"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts





"Ughh.... we have to walk all the way back towards where we came frommm." Usopp starts whining.... and Nami... hits him in the head... to shut him up..

"Shut up... why are you even complaining? it's not like you are part of Team 1 right?" Nami massages her hand... removing the cracks in her finger... while she looks at Usopp who gets up with a bump in his head... which is smoking.

"but.....Still Ill. When are we gonna reach Katorea?" even though Usopp just got beat up... he still is whining.... Nami sighs, knowing she can't do much to stop his whining.... so she decides to give the answer.

" will take an entire day....since we have to walk all the way back... to Nanohana and then to...Katorea, where the rebel army is.." Nami.... sighs.. kinda annoyed too that she also has to travel this far...

"Nami-swan.... i'll carry you-"

"no need." Nami Denies Sanji's offer of help...which makes Sanji depressed for a second....before coming back to normal.... and noticing something.

"Are you alright Vivi-chawn?" Vivi snaps out of her thinking.... then forces a smile for Sanji.... which all three figure out the fakeness immediately..

"ah.. i am alright Sanji... thanks for worry-" but she is cut off by nami... who sighs loudly... indicating that she didn't buy Vivi's act for a second..

"what happened Vivi?" Nami speaks up, wanting Vivi to also speak up... and Vivi bites her lip, thinking on what to say... the group says silent, letting Vivi have her time... to say whatever she wants.

"do.... you think whatever...'He' said.... is true?" Vivi Looks down in the ground, continuing to walk, while the other 3 are i pace with her... and before anyone could give a serious answer-

"He.... as in.... wait a minute?.... What's his name?" Usopp scratches his head...this question...successfully distracts Vivi for a minute... where the group tries to remember if the newest member of their crew introduced them or not...

"Man.... what is Luffy thinking? inviting random people? Does Luffy even know his name?" Nami starts complaining about what Luffy saw in the new guy... but...unfortunately, the time for jokes ended... with Vivi bringing them back to the subject.

"No Vivi-Chawn.... whatever that idiot is saying is random nonsense. you don't need to believe it..." Sanji tries to instill confidence in Vivi by bad mouthing Rai... but Unfortunately for him.... it doesn't work properly.

"Oi Sanji.... He...Kinda has a point." Sanji snaps his neck towards Usopp... who immediately gets scared and grabs Nami and hides behind her.... causing Sanji to stop his kick before it could reach Nami...

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Sanji is absolutely pissed off... How can a female be wrong?... if Vivi thinks her father is a really good king.... then.. He IS a really good king.. no doubt about it... how dare some random person say He isn't...and make Vivi cry....THAT FUCKING BASTAR-

"H-he.... made a-sense... there Could-would b-be more reasons for Why the Country wanted to rebel against the King other than the dance powder..." Usopp starts stuttering in fear while forming his sentences, but as he goes on... he gains confidence in his words and says them bravely.... for a second before Sanji's angry face scares him...


"STOP IT MOTHERFUCKERS!!!" Nami slams her fist in both Usopp's and Sanji's head.... knocking them out... for a couple of seconds before they get up in pain.... rubbing their heads.

"Nami-swan??" Sanji tears up.... 'emotionally' hurt that Nami Would Punch him... and call him such vile things... but Nami's stare shuts him up....

"...let's.... just finish our part of the plan..." Nami starts walking.... and this is pretty much clear to Vivi what Nami is implying... That, Yes... nami also thinks that There is more reason for the Country to hate the king...

Everyone continues walking in silence... with Usopp,Nami and Sanji looking at Vivi from time to time... while, Vivi is in deep thought... remembering what the new guy said to her-

For 3 years, Yuba suffered from sandstorms again and again... what did YOUR father do? NOTHING. while Toto believed in your father, the rest of the citizens of Yuba didn't. Your FRIEND didn't. That's why they took this matter upon themselves. this situation might be all around the goddamn country... people feeling that the king doesn't not help them... add that to the Dancing Powder... you get the disaster of having a rebellion in your own Country." 

she also remembers about Rasa, a girl who waited for her and her father to save the village to the point she almost died..

Rasa is a tall, slim woman with fair skin and short black hair. She wears a white blouse on top of a purple shirt, a red scarf, and long, crimson pants. She also wears curved, brown boots. she wears a little umbrella on her head. Her pink umbrella is placed in her hair acting as a hairpin.

Promises were made.... but it was never fulfilled.

