"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




I feel powerful. I don't know how powerful it is. But to fight- No, Hold Out in this fight with Tashigi, I need any kind of Boost I could get. I take a deep breath in and-


Well, to say I expected this situation would be a lie. Me Stuck Fighting Tashigi certainly wasn't expected. Hell, this entire situation from Marines to Million Members is entirely expected.

'I need to remember all the small details from now on' I duck just in time before my head flies off. Tashigi, who is bleeding from all over his body, and I am Sure that she has at least a couple of broken Bones, Stops her swing, twists Her blade, and strikes Down.

I jump to the side, some of my hair being cut. The only, and the ONLY reason I am able to react To Tashigi's attack are due to my Senses and her speed being inhibited by Her injuries against Chopper. Speaking of Chopper-

Poor Guy has been Knocked Unconscious. The slash that can cut steel did more damage than he could handle, thankfully he isn't dead. Cause, No one knows what the fuck would happen if the doctor of the ship died-

'Ugh' Another set of Blades gets destroyed by Tashigi's swing. I tried to defend against her attacks as much as I can, but her swings are powerful, powerful enough to kill me in one single slash.

Thanks to Auto-looting, I have plenty of Swords to use, but that doesn't mean shit if I cannot harm her-

"Argh!" i turn my body to the right, trying to dodge the thrust that is aimed at me, but unfortunately, My speed is not sufficient enough for me to dodge this attack properly, since i get a cut in abdomen where the Sword went through. but due to Gamer's Body, I don't have an open wound which will Inhibit Me in battle.

I duck another slash to the head, and try to create a countermeasure to Defeat Tashigi. I Could use her injuries against her which were created by Chopper. I Grab a sword into my mouth and-

I notice, at the corner of my eye, Chopper's Body Twitching. i change my attack into a defensive one, letting my swords get slashed in half while i get back, summon more swords and look at Chopper-


While I cannot see his stats nor his entire HP (Damn it!), What i can see is-

HP - 600/???

HP - 800/???

HP - 1000/???

Chopper is healing. and the rate he is healing is astonishing. This is most probably due to his Zoan nature. Zoan devil fruits allow the user to gain some sort of regenerative ability, with this, if i can hold on until he awakens, me and Chopper can beat Tashigi and Then get out of here after Luffy defeats Crocodile.

I Clash Swords with Tashigi, getting my swords destroyed in the process, so I disappear and come back to the real world with new Swords, with Tashigi turning around to slash me, with me disappearing again. this time, noticing something.

'How can she find out where i was gonna appear?' that seems impossible, the fact that she can figure out where i was gonna appear and then turn to fight me was-

'Observation Haki?' She unlocked Observation Haki? but how-

Breath of all things. the breath that Zoro heard during his fight with Mr 1, where he could hear the breath of objects. Tashigi could also hear this, mostly due to her fight with Chopper and my explanation to Zoro. I then remember that Zoro Cut a Boulder in half and explained how his "will" allowed him to cut what he wanted.

'She also has Armament Haki huh?' Shit just got worse. I Appear in front of her, swinging my sword, but she easily cuts through my attacks, and my swords too. The reason why I haven't died yet is due to my senses. which timely warn me and I am able to dodge her attacks.

'the weakness of both Observation Haki and Armament Haki are-' while figuring out that I Am fighting with a Haki user is not good, my Gamer's Mind allow me to analyze Tashigi properly, and that's when i remember-

Armament Haki is tied to someone's stamina. The same could be said for Observation Haki, Since it is the enhancement using Willpower, it might tax the body sometimes, leading to Using more stamina than normal when using Armament or Observation. With Tashigi being in her current condition-

'I need to exhaust her as much as possible. while also waiting for Chopper to heal.' With a plan in motion, I then plan a way to achieve it, while also getting my swords destroyed by Tashigi. I Use Observe one more time on Tashigi (I have been using it again and again in hopes of leveling it to make her stats visible)-

Master Chief Petty Officer



HP - ???

STR:- ???

VIT (HP):- 132 (???)

DEX (AGI):- 66 (???)

INT:- ???

WIS:- ???

LUK:- ???

Tashigi is a Marine Petty Chief Officer, and is under Captain Smoker. Since Birth, She has been Fascinated By Swords and her dream is to collect Every Sword in the World From the Hands Of the "Evil-doers".

