"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




"What are you doing in there?" Usopp calls me, snapping me from my excitement. i grab the Whiteboard and drag it towards the Deck, putting these calculations behind me as i am ready-

to Power Scale this shit.




Use your Prior Knowledge in order to help these noobs get stronger. If they have the right aptitude, the user can pass on their knowledge, which would allow them to develop any Skill and get aWay faster.

Rewards:- +20,000,000 EXP, SKILL BOOK , +1 IN ALL THE SKILLS TEACHED.

'I got a teaching quest huh?' I looked over it for a second, before Accepting it and closing the window. looking straight at my students.

"So, I am gonna be teaching you guys two very important Power-Ups, so listen closely-" I look towards Luffy, who is yawning. but I want Luffy to learn every single thing that I am gonna say, so I decided to make the theoretical aspect a little easier.

"Luffy, give me 10 minutes to explain, after that you can go to sleep." He looks at me and shrugs, nodding a little second later.

"Oka~" before he could complete, he yawns once more. and I sigh, knowing this is gonna be troublesome. i turn to the clean whiteboard and Write Two Words on the sides of the whiteboard-

"Rokushiki" "Haki"

I drew six lines connecting to Rokushiki and Three lines connecting Haki.

"Rokushiki are martial arts techniques that are majorly used by the Marines. it was also used by Zephyr when he was whopping our asses." Luffy's sleepiness vanishes when I mention Zephyr, and he looks determined and focused. Zoro, Sanji, Chopper and Wyper are all also having a determined expression.

"The Rokushiki techniques are a set of martial arts abilities that focus on different aspects of physical perfection like Speed, Strength, agility, endurance, durability and flexibility. a person who has mastered these techniques has a power of 100 men, or something like that." the weaker members of the group, like , Nami and Aisa all look excited-

"But, mastering these techniques means that you have to be at the peak of your physical capabilities. plus, learning these techniques and mastering them are in two different leagues." All of the three look disappointed, and I try to cheer them up.

"I'll show you guys each and every technique, so you guys can understand it much better." All of the crew show surprised expressions, and Usopp speaks up.

"You know how to use these techniques?" USopp looks surprised, and I nod. I sense his emotions changing, surprised, but there is also Jealousy. I try not to sigh. Usopp tries to compare himself with Me, a limitless being and the Monster Trio with Chopper.

I decide to deal with it later, when he finally explodes in anger.

"Yeah, kinda figured it out when we were getting our asses whooped by the Giant Dumbass." I shrug, ignoring Usopp's little jealousy increasing. Seriously, why does he try to compare himself with the monster Trio, me or Chopper? 

He has things he can do and things he Can't do. Sanji said it himself.

"So, let's start with the first technique:- Soru-" I write all the 6 Techniques on the whiteboard below Rokushiki and then put the Marker down, turning to the side where all the members could properly see me-

SORU -ACTIVE- (Lv2) (EXP - 0%)


otherwise known as Shave, this Skill allows the user to kick the ground 10 Times in a single moment to accelerate their speeds.

-and active the skill, where my body automatically Kicks the ground 10 Times in a second, sending me forward in an accelerated speed-


I Collide with Merry's Rails, tearing right though it since this is the first time I am using it, I am not able to properly control the speed-

I fall into the water, my legs paining a little bit, before it goes away and i swim back to the Ship, grabbing the rope and pulling myself up the rails-

"-by kicking the ground 10 Times in a second, you generate momentum and when you start the motion of running, the generated momentum will propel your Speed by nearly 10x. It is also called Shave and it focuses on your Leg strength." I teach them while ignoring their dead pan looks and my soaking body. I then point at few of the crew, pointing at them specifically for-

"Luffy, Chopper, Sanji, and Bentham. You four NEED to learn this technique. This is basically created for YOUR fighting styles. Chopper, you can use your Walk Point or Jump Point to achieve this effect." All four of them are surprised, but Nami raises an interesting question.

"How does this Multiplier come anyways?" Well, the multiplier comes from Canon Base Luffy being equal to Blueno and When Using Gear 2, was able to be equal to Lucci. Blueno's Doreki (or power level) was 820, and Lucci's Doreki was 4000. So, 4000/820 is 4.8, or 5x. 

Plus, Gear 2 Canon Luffy was able to see Blueno kicking the ground 10 Times in a moment, so Soru could be said to be a 10x multiplier to speed. But, I can't really give these calculations to Nami, so I give her a different answer. 

