Bai, why did you appear alone in Tianfeng Valley in the middle of the night

At this moment, Qujiang took a bottle of recovery medicine, and the pain on his face slightly eased. He looked at Bai Feng with confusion and asked.

At night, Tianfeng Valley is pitch black, eerie and terrifying, with gusts of cold wind whistling and making the leaves rustle. Occasionally, a few roars of unknown monsters could be heard, which was chilling. This is a high-risk period for the presence of monsters.

Most people will leave Tianfeng Valley before dark.

There are very few people like the Sirius Gang who dare to come here to hunt at night.

Ke Baifeng, a sixteen year old boy, had such courage.

Qujiang was naturally filled with curiosity.

I came here to wander around, look for spiritual medicine, and hunt down some monsters to earn some money

Bai Feng's mouth curved upwards, responding with a relaxed smile and a confident look in his eyes. But in my heart, I thought to myself, "I am no longer the person I used to be. What fear does this small Tianfeng Valley have

Turn... turn

Qujiang and the surviving members of the Tianlang gang were all stunned when they heard Bai Feng's answer. Their faces were full of shock, and their eyes were about to widen. Their mouths were wide open, as if they could fit a goose egg inside.

They have only heard of people wandering and eating in Lingshui Town at night, but they have never heard of anyone daring to wander around Tianfeng Valley at night.

On this day, the peaks and valleys are extremely dangerous at night, and the roar of monsters can be heard from all around, making people tremble with fear. Ordinary people wandering around here are like putting their heads on their waistbands, risking their lives at any moment!

This time, if it weren't for hunting down the Ghost Mastiff and taking the Crystal Core to heal the deputy gang leader's injuries, the Sirius Gang wouldn't dare to come here at night, let alone say like Bai Feng that they come here to search for spiritual medicine, kill monsters and make money!


Bai Feng nodded solemnly, his gaze firm, like sparkling stars in the night sky.

Brother Bai, you are truly a skilled artist with extraordinary courage

Qujiang regained his senses first and couldn't help but look in admiration. He clasped his fists and said, his face full of admiration.

I have seen many independent people, but for someone like Bai Feng wandering aimlessly in Tianfeng Valley at night, this is the first time I have seen him in Qujiang!

Uncle Qu, why did you come to hunt in the mountains and valleys at night

Bai Feng asked curiously, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Oh! We're going to hunt down the Ghost Mastiff and take the Crystal Core as the deputy gang leader to treat injuries, that's why we took the risk to come here.

Otherwise, even with ten of our courage, we wouldn't dare to come here at night

Qujiang shook his head helplessly, responded with a bitter smile, and the last sentence made Baifeng laugh uncontrollably.

Coincidentally, the crystal cores of the Ghost Mastiff King and other Ghost Mastiffs belong to Uncle Qu

Bai Feng laughed heartily, holding his hands in front of his chest.

How can this be done? You killed them all by yourself, Brother Bai. How can we do it

Qujiang quickly waved his hand to refuse, with a resolute expression and a furrowed brow.

Uncle Qu, don't be polite to me, just be friends, how about that?

Besides, these crystal checks are very important to you, aren't they

Bai Feng smiled faintly, his eyes sincere, as if he could see the light in his heart. The kindness from the previous life cannot be repaid, and Bai Feng only wants to take this opportunity to repay them well.

So, thank you very much. In the future, if Brother Bai has anything to do, just come to Tianlang for help. I will be willing to leave Qujiang without hesitation

Qujiang was filled with gratitude, clasped his hands together and said, tears glistening in his eyes.

The crystal nucleus of the Ghost Mastiff is indeed crucial for the Sirius Gang.

How could Bai Feng not be extremely grateful for his generous gift.

At the same time, Qujiang also has a good impression of Baifeng in his heart, and he feels that his fate with Baifeng is not shallow.

It is his honor to meet Bai Feng today.

Okay, then I'll take my leave first

Bai Feng smiled and nodded, turning around to leave with a graceful posture.

Brother Bai, won't you leave Tianfeng Valley with us

Qujiang was stunned, his face full of surprise, and his mouth slightly opened.

I said, we need to go around again, look for spiritual medicine, and hunt down monsters!

Uncle Qu, please go back first

Bai Feng turned around and responded with a smile that was as bright as a crescent moon in the night sky. In my heart, I silently thought, "I need to improve my strength as soon as possible in order to cope with various crises in the future


Qujiang was speechless for a moment, it seemed that Bai Feng's wandering in Tianfeng Valley was not just a casual remark.

What kind of elixir are you looking for? Let's see if we can help

For a long time, Qujiang asked eagerly, with a look of concern in his eyes.

I want to find Tianbing Flower, Mo Xin Lotus, and Wu Forget Fruit

Bai Feng replied, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Tianbing Flower? Is that what you're talking about

Suddenly, Qujiang reached into his arms and took out a spiritual herb.

That spiritual herb is snow-white, carved like ice crystals, with five petals emitting waves of coldness and fragrance. It is the Heavenly Ice Flower.

Where did you get this, Uncle Qu

Bai Feng saw the Tianbing Flower in Qujiang's hand, with a curious expression on his face. His eyes lit up as if he had seen a rare treasure.

Today I entered Tianfeng Valley and stumbled upon it in an extremely cold place.

If you need it, I'll give it to you

Qujiang smiled and generously handed over the Heavenly Ice Flower.

Speaking, he handed the Tianbing Flower to Bai Feng.

Then I won't be polite

Bai Feng smiled and took it, the Heavenly Ice Flower was exactly what he needed.

Of course, he won't be polite.

You gave us the Ghost Mastiff Crystal Core and saved everyone. A Heavenly Ice Flower is nothing

Qujiang said boldly, waving his big hand.

I'm afraid I can't be of any help with the Unforgettable Fruit and the Ink Heart Lotus

Finally, Qujiang let out a sigh, with a hint of regret on his face and a slight furrow in his brow.

Uncle Qu said it too seriously. Being able to get this day's ice flower is already my great fortune

Bai Feng smiled and said, his face filled with joy.

Good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be punished with evil.

you share rose get fun.

Being able to obtain the Heavenly Ice Flower so quickly is truly fortunate for Bai Feng.

Haha! Alright, we're ready to leave. You're alone in Tianfeng Valley, be careful

Qujiang said, his face full of concern and his eyes filled with worry.


Bai Feng nodded with a firm expression.

In the future, come to Tianlang Help and I'll treat you to a drink

Respecting is better than following orders

Bai Feng watched Qu Jiang and others pack up the Ghost Mastiff Crystal Core and leave all the way.

At this moment, the moon in the night sky was completely obscured by dark clouds, and the surroundings became increasingly dim, with only a few twinkling stars. The wind howls and the branches sway, as if hiding countless unknown dangers.

Bai Feng finally showed off his figure, shuttling through the dark night like a ghost, hunting monsters and seizing crystal nuclei to enhance his strength, while continuing to search for the Ink Heart Lotus and the Unforgettable Fruit.