"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




"...." The person from the other side waits for me to talk, but I don't. The snail sighs, mimicking the person that called me.

"..hello-" I grin at Luffy who is lying beside me, and all the energy he lost comes back to him as he recognises the voice and realises who it is.


"Well, that went well!" I smirk at Luffy, who looks like today was the best day in his life. It has been a day since the situation in Omatsuri Island, where we faced a carnivorous plant named Lily Carnation, a weird ass plant that ate a devil fruit that interacts similar to Big Mom's devil fruit. but, the most interesting part is-

I somehow drained the entire life force of Lily carnation, and removed the cursed abilities from the Seven-Star Sword, Purifying it. Well, somehow it is not the right word, as it is due to my new skill which made it possible, but I don't really understand HOW this skill came to be.

I even received the completed quest of The Seven Star Sword and got its rewards.



The Seven Star Sword which Contains the Maho-Maho No Mi is a Sword with Great Power, able to use Magic. it has become a Cursed Sword due to the blood it has sucked during the Kingdom's massacre. Overcome It's Possession.

Rewards:- 100,000,000 EXP, SKILL BOOK




Name:- Rai Adam

Job:- The Gamer

Gender:- Male

Level:- 24 (EXP:- 9,882,923,400/13,421,772,800)



HP:- 7660

MP:- 6099 (3210)

STR:- 222

VIT (HP):- 408

DEX (AGI):- 199

INT:-154 (88)

WIS:-148 (108)


Stat Points:- 25

A person who was orphaned during his young age, Rai Adam has always worked hard to sustain himself independently. his job however, is not to his satisfaction, and due to this, he watches Movies and Anime to take his mind of his bad days. he Dies in his sleep and is Summoned by #@!#$#@ and sent to a different world.

I leveled up only twice? Damn, the system is being stingy AF! But, that's not what is important right now-

Robin's Name is not appearing in the Party screen somehow.

"Say what now?" I sure didn't hear that correctly. Robin did what?

"...Robin sacrificed herself to save us, she bargained with Aokiji to-" are you fucking serious? Even after everything has changed for her, she knows Saul is back, she knows that we accept her due to her past.

It's like Robin sacrificing herself is a canon event for The StrawHats. so that means that she left the Party. it's my bad, i shouldn't have told everyone how to leave-

"WHERE IS SHE?" Luffy screams in anger, not believing his ears, Why the hell did Robin do that Unnecessarily? They were coming to get them all, why the hell did she have to do it?

"...I don't know." I can clearly hear her loathing and dejected voice. She is blaming herself, and I need to make sure SHE doesn't do anything stupid.

"Nami, calm down-" just like any human who doesn't calm down when said to calm down, she DOESN'T calm down.

[Nami's POV]

"HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN YOU SON OF A BITCH?" How dare this bastard tell me to calm down when Robin literally sacrificed for us. Even when we said it wasn't needed, that Rai would help us escape, she still did it.

"Nami, they will hear you-" my anger flares up once more, exploding.

"FUCK THEM. FUCK THE MARINES, FUCK THE WORLD GOVERNMENT, AND FUCK YOU!" I swear to god if he makes a joke about both of us having sex, I am going to kill him, him being my friend be damned.


"-Can you please explain what happened?" Rai speaks in the calmest voice possible, trying to soothe my anger. I look dumbfounded, not at all expecting this.

he...didn't joke?

"uh, Okay. So what happened was-" i still cannot believe he didn't make a lewd comment right now, but knowing that explaining is more important, i start-

before the door of the cabin opens, and from it, a head pops up. a shaggy Pink hair adjourning the scalp, with a cross shaped scar in the forehead. The person wears a standard-issue Marine jacket, pants, and neckerchief as well as a brightly patterned bandanna tied across his forehead.

"uh,is everything-"

"GET OUT!" I scream at the one named Koby, who somehow has relations with Luffy and Zoro, though I don't know how and when they met each other.

Koby gets scared off, closing the door of the cabin, leaving me alone, still bound up. I looked around, seeing my Knocked up crewmates, before sighing, calming myself and explaining what had happened.

"Aokiji's Ice boat met with Luffy's Grandfather's Boat. There, Robin made a deal with Aokiji, saying that she will give herself up, but to leave us. All of us resisted, but Luffy's Grandpa Knocked Zoro, Sanji, Wyper, Chopper, Bentham and Usopp out, leaving me and Aisa awake."