(AN:- I would like to give a shoutout to a reddit User named u/MRpeanut256, his page in reddit has all the calculations for Gear 2 till Gear 4)

"Well, when you run, you kick the ground once and push yourselves forward. You kick once again and then push forward. So, when you reach the 10th kick, you have almost reached your Maximum speed. But, If you could kick 10 Times in a single push, you could generate a similar momentum to 10 Pushes and achieve the same speeds from the START." I even kicked the ground 10 Times, this time not activating my skill. The moment my 10th kick lands to the ground, I push myself forward a little, showing her what I meant.

She nods in response, and Zoro asks another question.

"What about the rest? They shouldn't learn this technique?" I shake my head. Where did he come to that conclusion?

"No, I meant that the four I mentioned NEED To have that technique when fighting. You guys can learn it if you want, but in your case, you don't really need it since you are a close range combatant. You could use Soru to accelerate your attacks Like Onigiri I guess?" I give him a small idea to upgrade his current techniques, and he falls into thinking, trying to figure out what attacks could be used best with Soru.

"The Next Technique is Shigan. Or Finger Pistol. This technique focuses on arm strength and-" i crouch a little while pointing my finger at the air-

-Before activating it and allowing my body to thrust the air with insane speeds, creating a miniature sonic boom.

"-through a thrust with a finger at high speeds, you are able to pierce the body, similar to a bullet. Though, this might break your fingers if not done properly, since the entire power of the body is exerted from one finger." I look towards Luffy, and then Remember something interesting.

Isn't Shigan similar to Luffy's Tensile Strengths?

"Well, Luffy already has a similar kind of attack with his Compressed Attacks, So Chopper, Nami ,even Zoro SHOULD learn it. Nami and Zoro, both of you could use the fundamentals of Shigan and create a version that incorporates your Weapons. Chopper could learn it by using His Arm Point or Horn Point" Luffy looks Confused, his head tilting to the side and an imaginary Question mark appearing in it. 

"Luffy, try pushing your Fists into Your forearm, like this." I decide to dumb down and explain what I mean by Compression, showing him what I mean. He recognises what I am doing, so he does it.

His fists pull themselves into his forearms, and he holds it like that on my request, I walk up to him and point at the sky-

"Now shoot it upwards-" i turn to the others, and Luffy shoots his fist upwards-


Creating a Sonic boom as his fist travels a couple of feet before he stretches it back into its normal form.

"Similar to Luffy's Compressed Attack, where he can generate an output similar to him swinging his fists and punching someone." I then walk back to the whiteboard, but Zoro has a question.

"You want me to thrust my Sword in a single point to generate an output similar To Luffy's Compressed Attack?" I grin, knowing Zoro figured out what I am saying. And it seems that with this analogy, Nami figured it out too, I nod, confirming his theory-

"Compressed attacks huh? That's a cool name!" Luffy chuckles while grinning, finding the name Compressed cool. He decides to change the way of his attacks, adding Compressed before all his attacks.

"Could you use the principle for Slingshots too? Like, sending Energy through the Shots I take to enhance the effect?" He looks at me, expecting me to confirm his theory he is cooking up. But I look confused. Where did he even get this idea from? Plus-

"Doesn't The Jet Dial do the same thing? You don't Need to learn Shigan since you are a Long-Ranged Fighter." Usopp looks disappointed for a second, before his expression turns into realization as-

"Wait, Kabu-" 

"Yeah, Kabuto. I'll help you with that later on, we can use the dials I have acquired from Sky island. Plus, we can also check out Wyper's Bazooka and Zephyr's Mechanical arm." Usopp's expression turns from surprise to excitement. Especially after realizing that I swiped Zephyr's Mechanical arm.

"Oh hell yeah!" His grin is infectious, causing me to grin too. But I decide to continue on with my teachings-


TUTOR - PASSIVE - (Lv1) (EXP-0%) 


This skill allows the user to help tutor an individual or a group. If the listener has a potential to learn what is being taught, they will comprehend it faster than normal.


Lv1:- Comprehension increased by 5%

Damn, 5% increased comprehension? That's Hax. As I level up, the Comprehension increases too. This skill is best for helping others learn things instantly. But, why didn't I receive this earlier, especially Teaching Zoro about Cutting through Steel and Wind Slashes.