'dad' she tries to find reasons to justify WHY her father.... didn't help the people who were suffering....

and she had reasons... like, Alabasta didn't have enough money nor resources to help the Citizens... or, The king also suffered along with the citizens.... but all of this... felt like an excuse. She starts remembering her childhood.... the day she was in Levely.... when she was "accidentally" Slapped by a fatso named...Wapol. while she maintained an act that... it was her fault too...

Later on, she cried about how much it hurt... and when she met back with her father and His Assistant...Chaka explained the situation to him... he was furious... but then proud... and he said something... which is reflected in the newbie's words... during the king comforting his daughter.

"Just because he... was born a king... doesn't mean.. he has the qualities of a king."

'the same words Father said to me... about Wapol.... was said by the new guy.... about...My father.' she... just couldn't believe how her father....HER Father... the person who taught her about the details of being a king.... was... not fit to be a king-

'NO!' she refuses to think about it anymore..... She...just can't... so she tries to distract herself by-

"hey.... isn't that the Kung-Fu Dugongs?" Usopp.... points towards their ship.... which is being guarded by all the Dugongs that Luffy.... basically made 'disciple'. it is night... and according to their calculation, they will arrive at Nanohana by Early morning... if they take a rest on the ship...

"fwooo..." the group of KungFu Dugongs... all salute The members of the crew... and while the team could mostly understand what the Dugongs just said...

The Kung-Fu Dugongs are dugong-like creatures with turtle-like shells native to the Alabaster coast. Though small, they are renowned for their martial art skills and strength. 

"Fwoo oowhfu?" all the members of the team can understand-


"damn.... it would be nice If Chopper was here!" Usopp exclaims...before looking down to see two Dugongs pulling his pants... wanting to get his attention. this time... they signal him... and for the oddest reason...Usopp can kinda understand what These Dugongs are blabbering about...

"uhh.... punch? like.... Luffy's punch? you are asking where Luffy is?" are some guessing, Usopp finally guesses what the dugongs are trying to imply. they are inquiring about their 'Master' Monkey D Luffy...

"well... he is going to Rainbase-" Nami starts explaining to them where Luffy is.... but then stops... getting a surprising idea.

"hey.... do you wanna meet your....'Master'?"Nami has a sly grin on her face.... seemingly innocent... but those who know her, immediately understand that she... has some kind of plan.. and the first one to figure out this plan is-

"Nami...Dugongs cannot Travel in the desert... I did tell you that... didn't I-" before Vivi could Stop Nami's plan... Nami starts blabbering something to the Dugongs.

"y'know....your 'Master' is fighting a difficult opponent in...Rainbase... and he said that... he might be in trouble and might need his 'Disciples' help.." She...'Smiles' but internally... her plan works... while the group is concerned on what the Dugongs are gonna do.... except Sanji.... the Dugongs start talking to themselves...

"Fwoosh..." "fwohhhh" "fwohwhoh" after talking for some time... the Dugongs gathered near the team.... run away-

"what?" Nami is confused about what is happening... she thought that these Creatures will never run away... especially if their 'Master' needed their help-

"FWOOOOOHH".....more than 50 Dugongs appear.... out of nowhere and screaming together... like they are motivated.... these Dugongs... immediately 'run' in a specific direction.... that happens to be Rainbase....

"Nami.... that was wrong-" before Usopp could berate Her... Nami explains to the group the reason why... she made Dugongs go to Rainbase..

"It's just a precaution in case something unexpected happens.... and, this might... make things harder for the Newbie." while she might agree with what The Newbie might be saying... that doesn't mean... that She immediately forgives him for Making Vivi cry..

"You Look Beautiful even though you are plotting a deasterously plan...NAMI-SWAN!!!" Sanji Moans her name... and gets right back into his simping... which NAmi ignores... but Nami's gesture makes Vivi giggle... and Usopp worried... but knowing they ain't do shit...

Team 2 boards the ship.... and sleep... since it is midnight right now... and they need as much energy as possible for what is about to happen tomorrow...


"Well....This shit is fucked." Usopp says what...everyone's thinking... He looks over at Vivi... who is shaking.... in rage, happiness, or sadness... she doesn't know... but the current situation is beyond Messed up.

"wha-" Vivi cannot believe her eyes... and what she is seeing... the person they are spying on... and all the Nonsense that is coming out of his mouth...the person who is spewing such Nonsense is-

"Mr 2!" nami Releases immediately... Wearing The King's face... just As Vivi told them he did.... with this revelation.... The entire Plan Of Crocodile makes sense now.