"Aokiji told her that he won't accept the deal, and dropped us at Luffy's grandpa's ship, before leaving with her. Me and Aisa tried to do something, but we were put inside a cabin along with the rest of the crew, before I contacted you." I grit my teeth, remembering it makes me angry at Aokiji, Garp and most importantly, myself.

if Luffy or Rai were here at that moment. WHY did Rai escape-

"...okay. Did Kuzan talk to Robin about Anything?" I blink, trying to remember what Kuzan said to robin, remembering it, i convey it to Rai, boldly saying it out loud, not at all caring if i could be heard.

"He told Robin that he helped her once, and that was his biggest failure. He told Robin that he was not her ally, and that when she became a threat, he would come after her. He told her that he would take her to the people whom she met 'that' day." for a few seconds of silence, incuses, before Rai speaks up.

though his tone feels....nonchalant.

"okay."....that's all?

"Let's go get Robin." Luffy gives a command, but Rai doesn't respond. Merry speaks up ( Just how crazy is it that Merry is somehow alive), asking Rai something.

"So, where should we head now?" rai doesn't speak, but he nonchalantly tells them-

"Nowhere, we are continuing our course." my eyes widen in disbelief, what the fuck does he mean by that? why the fuck isn't he shifting the course to find Robin?

I wait for Luffy to speak up, scream at Rai like he always does....but Luffy doesn't? not only him, but even Merry is silent. I try to hear anything if possible, but no sound comes from the other side.


" I know you are going to shout at me, but let me say this. I already knew she was going to be separated, so our original course WAS the place Robin is being taken too." my eyes widen once again, surprised.

just how much planning did Rai do to the point that he even predicted that Robin was going to give herself up and be brought to the destination that both Luffy and Rai- oh yeah, Merry Too, are going towards-

wait a second.

"Which island are you guys even going to? since you can track her now." I try to think like Rai, trying to figure out what place they might have taken Robin too. Maybe I'm depressed, but why would Aokiji take Robin separately IF all of us are going to the same place? Is it MarineFord? it is possible-

"We are going to Water 7, where I will get some resources which will be used to upgrade Merry, and then go to Enies Lobby, where Robin Should be. though i am not sure, as she quit the Party, which means i cannot track her right now."


I am sorry, WHAT? Enies Lobby, the Judicial island of the world government?

"The Fuck? what do you want to go to Enies Lobby-" it suddenly strikes her, Robin being in Enies Lobby would make sense, since it is a world Government Stronghold, while also leading to Impel down and MarineFord. their target must be having Robin in MarineFord due to her-

"Why is Robin so wanted anyways?" Merry asks Rai, and even though she can't see them on the other side of the Party Call, she can guess that Rai looked down on Merry.

"Well, i shouldn't be the one to say this but-"

"oh cut the crap and tell us." he really wants to be mysterious now? I don't care if he should be the one or Not, if it is about Robin, it doesn't matter where the source comes from.

"...well, Robin was from Ohara-" the Island that was a demon island? That is where Robin was from?

"-Ohara was raided by the World Government and CP9, an hidden organisation which does Assassination work for the world government-"

Excuse me, the fuck? Assassination? Is that why I haven't heard about it? I know about CP1 to CP8, but I never heard about CP9. Those bastards Raided Robin's home?

"-the entire island was bombed by a buster call, an attack which has the majority of the marine force behind it, with 10 battleships and 5 vice admirals all attacking the targeted Place without Mercy."

 My eyes widen in horror, not even having a clue about this. I never heard about something known as buster call, something like that, she couldn't even dream about when she lived in East blue, but after coming to Grand Line, she has encountered different climate changes, sky islands, an old man strong enough to destroy an island, pirate games, an admiral with the ability to freeze the ocean, and now this?

And how the hell is Rai able to calmly explain all of this?

"Ohara was destroyed in front of Robin, and she only escaped due to a giant named Saul, as well as Kuzan-" my pupils dilate in shock, Kuzan as in the admiral that captured all of us after whooping our asses?

"But why-" the answer comes to my brain. From Robin's and Aokiji's conversation, I realised something, that Aokiji only helped Robin once, but not out of good will, but Something else. I have a feeling that Rai knows what that Reason is, but it really doesn't matter.

"Anyways, due to Ohara being Destroyed by the World Government through the use of the Buster call, and Robin being the 'only' survivor of that island, she is hunted by the World Government."

 My eyes widened in shock once again, realizing something. In Asuka Island, I saw Robin's Poster, but it was Robin when she was younger, around 8 years old. Is she being hunted by those bastards?


"so, when we reach Enies Lobby, we would have to battle the entirety of the government as -" Merry couldn't finish the rest of the sentence, since Luffy finally speaks after some time.

"Our enemy is the world government huh? I understand." That's all he needs to say, since his motive is clear. He doesn't give a shit if we-

No...they go and fight the entirety of the World Government by themselves. We can't do anything other than sitting Ducks. If we had anything we could do.