Dumbass Mr -NOTHING- and his forgetfulness strikes again.

"The third Technique is Geppo, Or Moon walk. This technique allows Someone to Jump with so much force that-" i crouch down, and taking a breath, jump-

GEPPO - ACTIVE - (Lv1) (EXP-0%)


Otherwise known as Moonwalk, It allows the user to jump on Air itself, giving them pseudo-flight. With enough stamina, it allows the User to stay on air for a long period of time.

- to the air, where I kick downwards, 'hitting' air and pushing myself Upwards. I kick once again, pushing myself Upwards even more. 

I stop kicking, as my legs hurt a little bit. I land on the deck and turn to see the surprised faces of-

Well everybody. Even though they have seen it before, it is still surprising to some of the crew. Luffy, Chopper and Sanji are trying to grasp it.

"By kicking with as much strength as possible, you are able to push yourself to the sky. If done again, you could jump through Air itself, basically giving someone Pseudo-flight. You basically kick the air to propel yourselves forward-" I look at Luffy who stood up and then-

Jumped in the air, before Compressing his legs into his thighs and then shooting it downwards-


Pushing himself in the air with great speeds-

"WOOHOO!" He screams in delight, throwing his arms around and moving it wildly in the air. I chuckle, amused that Luffy figured it out, since what he did was basically Gear 4 Flying ability.

Though, that begs a question. How the hell is he able to use techniques that he only figured out After the Timeskip? How did he figure out Python attacks, Flying in air and even Somehow Mastering Gear 3-I mean, Gear 2 in this timeline?

What the fuck is even happening?

"Okay Luffy, I still have to explain all the techniques, so come down for now. You can fly later on." He looks down at me, disappointed. But, he kicks upwards, pushing himself downwards to the Ship-

And landing on it successfully.

"Man, that was awesome!" He grins, and I shake my head. Damn him and his wacky ahh comprehension to do things successfully.

"Now, let's continue with the Techniques." And that is what I do, I explain all the remaining Rokushiki to the crew.

I jumped and sweeped my leg in the air to Show them Rankyaku, where I told Luffy, Sanji, Bentham, Chopper ( in his Jump Point or Walk Point) And even Wyper to learn. 

I started moving from left to right without any weight holding me up, showing them Kami-E. I told everyone that this is one technique that they should learn and have a mastery over. Even Aisa needs to Learn Kami-E.

Last, but not Least was Tekkai, where I hardened my Muscles to the point that they became Iron/Steel. This technique should be Learned by Luffy, Chopper (in his heavy point), Zoro, Sanji (For his Legs), Wyper, Usopp, Bentham and Robin.

"But, I want you to know that these are just the basics. There are variations as well. For example, with enough mastery, you Can move your body freely when using Tekkai, or Create Shapes of Wind using Rankyaku, Or Combining Soru and Geppo together etc. don't limit yourselves to the basic versions of these Techniques." All of them nodded, so I decided to explain to them about the final Technique of Rokushiki.

"The last technique of Rokushiki, is a secret technique that can only be used by a person who has completely Mastered all the 6 Rokushiki techniques. So, Only Me, Chopper and Luffy could even try using it. Plus, I cannot even try using it since I haven't seen it yet." Both Luffy and Chopper perk up, along with Zoro, Sanji and Wyper.

"The name of the Technique is Roku-o-gan.or Six-King- Gun. A technique that uses the Stability Of Tekkai, Flexibility of Kami-E, The pushing Strength Of Geppo, The thrusting Strength Of Shigan, The Wind Of the Rankyaku and The Speed Of the Soru-"

"Combining all of these, creating an impact so powerful that it goes through defenses at Attacks internally. Similar to a reject Dial." Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Bentham, Robin, Wyper, Aisa all widened their eyes in surprise at my explanation. Wyper and Aisa understand since he knows how the reject dial works. Zoro, Sanji and Luffy understand what I am saying since they experienced something similar just a day ago. While Usopp, Nami, Robin, Bentham and all understand the implications of what I am saying.

"Wait, didn't Zephyr do the same-" Sanji asks me, but I deny it. Since it is similar, but different.

Same same but different, No Money, No Honey-

"Similar, but No. I will explain what it was. But, let's go to Haki and-" I turn to everyone and look them in the eye, wanting them to understand just how serious I am about this right now.