"The Newbie...was right." Sanji takes a drag of his cigarette... while recalling what the newest crew member said... that Crocodile had Contingies upon Contingies to his plan... and this was one of them... by using Mr 2 - otherwise known as Bon Clay - to impersonate The KIng, Nefatari Cobra and make it seem that he is the culprit behind all the wrongdoings in Alabasta..

meaning, that even if Vivi were able to safely explain the situation to the Rebel army.... the rebel army wouldn't believe a word from Her mouth... and this will Crush her-

"We have to stop it!" Vivi gets up and....starts running... Usopp tries to stop her... but Nami follows Vivi...leading to Sanji following the two women.... making Usopp extremely Nervous.... HE decides to dip... and runs in a different direction...completely scared..

"Oi....King!!" a little boy calls to the 'fake' King, leading Mr 2 to look over... and -

" so... it Is your fault... because of you stealing all the rain, people of this country are dying, you bastard." the little fellow, whose name is Kappa, starts rushing towards Bon Clay with... a hammer... but before He could reach the king.... the King Swings his leg to hit the Boy and-


"OI....What Kind of Human are you.....TO BEAT UP A LITTLE KID??" Sanji... who just blocked Bon Clay's kick.... shouts in rage... surprising not only Bon Clay... but the little boy... as well as all the residents of Nanohana who are currently watching the situation unfold..

"....who are you-" while Bon Clay is surprised that someone stopped his kick... he is even more surprised to see a kick aimed.... straight for his face.... which he barely manages to dodge by tilting his body backwards... in an unnatural way....

"I AM THE ONE WHO IS GONNA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU....FAKER!!" another kick... this time straight to the ribs... But again... Bon clay is able to block it... but surprisingly-

"EGG STAR!!!" Usopp, who gained a tactical advantage by climbing a building... shoots an Egg straight at Bon Clay's face... hitting him dead on... Bon clay immediately uses his hand to wipe his face from the remains... but-

He Exposes Himself in front Of the Entire City.... that he is not Nefertari Cobra... but some random guy impersonating him... Mr 2, Bon Clay...

Mr 2 is a relatively tall male crossdresser who wears flamboyant ballet clothes with a swan theme. He wears heavy makeup, and he often sports a distinct wide grin, which often carries over when he changes his appearance. His legs, being exposed, are hairy.

"YOU.... ARE NOT MY FATHER.... HOW DARE YOU TRY TO IMPERSONATE HIM? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!?" A screaming voice is heard in the field... where everyone, -including Bon Clay - turn to look at-

"Pr-Princess?" every citizen in Nanohana turns to see.... a rageful Vivi.... held by Nami... before she does anything rash....

"Princess..... you are back?" the Citizens are bamboozled by the turn of events happening in the past 10 minutes.... first, the 'King' appears and admits to the 'truth' that he was the one who caused such pain in Alabasta, then, he almost Kicks a little boy, before some random-ass Swirly brows person.... kicks the king, and then... the king gets egg splattered on his face.... which reveals that the king.... wasn't the real king.... and this?

"THAT IS NOT MY FATHER.... PLEASE, DO NOT LISTEN TO WHATEVER FROM THAT BASTARD'S MOUTH!!!" it seemed that Name whispered something to Vivi... and in some sort of Conviction-filled shout, she started screaming the truth to everyone.


"SHUT UP YOU BITCH!!!" One of the Billions in command of Mr 3 screams and aims his gun at Vivi, making every one of the Billions also raise their guns.... but at the citizens this time around...


"EXPLODING CACTUS STAR!!" Usopp Fires multiple of his pallets, hitting many of the Billions, spraying them with Quills... and not only them, but also the surrounding Billions...making them scream...

"THESE PEOPLE ARE CALLED BAROQUE WORKS.... AND THEIR LEADER IS....CROCODILE!!" Vivi screams Crocodile's name with such rage.... that it stops everything for a second... before the citizens start questioning Vivi.

"Crocodile will never do something like this-"

"what does Crocodile gain by doing this?-"

"You are lying-"

"Crocodile always saves us.... why are you blaming him-"

Objections start piling up.... and Vivi tries to think of a way to...give them proof of Crocodile being the Mastermind behind all of it-

"You will most likely never be able to prove that Crocodile is at fault.... so, don't try.... you need to Prove to the Rebel army that there is a third-party who is causing the unrest in the country... Focus on that!"