"Hey Rai, is there anything we could do-"

 "Nope. You guys are under the watchful eye of Garp, and while I might be able to talk to him, the moment he meets Luffy, He is gonna flip. The reason Garp is escorting you guys is due to the bond with Luffy, nothing more."

 I grit my teeth, agitated at being useless. Even though all of us got stronger than before, I got a new enhanced bo thanks to Usopp and Rai, still nothing changed-

I am still weak. Nothing I do can change that.

I try to hug my leg, but the bindings are super restricting, even though the restrictions are much better than having Ice as cuffs.

"....Nami?" Rai speaks up, his voice in confusion. I feel that he knows I am downcast, but I just don't want to talk about it.


"...What?" Her voice is downcast, which makes me think on why-

ohhhh, she is feeling useless huh. 

"You okay??" I try not to wince at the stupidest question that has ever come out of my mouth in my entire life.

"I am okay." her stiff tone clearly explains that she ISN'T okay. I look towards Luffy helplessly, and somehow, he clicks the window, deactivating his mic and speaker, before turning around and walking into the cabin. I look at him, dumbfounded. how the hell did he manage to do that, even though i told him how to do it, how the fuck did he figure it out?

i turn to Merry-

who disappeared. I click my tongue, annoyed at their Betrayal. Why the hell do I have to do this?

"You are not okay Nami, C'mon, Talk to me-" i once again prove why i was a single virgin in my previous life. Nami becomes sarcastic, trying to change the topic.

"Oh, you would know how I am right? what do you know about me-" yeah, not falling for this.

"Cut the bullshit and tell me what's wrong." while i am a person who normally listens, i ain't listening to someone bitching at me sarcastically. Nami stays quiet for a few seconds, before asking me a question that I don't know how to properly respond to.

"How do you stay calm in these situations?" Her voice is low, barely a whisper, but her intention is clear. she is not asking me about it literally, but with this question, she is asking me how i do it, how i am strong enough to handle this situation, why she is getting overwhelmed by the situation as it progresses.

I honestly don't know how to answer this. I can not say that I have an ability that forcefully keeps me calm all the time, now can I? i try to think of a reasoning to give her, sitting myself down on the deck so i could not waste energy (however miniscule it is). know what, imma bullshit with this.

"Nami, the reason I can keep my calm is....because I don't find this situation to be something to be panicked about." i don't know what she is thinking, so i just let her ask me a question why i try to think of an explanation to WHY i am calm most of the time-

....maybe that would work. I might be a dick, but that might be a reasonable explanation.

"....just what kind of situation did you face until now to make you think that our current situation isn't fucked up?" well, this question might be the easiest and the most hardest question all together, since if i go with the idea on what to might stick with me for the rest of my life-

nah, fuck it.

"Nami, I LITERALLY died once and came back, so nothing really phases me anymore." For a few seconds, silence reigns supreme, before it is destroyed by Nami's Howling.


"I won't bore you with the details, but basically, I died once, and came back to life. the feeling of death made me not care about many things in the world." Well, it is kinda true.

the Gamer's Mind blocks me from having an emotional induced state. While I can still have emotions, it doesn't stay for long, before it vanishes and I become....empty. my Mind has become a supercomputer, but with way less effectiveness and power.

Not only that, but getting to know that I am in a fanfiction....makes me kinda fearless, since I know I have plot armor. Even now, after the crew is separated, I am completely confident that nothing will happen. at first, i panicked a little, but when Gamer's Mind calmed me down, i remembered i was in a fanfiction-

and there are only two outcomes that can happen. One is all of us being safe, and the other is one of us dying, or even all of us, except me. My job is to make sure we don't die, while the Author of the Fanfiction decides where we go, whom we face, and what obstacles we pass through. hell, i am 100% that I am escaping with Luffy Particularly due to the Author's will.

".....what do you mean by dead?" I blink, not understanding this question. dead means dead, what more is that to it? I try to think of an answer, and come up with one.

"Well, People Die when they are killed. I was killed, died, came back, and continued on living." i kiss my fingers, before showing it towards the heavens, the GOAT Emiya Shirou would be proud.

"....." She stays silent for a couple of minutes, mostly trying to process the stupid statement i just said to her. i let her process, while trying to think of what else my GOAT said during his time-

"...How did it feel?" I blink once more, what kind of stupid question is this. This is even stupider than Luffy asking me what One is. and yes, Luffy Asked me What One is.

"Well, Death felt like death-"

"BE SERIOUS-" Nami finally explodes, making me grin a little bit. i wanted to annoy her out of her depressed state, and pissing her off is the best plan.

