"____" are used for text

*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips

[____] are used to switch between POV

'____' are used for thoughts




That leaves me, Vs Kaku, Jabra and Kalifa, who are Masters of All the Rokushiki techniques except one, know Armament Haki and Observation Haki, and who are all bloodlusted towards me, with the death glare they are showing me.

I look up at Luffy and Lucci, thinking for a second that I might have Luffy help-

Nah, let him have his fight. 3v1 it is.

I use Soru to rush towards Kaku, Who raises his sword to split me in three pieces as I rush towards him, while Jabra kicks the air, using his own version of Rankyaku-

"Rankyaku 'Lupus Fall'-" Jabra shoots four Rankyaku projectiles, each in the shape of a wolf, straight at me, while Kalifa comes from behind me using Soru, shooting her fingers towards me while trying to use Shigan at me-

"Shigan 'Oren'-" Kalifa fires a rapid-fire version of the normal Shigan technique that goes on to hit me multiple times. At first, I think of going inside of my Dungeon, but decide against that, trying something new.

I use one of my hands where I summon as much fire I can, using my other hand to summon as much water I can, splitting my Mana equally within both the hands, before Spinning and shooting it outwards-

"Gah!" Kalifa stops her assault, using Both Soru and Geppo to dodge the attack that is coming towards her that she senses using Observation Haki. The spinning fire and water combines together, creating a stream that hides me. The Lapus Fall reaches me, all four projectiles going to stab me, but I disappear, appearing behind Kaku who spins, clashing with me-

"You know, your sword is interesting." Kaku looks at my Seven-Star Sword which is holding back his clash. Even though I decided at the last minute to clash with his Sword, the fact I am holding him back actually says a lot about my skills. Now if I want to increase those, i should-

"Aw, thank-" I appear behind Jabra, shoving my Chidori right in his head, cutting him a little while sending him crashing into the wall-

"You!" I land on the ground, bending my body 90%, like I am bowing. Kalifa's Rankyaku passes through my head, while Kaku appears in front of my lowered head, ready to chop it off like an executioner. He swings down his two blades, but I disappear, appearing before Kalifa while kicking her in the stomach, sending her backwards. 

But due to her already coating herself with Armament Haki, she is able to handle my Boosted Kick. The Armament Haki is really annoying, boosting the defence so much that even Chidori is like a small cut to them-

"Woah!!" I muse in amusement as she tries to take my head off with her long, but surprisingly sexy legs. My eyes go to her chest-

'36-24-36, a G Cup huh?' I once again dodge her Sexy legs, but I notice that her eyes have a noticing gleam on it.

"That's sexual harassment you know?" I flip backwards, letting Kaku pass under me as he tries to kit-kat me like I am the fraudulent one or something. Though for some odd reason, Kaku isn't trying to continue Swinging his swords at me.

"Do you even know what Sexual harassment is?" I throw a kick, making Kalifa block it. I disappear right as Jabra re-enters the battlefield and tries to attack me with his claws, missing. Kalifa puts her hand in the ground, flooding the area we are fighting with Soap bubbles. I appear in one of them, my grip being enough for me not to slip on it.

"Oh, I know. You are looking at my boobs, and my Beautiful legs. Isn't that considered sexual harassment?" She cutely tilts her head to the side, and her hair falls a little to the side, showing her big ass forehead, making me snort.


"Oh, funny is it?" Jabra comes infront of me and tries to slash once more, making me bend backwards to dodge. I look at his feral grin, as she swipes his hand once more, right to my chest. I raise my hand, encompassing it with Tekkai as I block the attack-


the block creates a shockwave, making my eyes widen, before grinning. Jabra notices this and grins, understanding my thought. He goes for a punch with his free hand, making me block it too, causing another shockwave.

"HERE IT IS!!" Jabra starts a barrage of Punches towards me, all of it surpassing the speed of sound. I Also throw a barrage of Punches towards Jabra's punches, all of them, creating shockwave after shockwave due to the clash of our fists. He throws a punch right at my face, making me raise my arm and slam towards his arm, blocking the punch.

I go forward, using getting 70% boost from the people near me, along with , Throwing a punch equal to the one Jabra threw at me, aiming towards his Ribs.

