Quote of the day#2

The woman is the person who gives life to every single soul in this world; whoever says the opposite is HIGHLY mistaken. 

Without the seed of man and the heart of kindness, we children wouldn't be here as we are today.

Challenges you face will be brought to either your success or downfall.

One may never imagine making mistakes, but it only takes one to make that decision. 

Is 'love a fickle thing' like Alucard Tepes said in Castlevania Nocturne (Netflix series)?

I agree with that, yet I find myself saying "Love has its twists and turns that it cannot make up its mind, without a proper reason to explain why we fell in love."

I love to think my love is out there...waiting for me to appear and disappear when given the chance. I hope he doesn't do that to my fragile heart of stone. I'd give anything to see him again, even for just a moment...