"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts








"Who is Calling?" In a Pirate Ship, Named The Red Force, a Red haired Man with a triple set of parallel, linear scars that pass vertically, at an angle over his left eye speaks up, surprised that someone is calling him.

"Why are all the Den-Den Mushi ringing together?" A man with gray, medium-length, and slicked-back. He also now has a large, X-shaped scar on his left temple that speaks up suspiciously.

 "Let's check it then!" a tall, muscular man with dark skin, black eyes, very long, brown hair, in the style of dreadlocks, and large, round, brown lips goes to pick the Receiver up.

"Yassop, you need to make sure that it isn't a trap-" a tall man who always has a ponytail, has black hair and always has a cigarette in his mouth and a rifle in his hand. He warns Yasopp about the suspicious nature of it, but before he could-

"Moshi moshi, what's up World?" The moment the Receiver is held, the Snail's eye opens wide and from it, rays come out, showing a display of a person with an excited grin.

 "Wait a second, that hat-" a dude with round body shape, who is eating a rack of meat speaks up, pointing in the corner of the display, noticing a similar StrawHat.

"Is that Luffy?" Red haired Shanks gets up from his seat in shock, his beer bottle falling to the ground. The person in front of the display... Looks down for a second before looking back to the display and grins-

"oh, a quest came, Nice. it's the infiltrating one huh? Anyways,yeah. That is Luffy!" All of the ship's eyes widen collectively, even the cool-headed Benn Beckman is not able to believe what is going on. How the hell did this person hear Shanks in the first place?

"You called?" The StrawHat turns, showing the face of the person wearing it, and it makes all the people who were in the crew when it was stationed in Foosha Village take a collective breath in, not believing their eyes.

"Yeah, it seems Shanks recognised you!" Luffy's eyes go excited, before he jumps on the person's back while pushing him away, trying to see where Shanks is.

"Where is he?" The person grabs onto Luffy, trying to pull Luffy away from him. This scene makes the crew laugh, their suspicion melting away at the situation. This is Luffy alright, though how is this possible?

"He is not here. I am Live-Streaming right now, I am reading the charts right now." The entire crew is confused, but before they could voice it, Luffy jumps out of The person while sighing disappointed. He mummers something before going out of the view, making him turn back to the screen.

"Hello once again, let me introduce myself and explain the situation. My name is Rai Adam, the strategist of the StrawHat Pirates, and what you are currently seeing is something that I call Live Streaming. This Livestreaming is where Snails from all around the world are connected to my Own...snail, allowing me to send a video and audio message to those who pick up the Receiver. Though, the messages that are sent are all currently happening, so anything that happens from this moment on, you guys will see it 'live'."

 "How is this possible?" While everyone on the crew is shocked at this revelation, Benn starts contemplating about the implications of this. If this kind of technology was in the hands of the World Government, it would allow them to spread propaganda to the entire world, and with live proof of the propaganda, they could rule the world without any resistance-

Or in the hands of a pirate like the one who is using it, which means that it is going to be complete chaos.

"So, when someone asks a question, it would be received to me due to the connection my snail has with your snail, which will allow me to talk to you-"

 The person's eyes widen while his grin widens.

"Anyways, since this is my first live-stream, i might have to do something that would allow you guys to get hooked with these livestreams. So-"

 He moves, showing the place he is in. Along with Luffy, there are two more people in it. I am an old grandma and a little kid, who is holding a snail which is displaying the same thing we are saying, which means that what This person said is true.

"Wowww!!" The little girl's eyes go wide, stars forming in her eyes. Shanks remembers how this little girl is similar to Luffy when he sees something awesome.

"Granny, how much time do we have?" The old woman turns and opens the window-

Wait, is that a train?

"They are already in Water 7?" Lucky Roux looks on in surprise, since the pace that the StrawHats are going is insane. They might come to Sabaody in a couple of months if he were to think of it.

"Well, we WERE in Water 7. Now, we are in-" The person looks at the screen, before turning towards the old woman who closes the window.