Jabra uses his free hand to deflect the punch, holding onto my hand. I slam my forehead in his chest, since the height difference exists between us. This makes him stumble a little bit, right as I jump into the air, using Geppo to properly my legs right into Jabra's Face-

"Ugh!" Jabra recoils backwards, right as I summon my Seven-Star Sword along with The other two random swords, spinning and stopping the sword strike of Kaku which was aimed at my head-


Due to me being in the air in a weird position, Kaku is able to push me a little backwards, but my skill comes in clutch, adapting my body to the weird position I am in the air, allowing me to be flexible enough to swing my leg towards Kaku's abdomen-


He raises his leg, letting my kick impact His legs, blocking it. I insert my foot fingers into the Gap between Kaku's Leg and his Thigh, using my Foot fingers to pull myself into a spin, allowing me to come behind Kaku. 

I throw a spinning kick with my free leg, Kaku easily able to twist his upper body and use his swords to block my foot. I drop the hold of my foot fingers from his leg, pulling my leg back as-


Kalifa tries to use a version of Shigan with her legs, trying to stab my ribs with it. I use my now free leg to stop her kick with a kick of my own, making me look like a Karate Kid that is stretching his legs to each side. Kalifa copies my move as she uses her heels to grab onto my skin, pulling herself and spins, shooting her leg towards my face.

I raise my hand, pushing her leg to the side a little. Due to my upper body facing her, the grip I had on Kaku's sword slips, making me fall below, right as-

"Don Po Rou!" Jabra throws a punch, as the place where my family jewels are. My eyes widen in horror, knowing that the punch which injured Sanji in Canon will obliterate my poor Balls, so, i immediately go inside my Dungeon-

"Huh?" Along with Kalifa, who lands on the ground with me as I grab onto my Balls, almost scared that the punch landed. She looks around for a second before looking at me and Swinging her leg-

"what the-" i collapse to the ground, dodging the close-range Rankyaku to my face. I do a hand-stand right as Kalifa swings her legs downwards. I spin, hitting her with my spinning kick which she blocks, sending her backwards. I stand normally as I wait for her to attack me, which-

"Where are we?" I look at her, confused. Why is she panicking? Atleast, that is what I am feeling from her Will. I think for a second if I want to answer, but immediately, her panicking goes away, using Soru to get close to me and using Shigan towards my face.

"Wh-" I bend once more, though this time instead of attacking, I use Soru to create some distance from us. She follows me, making it some kind of a race as she constantly tries to attack me using Shigan while using Soru. 

"Give me a minute to think woman!!" I scream at her, trying to disorganise her a little. I noticed her panicking in this place, and even though she is able to easily hide it, to the point of having complete control over her nerve twitching, I can sense her being confused and her growing panic.

After absorbing Kumadori, not only did my Skill level increase, but also my Stats. I even got a skill, , allowing me to manipulate my body however I want. Not only that, but I can also see how others manipulate their body and copy it. So seeing Kalifa having control over her panicking reactions is giving me an idea on how to defeat her.

'I'll have to 1v1 her, kill and devour her to gain her skills, and then deal with the rest.' Even though CP9 is one of the important teams in this world, as their existence gives proof to all bad that is the World Government, they are far more useful for me as Free EXP and Skills. 

"Where are we?" Kalifa uses Rankyaku, trying to kit-kat me as she asks questions. I decide to answer her truthfully, since I need to understand something, how to properly defeat her.

While I have many, many abilities, it is almost useless since she has observation Haki and is fast enough to dodge it. She is almost fast as me, strong as me, and has more Battle Intelligence than me. Due to her being in my Dungeon, I cannot even use my perception blitzing side effect of my Dungeon to my advantage. I have to eventually fight her 1v1, so it's best to do it here and now rather than later.

"We are in a different dimension, where I brought you here to-" I duck, letting her kick go above me as I jump to the side using Geppo to create some distance.

"I just need to-" she comes towards me with another kick, this time hardening her leg with Tekkai to do some extra damage along with her Armament Haki. But I use Soru along with Geppo to escape the deadly attack.

"I teleported both of us into this dimension. So even if you kill me, you cannot go back!" Right as I land on the ground, I raise my hand in surrender. She doesn't take kindly to this and once again swings her legs, creating a wind blade, making me duck as it goes above my head. She lands on the ground, her eyes narrowed.

"You are lying-" 

"Try me. I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker. Try and kill me, find out if you can escape from this eternal prison without me." I grin, giving her a challenge. I ain't going down without a fight, and she knows that. She knows that I am lying, though she is confused on why.