During the explanation the Newbie gave on what Team 2 needs to do, He explained how people won't believe her when she says that Crocodile is the Villain in all this... and as he said, it became true.... No one here believes her... so... she gives up on that... for now, while trying to prove the third-party exists.

"GUNPOWDER STAR!" Usopp fires another round of pallets, hitting the billions and exploding in their face....Vivi gets an idea from this... since from her knowledge, Billions had Tattoos to show their Loyalty to the Organisation... so-

Vivi immediately runs to the nearest fallen Billion and-

"LOOK AT THIS... THIS IS THE MARK OF BAROQUE WORKS!!!" She shows the Citizens, the Tattoo of the fallen Billions... which has a B with a wing on it. she sees the Citizens still in surprise... and knows that she... needs to make them believe...


"Vivi?" She turns to look at the Voice... since it is so...Familiar to her... but also Nostalgic... and it is...Koza, the Rebel leader.

Koza has purple-tinted glasses and has a scar on his left eye that he received as a young boy. He wears a blue scarf around his neck, a dark purple jacket that goes all the way down to his ankles, a white shirt with an ornament of some sort hanging on his neck, black pants and a yellow sash around his waist.

"Koza-" the citizens are surprised... along with Vivi... who totally did not expect that Koza would be here...

"what did you say Vivi?" Koza only came at the end of Vivi's sentence.... and seeing the Chos happening here.... it's unreal-

Some random Long Nose is firing Pellets from his Slingshot and the Billions.... while a Swirly Brown-ed Person is fighting with... a ballerina who is wearing the King's clothes? what in the absolute Fuck is even going on?

"There is a third-party in this Civil war Koza.... they are the one who supplied Dance Powder to the Kingdom and used it to cause a Civil war between the Country... They are called Baroque works and their leader is Croco-" Vivi gains hope and starts trying to explain everything to Koza... but Someone interrupts her... with a kick to the face that-

"THAT'S ENOUGH SNITCHIN-YO-" Bon Clay almost kicks Vivi.... but-

"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO LAY YOUR SMELLY FOOT IN VIVI-CHAN'S BEAUTIFUL FACE... I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, YOU FUCKER!!!!" Sanji deflects the kick just in the nick of time... and throws a kick of his own... which Bon clay stops... Bon immediately changes his face to-

"As your Captain-YO-" Bon clay changes to one of his friends.... Luffy makes Sanji stop, but Sanji kicks him in the Face.. surprising Bon clay so much that he wasn't able to defend against it... and is sent flying..

"I don't care what kind of Face you wear....YOU WILL NOT COME OUT OF THIS ALIVE.... YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" Sanji goes to kick Bon clay when he is down... but surprisingly, BOn clay gets up rather quickly and changes his face again to-

"wait a minute-YO-"

"YOU FUCKING MARIMO!!!" Sanji, whose Rage increases when he sees Zoro's face in Bon clay... whacks him with a mean round-house kick... but thankfully for Bon clay.. he kinda was expecting it, so... he was able to block the kick.... but it does send him flying a bit... after landing, he sees Sanji rushing to him... so, in a desperate attempt, he changes his face to-

"YOU FUCKIN-Nami-swan??" The kick stops before Bon Clay's face... and for a second... Bon Clay is confused and surprised at what happened... but then he grins... because he just figured out Sanji's weakness....

"ahh~.... Could you hit my beautiful Face-YO?" Bon Clay holds his face in concern... and Sanji, just for a second... slips concentration... and that's all Bon clay needed, since he wacks him across the face with his kick... sending Sanji crashing into a house...

Sanji gets up... and tries to hit Bon clay... but he can't... so Bon clay takes this opportunity to hit Sanji over and Over again... with Sanji not being able to do anything except Block or dodge.... untill-




"STOP USING MY FACE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" Nami, who took her new Clima-tact... whacks Bon Clay across the face... surprising and hurting Bon clay a little... he falls to the ground where...Nami kicks him in the face... and as a coincidence, Sand falls on Bon clay's face... resulting in him changing faces...

"YOU....finish him off." Nami commands Sanji... who starts hesitating... on kicking Ammi's beautiful face-

"i.... give you permission to Kick me." while Nami doesn't like this one bit... She knows Sanji and why he is hesitating... but Sanji almost denies... before getting hit on the Head by Nami..

"I Don't care how... you defeat him..!Defeat him... if we defeat one of the Numbered ones here... it will be easy later on!" with her two cents given....Nami immediately rushes to the Nearest Billion... whacking him in the face, leaving Sanji to finish his fight... confident that Sanji will be the victor.