"I CANNOT be serious, ever. I Literally Died, Nami. After someone dies, they see the world in a completely different way. Nobody could take the world seriously after their death." Nami finally grasps on straws, asking me an important question.

"how do you see the world?" I think for a second. should i be honest with her, or should i start bullshitting once again-

Nah, imma be honest.

"You might not understand, so let me give you an example. Let's take the fight with Zephyr for example. Our mission at the start was to pick the knocked out people first, then escape. But, the mission changed to deal significant Damage to Zephyr since he wasn't leaving you guys."

"But that was Level 1. When Zephyr used Advanced Armament to knock all of us out, that was Level 2, where he decided to beat the shit out of us since he warmed up enough. Thankfully, there wasn't Level 3, or who knows how that would have turned out."

 Nami seems speechless, most likely not understanding what I am saying, which was proven true when she asked-


 "Yeah, like in a game. Levels are like difficulties that we have to endure. After we clear Level 1, we go to Level 2, similarly after clearing Level 2, we go to Level 3. It's like Rounds in a game. the more rounds, the more powerful the opponent, or something like that." Nami still is silent, but she speaks up, her tone laced with anger.

" a game? Is all of this a game to you?" I should not have said that. It slipped my mind that I am talking to a Character In an anime who has feelings. While I might see that feeling as fiction, what Nami feels is real.

"Well, not all of it. After death, you don't feel much excitement. Like, the fact that you get to know that eventually, everything is pointless since everyone will eventually die. Even now, the reason I am not panicking is due to Me knowing that The worst thing that could happen to Robin is her dying."

"While I will try everything within my power to make sure of her- hell, all of you don't die, all I am doing is extending your Life by saving you guys from death calls. You guys, even me, will eventually die. Nothing is going to stop that."

 What I am saying is completely from the heart, I completely abandoned my plan of bullshitting my way through her questions like I always do.

 There are three reasons I am doing so much work, one is that they are my friends, all of them. I want to make sure that they complete their dreams, and the second is-

Make sure they don't die due to me. I won't blame myself since I know about alternative universes and changes leading to such universes. We are currently in an alternative universe, so I need to focus on that.

Third, because I get rewards by completing quests, like if I complete this-


Robin Has been separated From the StrawHats, retrieving her safely.

Rewards:- +1,000,000,000 EXP, SKILL BOOK , +100% Loyalty From Robin.

??? - +1,000,000,000 EXP, SKILL BOOK , SKILL BOOK .

??? - ???

While I don't know what the third hidden requirements are since there are no rewards, it doesn't matter anyways, as while I get quests, I grow Stronger.

Why am I growing stronger? For now reason at all, it is simply because I can, that I am doing this.

"...hey Rai." I come out of my monologue, asking her what's up. She takes her time, but she asks a question that-

I don't have an answer to.

"..what is your dream?" I notice that her tone is sadder than it has ever been. Is she pitying me? I blink, not expecting this. But hey, who am I to tell someone not to pity me?

But coming back to the question, what is my dream? Why am I in Luffy's crew? Why am I here currently?

The answer is....

Well, except Having the opportunity to Have insane quests and rewards, becoming Friends with the crew, and just being on a journey with them, there is nothing really motivating me to be part of this crew.

Huh, that's interesting. So I am a-

"I personally have no dream. All I want is to make you guys reach your dream, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less." I look up, remembering when Luffy asked me to join his crew, how he had an effect on me. I chalked it up to me sensing his Will, but now, I finally realised what it was.

It was...nothing.

I joined the crew because I wanted to. Nothing more, nothing less. It might be some higher force forcing me to join Luffy's crew, but-

I don't care. I don't care if I am a puppet of some higher entity. I mean, do I really need to care? Mr -NOTHING- brought me back to life, gave me a busted Ability, and let me do shit my way.

While the quests might influence me, it doesn't really matter to me. I don't care if I am a puppet following the StrawHats, I don't care I am a slave of Luffy like those Readers comment in some Fanfictions where the MC is traveling with the StrawHats.

The fuck they gonna do? No, What the fuck could they even do?

 " do you even live?" I blink, almost forgetting that I was on a call. I still can hear the pity she feels for me.

"Aww, are you worried about me? Then, give me the best time of my life." I chuckle, expecting her to shout at me, about how lewd I am.


"THE FUCK?" I stand up, shocked at what the fuck she said. Did she just say maybe? What is this? Some trash fanfiction where A girl gets sentimental and decides to sleep with the dude-

"Hahaha!!! Oh MY GOD!! YOUR VOICE WENT HIGH AND WEIRD" Nami starts crackling like crazy-

Did she just-

"Uh-uhm, you guys do know I am here right?" I blink, recognising the voice as Aisa. Oh, she was awake. Well, it doesn't really matter.