"-I want ALL you guys to learn this. No excuses. This ability is the same one that allowed Roger to become the Pirate King-" Luffy's Back straightens, while all of the crew except Wyper and Aisa widen their eyes in shock.

"-and was also used by Zephyr to Whoop out asses." Wyper and Aisa lock on, wanting to hear all of the information that I am gonna explain, while all the other crew members lock on too.

"Haki is the physical manifestation of Willpower, that allows the person to Wield their Willpower to fight, Sense and/or subdue other people. Willpower is basically your conviction, your dream, the mental strength to keep going, to wake up every single day, that is willpower. Willpower exists in every living beings, but not all of them are aware on how to unlock this power-"

"There are three types Of Haki, and not all of you guys can learn all three of those, but it doesn't matter, as you all are gonna learn AT LEAST One." Nami, Aisa and Usopp look a little sad-

Wait a second, when did Aisa Join the Weakling Trio, and it seems that Chopper is determined. Damn, I made chopper confident in himself to fight.

"The first type of Haki, which is the easiest to learn, is Observation Haki, or otherwise called Mantra in Sky island-" Aisa and Wyper's eyes widen, and I grin at her.

"Aisa, you can use Observation Haki, so don't worry about anything. Now, Observation Haki is basically sending your Haki outwards and sensing other people's Haki.-"

And so, I explain What Observation Haki is, in detail. Explaining its Advanced Version, and How to develop Your Observation Haki, which is through battles. I explained to them the uses Of Observation Haki, such as Emotion Sensing, and Strength analyzing, which surprised everyone, including Aisa, since she didn't know that she could determine Someone's strength by using Mantra.

"Similarly To Observation Haki, Armament Haki is the manifestation of Haki in a physical Form. This form of Haki though, is used in two ways, Hardening and Infusing. Armament Haki is used for offense and defense, where the user surrounds his Haki, increasing their Strength according to How Strong their Willpower is.-"

"Similarly, the increase in strength could also be applied in defense, where Hardening your body to take strong hits with your Willpower. Armament Haki allows someone to negate devil fruit abilities-" everyone's Eyes widen in disbelief.

"Let's take an example, Enel-" Wyper's and Aisa's Eyes harden. I took him as an example specifically since everyone in this shop knows him, and he is my slave, so imma use him how I want.

"Enel is a lightning Logia user. So, let's say that I am fighting him right now, and I throw a punch hardened with Armament Haki. What it does is that when I come in contact with Enel, my Haki interacts With Enel's Willpower, with the hit shaking it temporarily, causing his devil fruit to stop working for a little while, allowing me to land my punch. Not only that, it is similar to Tekkai."

"It basically forces the Devil Fruit User to solidify. So, Whenever using Haki, it interacts and challenges with other people's Willpower, and whoever has stronger willpower, wins the clash-"

With that, I continue explaining what Armament Haki is, explaining about Infusion and then the advanced version of it. The people who fought with Zephyr immediately understand what it was that Zephyr used to knock out the majority of us. Emission. I explain about internal destruction, pointing out one key detail-

Internal destruction, or in Wano, known as Ryuo is similar to Roku-o-gan.

"Zoro, this piece of information is just for you. With Armament Haki, someone is able to turn their Blades Into a Black Blade, which allows it to rise in one rank, and be permanently have the ability to interact with devil fruit users without having to Use Much Haki-" Zoro's eyes widen to immense proportions, understanding exactly what I am implying.

"Then That Sword-"

"Yes , Yoru is a black Blade, wielded by Dracule Mihawk." Zoro clutches his sword, his grin and sweat visible.

"Of Course he would have it, that monster is the peak of Swordsmanship after all. If he didn't have a black Blade, I would have been a lot more disappointed!" Even though he is sweating, Zoro still shows just how much willpower he has. He has decided on the next course of power, and that is to Learn and master Armament Haki to the point of acquiring a Black Blade.

"Then, there is the last Haki, and That is the Conqueror's Haki. This haki can only be used by people who are born with it.!" Everyone raises their eyebrows, and I shrug.

"Conqueror's Haki is projecting your Haki onto others, overwhelming their Own Haki and showing that you are superior to them. But, not everyone has the Willpower to project it onto someone. This ability can knock out more than 1000s or even more. This ability correlates to your will of standing at the top." Everyone is surprised, while I remember Luffy using it against the Fishmans, Destroying 50,000 Of them all by himself. Even in Movie Z he knocked out a lot of Marines.