Emotions:- Focused, Agitated, In-Pain.

huh? so, it seemed that my Observe skill leveled up, and I can see Tashigi's stats. at least partially. it seems that her injury is reducing her VIT and DEX. and so, by calculating her VIT, her Current HP should be 2,560.


with a plan in mind, i rush towards Tashigi, swinging both swords towards her, which she raises her own sword to Block, but just before the contact, I Disappear and Swing in the air (Inside the I.D.), i turn and then appear back into the real world, making Tashigi Switch positions, bringing her sword to the side, where I was swinging my sword towards. again, just before Contact-

I Disappear, Slashing the air. Then, I start to spin, appearing in the real world and surprising Tashigi, who frantically tries to block my Spinning attack. and when it almost makes contact, It Disappears again. with me switching Attacks.

What I am doing is creating a "fake" Attack by disappearing and appearing, with Different attacks at her. I Swing Both of my swords in a way that makes it difficult to block, while never landing the attack itself. For me, it's like I am swinging a sword in the air, similarly to a swordsmen practicing.but For Tashigi, it seems that I am appearing and disappearing to attack her with no pattern at all.

During these "Fake" attacks, I added some real ones too. I try to slash Vertically, making her raise her sword near her head. and to her surprise, the attack landed, shattering my sword, but I immediately thrust my right hand near her face, in a motion to punch. or, atleast, that's what she believes, since he tilts her head to the side-

before yanking her head back, almost getting decapitated from the Sword I just summoned. a scratch forms on her face, making blood come out of it, ruining her already bloody face. I Store it in my inventory while with my left hand, I Go for a gut punch, 'sensing' this, she pulls her Waist back-

before pulling her sword downwards as fast as possible, to Stop a sword Horizontally coming towards her, with the intent of bisecting her in half. She blocks the attack, with My Sword getting destroyed. but i don't care much, since i jump a little, getting my feet above ground, with my arms raised above my head, in an X shape, and I bring down my arms-

Making Tashigi raise her hands as fast as possible over her head, blocking my Cross slash (With my sword) with her sword, unfortunately, not successfully blocking it, as her arms get slashes. as soon as i touch on the ground, i Spin with two swords in my hand (Brand new, mind you) towards her, but She still is able to move and try to defend against my spinning attack-

but i Disappeared. starting the whole "Fake" attack all over again. There was one interesting thing that I had managed to figure out during my shattering of swords, and that is...Tashigi's Ability to Hear the 'breath' of all things, or Observation Haki becomes useless whenever I keep my swords inside my inventory.

Her Observation Haki Allows her to sense an attack coming from her ability to sense the sword's 'breath'. but, when a Sword is kept in my inventory, the 'breath' gets hidden, leaving her to only sense my movements. She Could never sense when I summoned my inventory and took out my Swords. so, while she senses and predicts that I will punch her in the face, I summon a sword to stab her in her face.

due to this sudden change when she senses my attack, she won't be expecting it, making her use her entire speed to block it. While I am slower than her, I have the advantage in chipping off her stamina and making her weaker.

After dozens of seconds of using "fake" and real attacks,, I Successfully landed a slash in her abdomen, making her fall to the ground in one knee while holding onto her side in pain, blood leaking out of it. I Look to Chopper, who is still not Awake. meaning, I Still need more time. I Look at Tashigi's HP-

HP - 700/???


'a little bit more' a little bit more until i kill-

Wait.....Am i gonna kill a named character? How would this affect the storyline?

I start thinking about all the contributions made by Tashigi which might ruin the story later on if she died..... which isn't much. except Taking care of the Children's Experiment in Punk Island... and her inclusion to SWORD.

'for the childrens.' I remember how worse that experience was, watching it. Children's being experimented on. that's...

I stopped thinking about it, put it into the back of my mind, and decided to spare Tashigi. since the implications of Me...killing her might not be good. from both Zoro and Sanji, to Smoker and the world Government. I snap out of my thought process when I see her getting up, using her sword as a crutch to stand up.

"I....Wo...Won't Lose.!" Tashigi gets up, with determination burning in her eyes. i feel that, if i let this continue on, shit might go even badder. 

"I...Am Gonna C-Catch Roronoa Zoro.... and g-get...Wado Ichimonji." She holds her sword, pointing it at me, while exclaiming her determination at not losing to me and catching Zoro to gain Wado. i remember her profile saying that she liked to collect Swords from "Evil doers". that's when i get an idea-

to distract her long enough for Chopper to wake up, while Her Status Condition knocks her out. ( Or, at least I think it will knock her out).

"You....defeating Zoro? ha! you really think you have what it takes to beat Zoro?" I Speak up in a Superior tone, which works, since Tashigi looks me in the eye with anger. Heh, the acting starts now.