"Well, we will be crashing in a minute at most!" The person nods, before turning back to the screen and grinning widely.

"You heard her, so many of you guys must be confused on where we are going to crash, so let me show you." Grabbing onto the child while the weird rabbit who stands near the girl jumps onto the head of the person while Luffy Grabs onto the Old woman and both of them moving towards a window-

From which they climb out of, where Rain hits them in full force. The screen moves a little behind, showing them hanging on the window of an unfamiliar train. Both Luffy and the person climb up to the top, where the screen goes back to show-

" that Enies Lobby?" Benn Beckman's smoke drops to the ground in shock. Everyone on the crew is shocked to see the judicial island of the World Government, and after a second, their eyes widen once again after they connect the dots.

"Are they gonna-" Shanks speaks up, but The person starts speaking.

"THAT is Enies Lobby, the Judicial island of the World Government. That is where we are going to crash and infiltrate, as we need to rescue a crew member and a potential crew member!" Luffy snaps his head to look at the person, surprised.

"That Franky is a Shipwright?" The person nods, grinning. Luffy grins too, excited at the person who Rai has recommended. Though, Shanks and his crew still have their eyes widened as the conversation goes on. After a second, Shanks starts laughing which causes the entire crew to start laughing and align with him.

"It is Luffy alright!! The reckless kid is still the same!" Lucky Roux laughs in happiness, remembering the good old days. Yasopp laughs aloud with him, but after the short burst of laughter, both Shanks and Benn realise just how massive the implications would be resulting in this declaration.

Since this is happening currently, the World Government needs to make a decision fast. Not only that, but the Agents On Enies Lobby would figure it out at the same time as us. Honestly, informing the enemy is not a good strategy, a stupid one actually.

Though, being Luffy's crewmate, this person- Rai should also be crazy. This is to be expected after all.

[On the Moby Dick]

"Luffy, you wanna say something to the world?" As Rai asks Luffy to speak, an abnormally large man, with a height of 666 cm, scars running along his chest, and with a Mustache starts laughing at the situation.

"Gurararara!!" Edward Newgate, known to the World as Whiteboard, the strongest man in the world is finding the current situation amusing.

The fact that a kid with a scar on his face and a hat that looks similar to the one that Roger and Shanks wore in their younger days wants to Infiltrate the Judicial Island of The world government means that he is waging war against the entirety of the World government.

"Is that Ace's Brother?" a tall, lean, muscular, man with short blond hair sticking in the top of his head similar to a pineapple's crown looks surprised and looks closely. Marco is surprised that The person whom Ace always talks about is about to Raid and declare war on The world government.

"MY NAME IS MONKEY D LUFFY, AND-" Luffy screams at the top of his lungs, and everyone in the ship sucks their breath at what Luffy is going to say. Only Whiteboard notices something.

"A D huh? Is this the person whom you were waiting for, Roger?" Whiteboard whispers to himself, and thankfully it seems that no one heard it, except Rai who notices it on his screen. Rai smirks, and no one understands why.

[On Totto Island]


 "Haahahamamamama" a huge, obese woman with a large chin and large, hooked nose and an enormous physique, standing at 880 centimeters with moderately round, orange eyes, prominent eyelashes, and wears thick purple eyeshadow. She has a very wide mouth with full lips sporting red lipstick, large, round teeth, and a long, thick tongue that often sticks out-

Starts laughing due to the absurdity of the proclamation that Monkey D Luffy has said.

"A little Fletchling like Him is going to be Pirate King? What a Joke! Does that little brat think that he can Usurp MY position?" Charlotte Linlin, or otherwise known to the world as Big Mom spits her food, annoyed at the proclamation that this little shit did. How dare he try and take something that is hers?

"Listen Up! The moment that little brat touches Foot in the New World, You bring him and his crew to me, Understand?" She turns to look at her Offspring, who nods acceptingly.

"Yes Mama!" an extremely tall, large and muscular man standing at 509 cm, with short spiky crimson hair and two symmetric scars on both sides of his face with His mouth covered up by a massive light feather ragged scarf speaks up, acknowledging what his mother wants.