"The Advanced Version Of Conqueror's is similar to Armament Haki and Roku-o-gan, in which you have to infuse your Fists with Conqueror's and shoot it outwards. Black lightning is seen when this is used. Now, there is another type of advanced version, but from what I know, only Shanks knows this." Luffy perks up at the name of his Friend.

"Shanks? Shanks also has Haki?" Before I could answer though, he answered his own question himself.

"So that's what he used when he scared away that Sea Monster all those years ago." Oh, he connected That incident and realized Shanks was Using the Conqueror's Haki? That's interesting.

"The advanced Version is where One is so Powerful and Has mastered His control over Conqueror's Haki that it allows them to completely 'Kill' of Observation Haki."

" Like, it completely negates the enemy's ability to sense using their Haki. They are so overwhelmed to the point that they can't even use the basics of Haki." Luffy nods in understanding, but what understanding, I don't know. I will continue on anyway.

"From what I have seen till now, only 3 members of our crew have the potential to Use Conqueror's. I am certain that Two can use it in the future, but the 3rd is iffy, since I don't properly understand it." All of the crew come forward to seeing who these chosen people are, except Luffy, Zoro and Wyper, who don't care who is born with abilities and who is not born with abilities.

"Luffy has Conqueror's Haki, since his goal is to be the freest Person in the season, which means he has to stand above every pirate in the world or attain King of the Pirates-" Usopp, Nami, Bentham,Chopper and Aisa all widen their eyes in surprise. While Sanji and Zoro smirk a little, already somewhat expecting this.

"Next Confirmed Conqueror's User is Zoro, since he wants to defeat the person who is at the top and take that Position." Zoro looks amused more than anything, but he shrugs, just accepting whatever I am feeling him. Luffy grins and pats Zoro's back.

"The third User is....Nami?"-

"WHAT!!!???" Nami, Usopp, Sanji, and even Zoro scream in surprise.

"M-Me?" She points to herself nervously, and I shrug.

"Well, I am not sure, but evidence points towards you having Conqueror's. The fact that you are able to damage Luffy, Zoro, Sanji- anyone much stronger than you while you are angry makes me think you are subconsciously using Advanced Conqueror's Haki while hitting us." Her nervous eyes start tearing up.

"I don't wanna stand at the top-"

"Well, you kinda have to." I realize something, while she looks at me in surprise.

"Since you are our navigator, your goal is to bring us towards the Final Island. Unknowingly, you compete with all the other Navigators in the world for the first position to reach Laugh Tale. So, you technically are also aiming for the top." I scratch my head, since this is the best reason I could come up with. As much as I thought of what reason Would make Nami Have Conqueror's Haki, this makes the most sense-

Other than Gag Ofcourse.

"W-what? Damn!" Her nervousness bleeds out of her, she slumps in defeat, accepting Reality with a defeated mode. I look at her confused, why is she said about having one of the rarest Powers in this world? Before I could ask her though-

"We are approaching a storm!" Her head snaps up and she looks towards the side, where she predicts a Storm will come. All of us snap from our discussions and start going to our positions. Wyper and Aisa look confused since they have basically no knowledge on what to do.

"Both of you go inside for now, since there is gonna be heavy rain and insane weather conditions." Both of them turn their head towards the side, asking nami what she means by whether. She looks Shocked, but then understands that Maybe, they never experienced Rain or Winter-

Aisa snaps her head and looks behind us, where she states intently for a few seconds before looking at me-

"There are people on that side-" Aisa points towards the sea, where There is complete water. Nami looks over, and I decide to use Observation Haki while letting it interact with My Map-

"Around two dozen people are coming towards us. It seems Marines are onto us!" All of the crew looked at me, surprised.

"What? Did I not say that I also had Observation Haki?" Everyone looks utterly Surprised? Since when?

"Since when?" Usopp blurted out, and I shrug, appearing as nonchalant as possible.

"Since I figured it out after fighting the Ball guy!" Everyone's eyes almost pop off. After understanding How Haki works, they know how difficult it is to unlock and use, and now I am saying I just 'figured' it out-

"Wait, is it because of your body-" chopper is the first one to come to a conclusion, but before any answer can be given-


A cannon fire shot is heard, and Aisa jumps,screaming. Wyper looks around, alarmed and seeing where that sound came from.