"Please! he can defeat 100s of you with his eyes closed and one arm tied behind his back!" I Start Glazing Zoro..Hard, making Tashigi get angrier and angrier.

"YOU-" she wants to say something, but i interrupt her, since i ain't letting her talk.

"what? you wanna deny that and say you are stronger than Zoro?" my grin infuriates her, with the way she is shaking in rage and all. even her emotions show this-

Emotions:- Anger, Agitated, In-Pain.

"Just because I am a woman, you think I cannot beat Zoro?" Oh... I wanna say yes. i wanna say yes so bad.... but-

"Fuck No. It doesn't matter if you are a girl, hell. it wouldn't matter if you were a trans-gender itself, the reason why YOU are weak is because you don't put your life on the line." Comparing Genders is overrated anyways. do whatcha wanna do, why the fuck you wanna compare? anyways. i decide to do the most dangerous attack on her-

Talk-No-Jutsu. or atleast, a shittier version of it.

"How many times have you put your life on the line huh? let me guess, this is your first time. compared to you, Zoro put his life on the line over and over. and through that, he has gotten stronger from it all.THAT, is the difference between YOU, a Marine, and Zoro, a Pirate." Tashigi's emotions start changing. from rage to confusion to anger, and even a little bit of curiosity, since I am basically revealing the secrets of Zoro's strength.

"What are you-" Nah Nah Nah! not letting a woman talk- (AN:- That was a sexist joke, don't take offense to it.)

"Why do you think the Strongest Swordsmen in the World is a Pirate, rather than a Marine? Because Unlike Marines, Pirates constantly put their life in danger for whatever they wish for. While you Marines fight in the name of your so-called "Justice", we Pirates fight for our Freedom to do anything we want. The Only People that the Marines have to fight while risking their life are Pirates ( Fuck the Revolutionaries), but Pirates? They have to FIght the Marines AND Themselves as well.-

"We pirates have to put our life on the line over and over and over, to the point that we feel that death is not worthy of our lives. we, as a Pirate Crew, put our lifes in each other's hands, not knowing when, or who may have other motives. While You Marines have safe training procedures, we learn to fight while putting our life on the line." i take a deep breath in, and release it,Winking and then continuing to yap-

"Zoro has the dream to become the Strongest swordsmen, defeating Mihawk while putting his life on the line for his dream. for you to say that you will defeat him, you....who doesn't put her own life for her own dreams, while being carried by her superior officer. You... Do Not get to even fight him. So-" I grin infuriatingly at her-

"Go Home and cry in your Man's arms... since that's what you girls do best....Cock Sucker!" and the effect is as i expected, Tashigi Rages and Jumps at me-

before falling to the ground, being held back by a wounded Chopper. I grin, with my plan working and CHopper getting the indication, I Rush towards her with two swords in my hand, seemingly about to cut her in half. She raises her head to look at me rushing at her, so she swings her sword upwards and- 


my blades get destroyed by a wind slash, HOLY SHIT!! she had this as well? but thankfully, with my senses warning me in time, i am able to dodge it. but due to me still in motion, I Summon my Shovel ( which i got from Auto-Looting) and-


Hit her straight in the head-

Knocking Tashigi Out.

'Oh thank god.' I look at her HP, and thankfully, she isn't dead. her Hp is below 400 right now, but it also seems that her status Condition has stopped. Like knocking out cleared her Status condition. huh, that's interesting to know. I then look at my EXP-

Level:- 13 (EXP:- 508,400/819,200)

'Holy Shit!' 100,000 EXP for defeating Tashigi? that... makes sense, since She is a Named Character and someone who is (kinda) important for the world's plot progression. add that with the Quest's EXP i gained, I even Leveled up, meaning any type of injury (If any), i have recovered from-

"That...was mean" I snapped back from my thoughts, looking at Chopper, who looked conflicted.and i mean, i wouldn't blame him, since i kinda went low there.

"Yeah, I Know... but, i had no other option, since if i hadn't riled her up, she wouldn't have fallen for you grabbing onto her leg and holding her in place." This seems like a lame excuse, and even Chopper knows it.

"But still-" even though Chopper is kind... this kind of thing might happen regularly, so he will need to be desensitized with it. But, I will divert the matter for now.