"Good, now Leave here Katakuri!" With the acknowledgement she wanted, she turns back to her plate of food, stuffing her mouth while looking over to the projection of the live events.

[On Onigashima]

"Worororororo!!! He just announced to the entire world that he wants to be the Pirate King. He is Gutsy for Sure!" middle-aged man who cuts an imposing figure due to his extreme height of 710 cm and the bulk of his muscles, making him dwarf normal humans. Overly top-heavy in build, he has a well-muscled torso with wide-set shoulders, thick arms, and somewhat out-of-proportion legs laughs in excitement.

"He is just bluffing, if anyone is supposed to be The King of the Pirates, it is you Kaido-sama!" towering man at 613 cm tall,with a well-muscled, broad-shouldered frame and long limb with large, black-feathered wings on his back that reach down to knee length,a brown complexion, and silver-white hair speaks up with full confidence.

King knows that this pitiful person who claims to be the Pirate King is a nobody, his trust and faith in Kaido's powers are the highest in the crew and the world. If he finds Luffy in the new world,King is going to kill him for even dreaming the same dream as Kaido.

"Well, His words have grit to it, so let's wait and see." Kaido waves King off, understanding what King is thinking. Though he is curious about what is about to happen from now on, the fact that He gave the speech to the whole world, means that people, not just Marines or the world Government, is going to come after him and his crew.

"Monkey D Luffy huh? You are the grandson of Garp I see. I have some expectations of you, so come to the new world and let's fight!" Kaido grabs his bottle of wine and raises to the sky, declaring his intention to fight Luffy in the future. He opens the bottle and drinks the liquid.

[Banaro Island]

"Zehahahahahaha!!" a very tall man with dark skin, with a massive build as his body is round with relatively thin limb and has a prominent lipped mouth with several broken or missing teeth along with a pronounced crooked nose and a very large and hairy chest and torso starts Laughing madly, not knowing what the hell is happening, but enjoying every second of it.

"Uhh, the captain has gone mad!" an unusually large, tall, broad, broad-chested, broad shouldered, tan-skinned, muscular man, with a broad upper body and a thin lower body in comparison with curly violet hair reaching down to his shoulders and always wears a dark brown mask with orange decorations on it, which covers the upper part of his face but reveals his eyes and his nose looks concerned while looking at his captain.

"It's just amusing to him!" An incredibly pale, tall, slim with an off-white collared long-sleeve shirt patterned with yellow crosses and navy jumper pants. Along with accessories such as classic black top hat and red wooden cane look over to the rolling captain of theirs and smirks.

"Well, the current Situation makes it amusing. A no-named Pirate announcing his will to be the Pirate King is a reason to laugh like him!" A rather thin man, with light brown hair that hangs down to his lower neck while equipping a black glass where the left lens is a normal, rectangular eyepiece, but the right side is circular and holds what appears to be a cross hair looks at their captain pitifully.

While Marshall D Teach finds this extremely funny, he also knows that this is an extreme opportunity to do something which will help in what he wants to achieve. If he could capture this Pirate after what he does, he will have the slot of Warlord confirmed.

Though his original plan didn't involve it, he will take it.

[A Couple of Hundred Miles away from Banaro Island]

 "Hahahahaha!!! Man, that is Luffy all right!!" a tall muscular young man with jaw-length curly black hair, a purple bones formed in a cross behind a purple skull with a white mustache on his back while another tattoo on his upper left bicep that spells "ASCE" with The "S" crossed out laughs in amusement.

He looks around, seeing full of water, and starts laughing once again. His brother is just as crazy as he remembers him to be, which makes him happy.

Just like that, the entire world reacts to the declaration. In Foosha Village, an old man screams in rage while a young woman tries to console him and laughs. In Cocoyashi Village, a Blue haired Dark Skinned woman laughs while a scar-faced Old man screams angrily. In Syrup Village, three little children almost pee their pants while a young beautiful woman holds her hand in her mouth, extremely shocked.