"The Marines are firing at us!" Usopp screams, holding onto Merry while looking towards The horizon with his goggles.




what? Do you need info or something? Marines are chasing you, so get the fuck away from them dude.

Rewards:- +200,000 EXP

Failure:- Impel Down

What's with the sassy tone? I accept the quest, while Nami gives the commands.

"Wyper, Aisa. Get inside, You guys, get ready, we are using the Storm to escape!" Nami points towards the Forming Strom, and all of us scream our agreement.


The ship shakes due to the contact of a cannon ball that collided with it-

"WE ARE HIT! WE ARE HIT! THE SHIP IS.....Fine?" I look over to the 'damaged' area that the ship was supposed to have, and it seems that there is no visible damage there.

"Merry, what happened?" I whisper with as little noise as possible, and all I hear is a whisper back-

"Tekkai Happened!" The whisper has a cheeky tone in it-

Wait a second. Tekkai? As in, Iron body?

"Did you just-"

"RAI, GET THE FUCK OVER TO LUFFY RIGHT NOW, HE IS GONNA BLOW AWAY FROM THE WIND!" My ears hurt from Nami screaming, and I decide to do with what she asks-

Did Going Merry just Use Tekkai to Not take any damage? I am utterly confused-

"STRAWHAT PIRATES, STOP WHEREVER YOU ARE, YOU ARE ALL UNDER ARREST-" the rest of the warning doesn't get heard, since I have brought the entire ship to my dimension-

I mean, why would I stay in the real world when we are being Chased?

"Huh? Where is the-" Nami turns to me for confirmation, and I nod. She nods back, before looking at her Log Pose, and then back at the Horizon.

"If I am correct, there should be an island close by where we can stock some supplies and rest for a little bit!" Robin speaks up from her chair where she was reading. Nami starts talking to her about the coordinations, while Usopp calls me into his Workshop, where we decide to tinker with Stuff.


Well, that is that.

After a few hours, I get called by Nami and told to remove the Barrier, which i do-

"This place is known as Hannabal! for now, we are gonna land here and-"

"MEAT!!" Luffy jumps in the air and Uses his Version of Geppo to literally fly to the island. nami snaps her head at me in anger, but refrains from saying anything...

For now.

Eventually, using my Observation Haki, we find Luffy and go to a restaurant, and thanks to me, we are able to pay the money for a full course meal for everyone to eat.

"-and then, The dragon turned out to be Real,named Ruuji who was a century old dragon-" Usopp is explaining and telling grandiose words about our adventures to our newest members Wyper and Aisa. While Wyper isn't much interested, Aisa is hooked onto Every word Usopp says.

"Well, he is kinda over-the-top with his stories right now!" Chopper, who is sitting next to me comments on Usopp's Stories, and my head snaps at him in shock-

Since when did Chopper figure out Usopp is exaggerating or not? Damn. I changed him completely it seems.

"-the password is 2 100 Belly coins." Nami taps me on the side, tilting her head to the bartender who is talking to some Random person. The person gets up from his seat and is taken to the door by the Bartender, but this Door is not the exit, but different entirely.

"You know what that was all-"

"You guys, stop wasting money like this, as your captain. I order you to stop wasting-"


"YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS WASTING MONEY-" Nami, Sanji, Usopp, and Zoro slam Luffy's head to the table, while Chopper, Bentham and Aisa chuckle at the situation, Wyper remaining quiet like me-

This feels familiar. Why, though?

"So, you know what it is?" Nami asks me once again, and I turn to the Bartender, noticing his name. I use status and-

"Hmm, yeah! I think I know what is going on!" Nami looks excited when I tell her this, so without discussing anything, she gets up and walks to the Bartender.

Nami asks the bartender what is going on, and after a little coaxing he tells them there is a great, but very dangerous, opportunity through the door.

I stay silent As the crew enters the mysterious door, they are surprised to see it is the opening to a large tunnel, the bartender leaves them with one last hint "the password is 2 100 Belly coins".



huh, so i DO get quests for Movies Huh? But why didn't it comes earlier with Chopper-

You know what? Nevermind that. Now, it's time to-

"So, what's this?" Zoro asks me, and I turn to him with an amused smile.

"It's a Dead End Race-"