"How's your wounds holding up?" even though Chopper Knows what i am doing, he.. sighs, and then starts explaining what is happening within his body. i listen to him, while deciding what to do-

"GUMU GUMU NO-" both me and Chopper stop talking, and look back towards-


-GIGANT-O PISTOL!" a Humongous fist, covered in blood, getting sent straight down towards a injured Crocodile and-


A shock impact spreads towards the area that sweeps me off my foot, but thankfully, my Reaction speed helped me summon a sword and stab it into the ground, holding it to make sure that I don't fly away. while holding a screaming Chopper in another hand. Tashigi's body starts rolling due to the wind pressure, along with the nearest unconscious marine soldiers getting sent away.

the wind pressure finally stops, and the destruction is-


Shops and Houses are destroyed. and in the middle of it, a destroyed figure of a big Bananawani Statue and the entire Casino That Crocodile used to run, is in shambles.

Luffy, who is falling from the grounds, starts exhaling Air, creating a force which pushes him backwards to the ground at high speed. before he could Collide with the ground, Someone Saves him-

A....Falcon? wait... that is-

The Falcon carries Luffy to the ground, right near me and Chopper. Luffy falls to the ground, unconscious and-

"Why is he shrunken?" Chopper starts freaking out, grabbing Luffy, who is shrunken to look like a 5-year old kid. 

"It seems that the excess air that he inhaled... Giant hand attack was released by him, causing his body to Shrink from its massive expansion." I look at Chopper and explain How Gear 3 works, while making it seem like it is common sense from what we saw. Chopper starts fussing about the health issues of it, but i Look at the falcon who has changed into-

Pell, The Head Guard Of Alabasta. Pell is a tall man with a purple line under each eye that runs down the sides of his face, making him resemble a falcon.He wears a long white robe with brown star-like motifs on it and a matching hat. He has a big orange necklace around his neck, and also sports striped socks under a pair of normal shoes. He carries his sword on his right hip.

"This...Person defeated Crocodile. Are you guys the people whom Vivi-sama told us about?" Pell looks at me, and before i could answer-

"WHITE SPARK-" Smoke rises from some of the debris, and Smokes comes out of it-

"Santōryū:- Hyakuhachi Pound Ho!!!(108 Pound Phoenix)" Zoro, who pops up out of nowhere, bleeding from all over his body, similar to Tashigi, Sends three compressed air slashes at Smoker, cutting him in three pieces and sending him flying. Zoro lands next to us, and looks at us-

"Now what?" Zoro then looks at me, like i know the answer to it-

"Ocho Fleur(Eight Flower)-" arms start sprouting from within our body ( where the hell does this even sprout) and grab us, choking us and yanking us to the ground. putting all five of us into the ground.

"You guys.... know how to put a damper on a plan, don't you?" this voice, how could i forget? i completely forgot about NIco Robin-

Nico Robin is a tall, slender young woman with shoulder-length black hair styled in a classic hime cut and eyes that have dark, wide pupils. She also has a long, thin, and defined nose. Robin's skin tone has a slightly darker tan. She is wearing a revealing cowgirl outfit consisting of a purple cleavage-exposing corset and matching miniskirt, both with white ornaments hanging from them, and a white fur-lined coat paired with a white cowboy hat and white high-heeled boots. 

"Now, what should i do with you-" before she could continue, i speak up-

"Wait Robin. I Will help you fulfill your goal." Robin's Eyes raise up, surprises that I Could know her name and-

"How do you know about me?" She squeezes my throat, causing me to start shaking. while i might be down bad for Robin ( i Mean, who wouldn't?), i ain't so down bad that i would love being a masochist-

"You-" Zoro starts freeing himself with his strength, making Robin wincing, seeing this he goes for more strength to rip the sprouting arms apart-

"Wait Z-Zoro. t-trust me. i know what i am D-doing" i groan, try to speak, with her continuing to choke me, Zoro looks at me in surprise, and then glares at me. I look at his eyes, well.. at least i try to, since i cannot open my eyes fully since i am getting choked on. After a few seconds, he sighs, and stops resisting.

seeing this, Robin lets me go. at least stops choking me, and lets me cough and take deep gulps of air.

"You know what my goal is?" While her tone seems to indicate that she is curious, there is also suspicion laced in it. I gather my thoughts, trying to figure out if I should say it, but knowing that things could go much worse if I don't ( Smoker still being a threat), I decide to go for it. Consequences come later.

"Your Goal is to read the poneglyphs. I will make sure you will read it. In exchange, you help us get out of here." She looks surprised, along with the others, who are mostly confused. except Zoro and Chopper, who look surprised that I am asking help from the person who has caged us, but they just decide to listen for now.

"hmm. well, that is interesting but-" She grabs my neck again, choking it.