Kalifa has known about my ability to create a 'domain' due to my 'devil fruit', even though it cannot be completely believed, it is the most logical conclusion ANYONE can come to, expect the explanation that I can teleport, but anyone with Observation Haki can know that I am not teleporting, since my presence completely disappears, like I was not even in this world to begin with.

Kalifa knows that there is a reason why I brought her here, but what is that? She doesn't know. As Kalifa continues to think, I also start to think of ways to beat her. Due to her being inside of the Dungeon, I can't even use the dungeon as a place to create plans due to the fact that Kalifa can attack me whenever she can. I need to be alert, I need to figure out a plan.

The reason I need a plan instead of just overpowering her like I always do, is because she is an assassin. She has been trained since birth. Her Experience in battle is superior to me, and while I have abilities that can normally finish her, she is fast enough to escape my grasp. I need to make sure that-

"So, you want me right? Here is the deal, you can use me however you want, in exchange, you get me out of here." Kalifa puts her hand on her hips, tilting it to the side with a lot of annoyance, I blink. I blink once again-

"Wha?" My brain might have short-circuited, I don't know. My brain processes only one thing, and that is -

"You can use me however you want."

"Yeah, I accept your conditions. That is why you brought me here all alone right? To let yourself have me however you want right? You look at my beautiful legs, my big breasts, you want it for yourself right? So in exchange, You let me out." Kalifa walks towards me, touching my chest and sliding her finger downwards in a sexual way. My brain finally restarts again, allowing me to understand what she said.

'She misunderstood.' due to me having my Gamer Mind on, I start acting. I put my hand on my chin and scratch my hair, showing myself to be thinking about the deal, while understanding that she completely misunderstood.

'I need time.' while I TRY To think of a way, my thoughts go towards her offer. While it is enticing, I decide to do exactly that-

With a twist of course.

"Sure, though I would like to add a clause." I put my hand on her face, Caressing it while trying to gather all the knowledge that I have about having sex. Since from this point on, all of them are going to be used against an Assassin, while I am a virgin.

"And what is it?" She puts her arms around my neck, pulling me closer towards her. Our foreheads touch against each other. My hand goes behind her hips, holding onto it.

"No killing until I am satisfied. AFTER I am FULLY satisfied , I will bring you out of here in one piece." I give her a peck in her lips, smirking at her. She gives me a seductive smile, licking her lips.

"Well~, I will Satisfy you to the point where you will never think of anything other than my beautiful self!~!" With the confirmation to my clause, she pulls me-

[R-18 starts from here on out, so if you guys don't want to read that, you can finish this chapter here, do read the AN at the end of the chapter though, since I have my thoughts in there.]

Into a lustful kiss, immediately noticing my inexperience and taking control, opening my mouth and grabbing my tongue all with her tongue. One of her arms left their previous position, roaming around my back while pulling me towards her erotic body, colliding against it.

Due to my Gamer Mind, I am not blinded by Lust. I am of a clear mind, so I use Observation Haki to make sure that she doesn't try to kill me. She is easily able to notice this, causing her to take her hand from my back and put it right in my limp dick.

'Well, what are skills for then?' i use , wanting my Dick to become as hard as possible by making my Blood flow inside of it, making it Rock Hard in seconds. Her hands are holding onto my Dick. For a second, I fear her trying to rip my Dick off, even though that cannot happen due to my Gamer's Body, it still is a fear.

"Muahh~!" I pathetically moan as she moves out of our kiss. She removes her other hand from my neck, bending down to her knees as she pulls my pants down, along with my boxers, revealing my Penis. A 6 Inch dick stands proudly in front of her, her looking bemused. 

This kinda pisses me off, as a man seeing Women looking at my pride like that pisses me off. Right as she grabs on it with her hand, I decide to enlarge it. 

I feel the shaft of my Dick, along with its nerves and vessels, along with the tissues expanding. The Urethra, which is the tube that carries the semen and urine enlarged, causing the glans, aka the head, The Foreskin and the shaft to start enlarging, almost bursting out. I expand all of the tissues and blood vessels along with the englarging Shaft, making sure that my Dick doesn't explode.

Kalifa's eyes widen in surprise at seeing my fully erect dick become larger and girthier, extending the grip of her hand. She looks at me, seeing my proud smirk etched in my face. She puts her other hand, gripping on my Dick and figuring out the size of it. 