Nami starts whacking Billions left and Right... with Usopp Covering her... so with this do, they start taking care of the Billions... 

"What the hell are these people?" Koza is shocked to see these...random people fight and beat the shit out of the people who wanted to harm Nanohana apparently..

"these...are my friends.." Vivi has the proudest smile on her face... which surprises Koza... and he decides that he wants to learn everything about what has happened.

"What is going on Vivi?" Vivi looks at him... and then takes a deep breath... ready to tell the entire situation from start to finish.

" three years ago... I found Dance powder in the castle, and after enquiring Dad about it... i realized that there was a third-party to all of this... so Me and Igaram-" with that...Vivi starts explaining everything that has happened in the past three years.... what Baroque works is... what is their Objective.... and what they are doing to the Country... and Koza-

He believes in Vivi Whole-heartedly.

while Vivi explains the situation... Sanji's fight with Bon clay gets intense, with Sanji figuring out Bon Clay's weakness - that he cannot fight properly if he turns into other peoples- the fight becomes even... with Bon clay using his Swan Slippers... eventually-

Sanji is able to beat Bon Clay, through endurance and mastery over his kicks...

"Please End me-YO!! Crocodile-Chan will not let me Live-YO!!!" BOn clay pleads to Sanji To end his life... and Sanji almost goes for it... but then he remembers that this guy... became friends with His captain.... so-

He knocks him out with a kick.. while disappointed... He knows That Luffy would be sad... even if Bon clay was his enemy.... plus, it was a good fight too...

with Sanji as the Victor, Nami and Usopp Dealing with All the Billions... and Vivi Explains the entire Situations to both Koza and the Citizens-


everyone looks up...and sees a gigantic ship heading towards the center... and this causes everyone to evacuate....

"those must be Baroque work agents...." Vivi shouts while Running... trying to let everyone hear her... Koza looks at her in surprise... but then LOCKS ON.

"what should we do?" He asks Vivi... who is confused for a second... before looking at Nami, Usopp and Sanji who have regrouped-

"We Follow the plan!" and that's what they do... with them telling the Citizens to run away... all four of them start running towards Korea... where the rebel army is...


the Ship finally crashes and out comes Daz Bones and Zala... otherwise known as their Code Names:_

Mr 1 and Ms DoubleFinger.

Daz is a tanned man with long, thin limbs and fingers. He is tall and very muscular and his head is shaven. His most striking feature is probably the black unibrow, right over his round eyes. he sports an oriental-looking attire consisting of a sleeveless dark coat with golden edges and white motifs on the front, over very loose beige pants held up by a white sash around the waist, with some light brown fur sprouting from it. His pants were tucked inside some bandages wrapped around his calves and in part around his shoes.

Zala is a tall, slim young woman with curly dark-blue hair, thick lips, dark green eyes, pale skin and a curvaceous figure.She is donning her most characteristic outfit; revealing and dark brown in color, this outfit mainly consists of a short long-sleeved jacket with beige colored fur brims, a bikini top describing an unusual spider web-like pattern across her abdominal area, low-riding leather pants, and platform sandals. She is sometimes seen smoking from a long whitish pipe.

" this?" Zala asks in surprise... even Daz bones is integrated by the situation.... Beaten up Members of the Billions, lying on the ground....

"Where is Mr 2?" Daz looks from side to side... trying to find where Mr 2 is... his eye lands on-

Nothing.... there is no sign of Mr 2... anywhere...

"...what do we do now?" Zala is confused on what to do... since their plan went to shit... but Daz has an answer...

"We Follow the plan.... We are going to Alubarna." with that.... both Daz and Zala leave Nanohana.... not noticing Mr 2 being hid from them by Mr 2's Loyal members...

With the plan in motion.... Sanji, Usopp,Vivi and Nami along with Koza reach Kotorea.... where, through the excuse of reviewing their convictions... Koza brings each member of the revolution into the camp one by one... where they are beaten up by the strawhats and are seen if they are the spies or not....

After more than 8 grueling hours, with Nami learning how to use the Clima-tact with the help of its maker.... Usopp, they are able to completely clear the spies within the Rebel army.... successfully stopping the war..

Vivi collapses in happiness... but Nami knows there is still more to it.... Team 1 still has to defeat Crocodile... and-

"we Still have Part 2 of the plan..." with that-

"Awww..... Come ONNN" Usopp starts Whining and-

"SHUT UP!!! YOU THINK YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE ANNOYED?" Nami hits him in the head...knocking him out-