The entire world is shocked by this declaration. But, for Rai and Luffy, it doesn't really matter now, as-


 Me and Luffy Jump right as we collide with The bars of steel surrounding Enies Lobby, while I put the Rocketman inside of my inventory. We land on the ground, drop the Passengers on us, and then dash towards the Main Gate. The soldiers pointed their guns at us, their expressions in shock.

"GUM- HITO HITO NO- RUBBER PISTOL!" Luffy shoots out his hands, stretching them and hitting Marines with it. I looked at him surprised, since I didn't know that he changed his attack names after realising the true name of his devil fruit.

But the fact that he said it out loud during the Live-stream, would make Imu and the Elders dogs come after us at full force-

Whatever, I'll deal with it when it happens.

For now-

I jump in the air, kicking it and going right past the main gate, Luffy jumping along with me. Both of us immediately kick the air once again, going towards the Tower Of Justice. I dodge a bullet whizzing past me, as the soldiers and agents all fire at me and Luffy, but both of us ignore these ants, speeding up.

"ROBINNNN!!!!" Luffy screams Right as we reach near the Courthouse. Hearing no reply, he jumps higher than me, spinning before-

"HITO HITO NO - RUBBER CUTTER!!" with a swing of his Leg, he generates a Huge Wind Slash from his leg, Sending it flying right at the Tower Of Justice-

Slicing it in half, similar to how it was sliced in canon. I land on the Courthouse, using Observation Haki which interacts with the Map to check where everyone is while Luffy lands next to me, cracking his hands.

The tower of Justice starts leaning to the front, but it doesn't fall due to the weird structure of the building. But-


 The Tower is sliced into three pieces, letting the pieces slide towards the waterfall Ring below. The slice also targeted the flag, cutting the Rod holding it and making it fall downwards towards the Cut Building-

Before a hand reaches out and grabs it. The Hand then comes in front of the Tower, Slamming the Flag into the Front of the building, still showing the Proud World Government Flag.

The Hand belongs to a tall and slim, yet muscular man with arched eyebrows and a close-shaved goatee. The Hand wipes itself with the person's Coat, removing the dust that it has. The person looks at Me and Luffy, but his interest in me quickly fades as he has a staring contest with Luffy.

"Damn, they almost cut us in half!" A dark-skinned man, with a Fu Manchu mustache, a pointed goatee, and long hair braided in a thick queue, that somewhat resembles a scorpion's tail with a scar running diagonally down his left eye looks at the Cut Building and Whistles.

 "All of us dodged it, except you Kumadori- chapapa!" a big, round, oddly-shaped man with a yellow zipper across his mouth starts laughing randomly, pointing at the weird dude who has massive hands, a huge mane of pinkish hair, and a right eye that rarely seems to be open, along with two large scars on his torso and a pair of smaller scars on his left arm.

"A 'real' man doesn't dodge -YAYOI!!" Kumadori grips his Staff and does a weird movement which I will not even put effort into describing.

"a supposed real man doesn't get dust on him either!"a young man, who has big black eyes with 3 eyelashes on top of his eye, and a long nose similar to Usopp's, only rectangular in shape looks annoyed at the situation, since he has dust in his nose which, due to his eyes, he can clearly see. he rubs it off with a handkerchief from his breast-pocket.

"What the hell is that?" a pale, slim man, wearing a striking attire consisting of a dark-brown T-shirt, orange pants, decorated shoes and a hat adorned with a red plume looks around, confused and frightened. he looks the younger of all of them, even though the women in front of him looks even more younger for some odd reason.

"This dust is sexually harassing me!" a tall, slim, and curvaceous young woman with blue eyes and glasses along with Her strawberry-blonde hair reaching above shoulder-length dusting the debris and dust from her shoulder. While I notice just how revealing her dress is, I notice something....interesting.

"HOW THE HELL IS IT SEX- NO WAIT, HELP ME FIRST!!!" in a small debris, a man is laid out. Kumadori grabs him by the head and lifts him up, dropping him after all dust is removed from him. The man grabs onto Kumadori's leg, bringing himself up after some difficulty.