From a 6.7 Inch and 4.9 girth Dick, (AN:- yeah, that's my measurements, don't ask me why I added that here.) to 10.3 Inch and 6.5 Inch dick now in Kalifa's hand, she starts stroking it. I look down at her, noticing her cleavage, though half of that is hidden by her shirt. I decide to let her do what she wants to do, since I know I have a lot of time too.

"Hmm~, that's a big boy~!" She comes near my Dick, breathing on it and causing it to twitch, before licking under the head. I remember about my balls, knowing that having a 6 inch dick ball is not suitable for a 10inch dick, so I make it bigger too, accidently making it Hit Kalifa's Jaw, making her look surprised once again.

"My my~, is someone excited?~!" She brings her head below my enlarged balls, licking it a little bit. Thanks to Gamer's Mind, I am easily able to get over the pleasure I am feeling. I just let her do what she wants, as I am making sure to seem looking her way, but really seeing a new Window.

KISSING - PASSIVE - (Lv1) (EXP - 21%)


Allows The User to Kiss other people, whether it be Man, woman or others. The user can fight the tongue fight and win if he has enough experience.

'If I continue kissing Kalifa, I can-' my thoughts are stopped as Kalifa takes My Dick into her Mouth, making it stretch her Lips and cheeks. Her tongue starts moving under my Dick, making me feel good. Her mouth extends, taking more of my Dick, causing it to go inside of her throat. 

"Hahh~!" She moans, me not knowing if it is real or not, as her moan makes vibrations that affect my Dick. If I was normal, I would make cum inside of her throat at least twice by then, but due to me being able to enlarge my Dick, I can control my orgasms too. I let her take it, making her moan more and more.

'She is an expert!' I watch in surprise as she takes my entire dick into her mouth, her mouth extending to the point she can take it. I notice her using Seimei Kikan, enlarging her throat enough for my Dick to fit right in her mouth. She moves her head-

"Slurp~ slurp~!" Making Nasty Slurping sounds as she uses her spit to make my Dick wet, while using her tongue ( which has elongated due to Seimei Kikan) to rub all over my Dick. A mastery of blowjobs that I have never seen, not even in porn, where their entire job is to have sex.

Her expertise in blowjob shows, as she twists her hands in a circle, all while Swallowing my Dick inside of her. Her training to become a Cipher Pol is something else. A thought comes to me, just how many people in the one piece world have this kind of experience and ability to compete with Kalifa?

Big Mom maybe? She has dozens of husbands. Stussy? The vampire one from Egghead, Maybe. She looks like a succubus after all. Other than that, nobody comes to mind. I look down, noticing Kalifa looking at me, annoyed by me being distracted. She doubles her efforts, all for naught, as I can control when I can orgasm. 

"Emm~" she is surprised as I hold one of my hands behind her head while using my other hand to remove her hands from my Dick. As she looks at me, her eyes narrowing, i Hold her head and thrust my Dick in, making her eyes widen.

"Gawk~ Gawk~" I continued thrusting, pushing my Dick inside of her throat, hitting her throat canals. But after the initial surprise, she quickly puts her hand in my ass, holding it for stability as she masterfully sucks my Dick as it goes in and out. I realise something-

What I am going to be fucking is best that the one piece could offer, in terms of experience. And, if I want to increase my EXP for my skills, I am going to completely use her to get it. I continue deep throating her, deciding to stop it for now as-

"akk~" I hold her in place, my Dick deep inside of her mouth as I manipulate my balls to release Orgasms after orgasms inside of her mouth. At first, I thought of releasing only a normal amount, but seeing her easily gulp it all down, the inner man within me decided to take control-

"Wghhh~!" Cum after cum continues to flow in her throat, making her enlarge her throat for easier flowing of cum. But that doesn't work as I continue cuming, flooding her stomach with him. Her eyes widen as she understands what is happening, but she cannot completely digest all the cum. The cum hits the stomach, starting to block the flow of cum as the cum stacks upon itself, filling up the Esophagus.

"Guak!!" She chokes on my cum, as the amount of cum overflows her stomach, making it flow from the edges of her mouth. I decide to remove my Dick, still cumming. I grab onto my Dick and point it towards Kalifa's face and breasts (even though she is still covering her breasts with her dress) , painting her in cum, and I mean literally.

I literally paint her in cum.




the ability to push and pull your Equipment with a force that is not normal. It allows you to reach the deepest part of something, whether it be anything.