"Why should I help you? isn't this deal supposed to be your guy's life for the Ponyglyph?" this...Bitch. While everyone loves Robin, you gotta agree, she was a bitch in Alabasta, atleast at first.

"S-Since, This is n-not j-just an-about the Offer for the Ponyglyph in Alabasta, but all around the w-world." Thankfully through Gamer's mind, I am able to think properly even when being choked, but this offer... is basically an invitation for her to join the crew. nobody except me knows that of course.

"Hmm, Poneglyph all over the world huh?" She starts thinking, and in an instant, the hand choking me releases, letting me take a breather again. i Look at Robin, and after a couple of seconds of silence-

"how am i supposed to believe you?" She looks at me, a small smile on her face. i realize what she is doing, she is probing for more information. without accepting my help, basically she needs a guarantee. Smart women indeed.

"What do you want?" I Sigh after thinking about what kind of guarantee I could offer her. Anything I come up with, it involves her backstory, and unless I reveal that I know her backstory, things are not gonna work out. but even if i reveal that i know who she really is, she might not believe me.

"Well, how about a hostage?" she smiles, and then an arm sprouts on...Luffy's back and he picks him up, due to Luffy's small stature currently, he is too easy to be kidnapped.

"YOU-" Zoro immediately gives up on staying quiet and starts resisting, but i remain calm, and immediately come up with an idea.

"Wait. take me instead." Zoro, Chopper and Pell look at me in shock and surprise, while Robin...Grins. that women wanted this to happen, for me to willingly surrender myself.

"What? what the fuck-" Zoro objects, but i shut him down immediately.

" I Have a plan." but Zoro is still not convinced. He even objects to this.

"Your plan sure worked really well when the Marine attacked us, right?" His Sarcasm is through the roof, since when I made the plan, I explicitly stated that all we had to do was give Luffy cover if someone other than Crocodile was there. I never expected Marines to be here. But, I snap back too.

"And who figured out a way to fight against a cloud? exactly. Me!" This shuts Zoro Up, and I look at Robin, who looks amused at the conversation going on.

"Well, okay then." like it was us who made the decision, Robin shrugs, like she didn't manipulate us into making me give myself up. her hand comes off all of us, except me.

"STRAW HAT!!" all of us look up, to see Smoker, who is shirtless and standing on the roof, with his Jitte in his arms, looking enraged. clicking sounds come from all around us, and looking at it, we see the once knocked out Marines all standing and aiming their guns and swords at us.

"YOU GUYS ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. IN THE AUTHORITY OF THE WORLD GOVERNMENT-" i look at robin, who notices my stare.. and sighs, she puts her finger on her mouth and Whistles, interrupting Smoker's speech. which pisses him off, Smoker jumps down to capture us, but Zoro grabs his swords and attacks smoker with Wind slashes, keeping him busy.

"That is our ride." Robin Points over to a...Alligator rushing towards us. it rams through several Marine Soldiers until it stops in front of Robin and Robin points it towards us, and understands its assignment. above it's head, it is written-


I don't even care to go into much detail by using Observe, I just stare at it... while lying on the ground, while it stares at me, licking its lips.

"How do we escape?" Chopper kinda freaks out, since even if they board this alligator, they still have to defeat the Marine Soldiers. Pell speaks up, but before he could-

"FOO" something... blitzes past me and attacks a Marine in the head, knocking it out, it then lands on the Collapsed Marines and poses in a victory sign-

"KUNG-FU DUGONGS!" Pell, Chopper and Me exclaim in surprise, while Pell wonders why they are here, Chopper is grateful for them. while ME-


things went too sideways for me to understand properly, before i could understand the entire situation, i am thrown up from the ground by...Robin's hands and land on-

Another F-Wani? When the hell did she summon this?

"Well, it seems that you guys have an escape route now." She smiles and waves, before F-Wani speeds up, and starts running, making me and Robin leave the area, abandoning Pell, Chopper, Zoro and the Kung-Fu Dugongs-

"RAI!!" Chopper and Zoro scream my name, but i scream back-

"TRUST ME!! I HAVE A PLAN!! WE WILL MEET IN ALUBARNA AAA-" Before I could complete my sentence, the people disappeared from my eyes, leaving me to stop screaming... and then Sigh.

"We Could have just gone with them y'know?" I turn and then look at Robin, who smiles at me.

"We Could have, but then I would risk getting injured. besides-" Her Smile widens.

"It Wouldn't be fun, would it?" This women is crazy as fuck.