"How is Nico Robin and Cutty Flam?" a pale man of slim stature with wavy, wild lavender hair in a layered style that is roughly shoulder-length and parted in the middle with black markings around his large eyes, and his narrow nose is a dark red asks Rob Lucci, who points towards the fallen Rubble that surrounds-

"ROBIN!!!" Luffy screams, pointing at Robin. I cleaned my ear, since I think that scream damaged my hearing a little. I look at Robin, who looks heartbroken, looking at us, in me particularly, in horror. i look to the person next to her-

"-who is that person?" Luffy does a 180%, from screaming to calm, confusingly pointing at a powerfully built man with a height of at least seven feet, with enormous forearms and brightly colored blue hair and blue star tattoos on his forearms with a weird prosthetic nose made of iron. the person jumps up, somehow safe from having debris fall on him.

"SUPERRRRR!!!!" Cutty Flam, or otherwise known as Franky leans to one side and bends the knee on the same side while the other leg is straight and going the opposite direction. He throws his head back. His arms go over his head at lock together wrist-to-wrist as The two separate star tattoos on his forearms push together to make one star. I grin, excited to see one of my favorite poses in fiction.

"that is Franky, the person who-"

"OHHH!!! HEY FRANKY, JOIN MY CREW AS A SHIPWRIGHT!!" even Franky with his eccentricness slips up, looking surprised and shocked at Luffy. as he even tries to formulate a word, someone else speaks up.

"STOP IGNORING ME!!! JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, INVADING ENIES-" Spandam starts to berate Luffy, but Luffy doesn't give a fuck.


I Audibly slap my forehead, causing Luffy to stop and look at me, before his eyes widen as he realises something.

"oh, I wasn't supposed to say that." I peek through my fingers, looking directly at the Window screen which is projecting the live-stream, whispering to the entire world.

"you see what i have to deal with?" Luffy scratches his hand in embarrassment, and I sigh, thinking of something to salvage the situation. i didn't know that by having Live-Stream, Luffy blabbering would release all my plans.

"I knew you were going to say that, so I told you a fake plan. we are not infiltrating Impel down." Luffy looks surprised, and his surprise becomes a question.

"We aren't?" he turns his head to the side, extremely confused. I nod, blatantly lying to him.

"Yeah, we aren't-"


"Who are you?" I interrupt Spandam's tangent, looking at him. I know who he is, but letting him introduce himself to the world is not a bad thing. I noticed him holding a snail, which seems to be broadcasting what is going on here. let him speak the truth from his own words.


"Sir, he is goading you, don't fall for it like a stupid person." Kalifa speaks up, putting her glasses up while looking directly at me. I grin at her, amused that she is trying to cockblock me from the truth, but this dumbass doesn't know that it is all part of my Kikaku.

"Sure, let your Subordinate tell you what to do. you only are the chief of CP9 because your dear daddy gave it to you after You sucked his dick for years." Spandam looks horrified for a second before he erupts in hatred so powerful that I could sense his killing intent.


"IF YOU LOVE YOUR DADDY, STAY SILENT FROM NOW ON AND DON'T LET YOUR SUBORDINATES TAKE ROBIN AND FRANKY FROM HERE!" Spandam immediately shuts up at my words, his love for his father is superior to his ego it seems. 

"And you Robin-" I look at Robin, noticing her panicked expression. After thinking about how to approach her, I decided to do something interesting, which I have been holding onto for a while. I put my hands in my pocket, using it as a disguise while I took a snail transporter from my inventory.

as i take the Snail out of my Pocket, and click a button on the transporter, connecting me to someone. the call connects, and for a couple of seconds, no sound comes from it, before-

"....Dereshishishishi!" From the Snail, a voice of laughter rings out, making Robin's eyes widen and start tearing up unknowingly, her mind constantly reminding her of the last time she heard this voice, and she realises who this is-

"....Saul?" Her voice echoes throughout Enies Lobby, as well as the Whole World, making many eyes widen. especially a drowsy one who has his eyes closed with a sleep mask.

