"____" are used for text
*____* are used for either background noise or time-skips
[____] are used to switch between POV
'____' are used for thoughts
That is the thing the entire world is feeling right now. Rebellions all across the world, News Papers continuously being printed and distributed, people speaking about it at every hour, and even destruction of certain Identification. all of it is being caused, and it is because of one Man-
Rai Adam.
Rai Adam's Live-Stream as he calls it, has forced the world to fall into Chaos. Especially with the fact that The World Government, which was seen as the truth, Equality, peace, and Justice is not actually what it seems. the victims ie, the unlucky kingdoms, of all the assassinations that the CP9 did, start revolting the world government
Burning the flag, attacking any and all Marines and World Government Agents stationed in those Islands, stopping the distribution of the heavenly tribute. Mass relocation of people happens, from countries that still are under the World Government Flag, to countries that are not. due to this, resources become inefficient, and they all fall into- would have fallen into Attacking other countries for resources, if They weren't saved-
By the Revolutionary Army.
The revolutionary army used the chaos to their advantage and helped many rebellions succeed, overthrowing the Symbol of World Government, while attacking many countries that are using Their resources for selfish reasons, stealing it and distributing it to the people who need it.
This causes a mass recruitment of Soldiers to the cause of the Revolutionary Army, which finally allows them to attack countries they couldn't before. Monkey D Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army knows that Using Rai's Livestream to promote Dragon's Agenda is not a good thing, but it is necessary. When they meet face-to-face eventually, Dragon will apologize to Rai about this.
Until then, he is going to milk it until it is useless.
The last two days have been the worst for Sengoku, who collapsed in his office due to a heart attack. Reading the reports that are coming to him is not good for his health, even his doctor SPECIFICALLY told him to quit this job, since it is making His health worse.
"Sir." a Marine officer comes in, bringing in more reports. Sengoku Inhales deeply, trying his hardest to make sure he doesn't flip the table. He has been considering Retiring for quite some time, but seeing these Reports all stacked in his desk, he has decided.
"I am retiring today." The Marine Reporter's eyes widened in horror, like he couldn't believe it. Sengoku realises that he might have spoken a bit too soon, and a bit too loudly, so in a commanding voice, he orders the Marine Soldier to explain his presence here. The Marine Soldier snaps out of his daze, saluting Sengoku and bringing up the slideshow, using the Snails to explain his report.
"Admiral Akainu and Admiral Aokiji intercepted the fight between Big Mom and The Red-Haired Pirates, but all of them were attacked By Kaido. it turned into a huge brawl, but Red-Haired Shanks Forced the location to be changed, making all of them go to Hachinosu." Sengoku's eyes widened at this, as he didn't expect a full-on brawl between everyone.
"Hachinosu? wasn't it under the control of Ochoku?" Sengoku gets up, opening the door to his Working Room, forcing the Marine Soldier to abandon the projector and follow Sengoku with the Reports in hand as Sengoku takes a walk. His doctor told him to walk regularly, so that his body has proper blood Circulation.
"Yes Sir. The Entire Island was destroyed as Admiral Akainu Showered it with Magma, along with Vice-Admiral Garp Punching it with all of his strength-"
"GARP?" Sengoku shouts in surprise, not at all expecting Garp of all people to be there. The MArine Soldier Flinches due to the shout, but he composed himself as he explains the entire situation, from start to finish.
"The 'Live-stream' occured right after Vice-Admiral Garp and Admiral Aokiji dropped off all the members of the Strawhat Pirates in Here. so, when news of Big Mom's Rampage Was given, Vice Admiral Garp accompanied Admiral Aokiji to go to where Big Mom was." Sengoku has his eye-brow twitching due to the antics of Garp. He holds the bridge of his nose, exhaling and trying to not get angry-
which is not at all working.
".....Continue." The Soldier knows that he doesn't have time to waste, for all he knows, Sengoku might Kill him, becoming a worse Akainu. he himself cannot Fault the Fleet Admiral, since He is technically the reason why Fleet Admiral Sengoku had a heart attack due to high pressure, constantly supplying reports of things happening all around the world.
"not only did Hachinosu get absolutely destroyed, but several islands too. The fight lasted an Entire day, but Red-Haired Shanks Forced Big Mom to calm down enough to where Kaido got bored and left." Sengoku's eyebrows twitch again, dreading the conversation he is going to have with the 5 Elders, knowing that somehow, he is going to be blamed for all of it.
"So, no one died?" Sengoku has full confidence that Garp, Kuzan, Sasasuki and Shanks won't die. He is a little disappointed that Kaido or Big Mom died.
"No Sir, no one died." Sengoku sighs, so it was pointless after all. He tells the soldier to leave the report on his table, while he has some food. As Sengoku walks, he suddenly remembers something.
"oh, what about The Remaining StrawHat Pirates? especially Rai Adam?" Sengoku turns to the Soldier, who doesn't meet his eye. He sighs, knowing that it was a bust. When the live-stream happened, the Marines received news that an Emperor was going rampant, so he sent his two admirals to take care of it while he sent the remaining Admiral, Kizaru to take care of the strawhats.
but once again, they escaped. this is the third time, damnit. slippery snakes.
"oh, Sir. I forgot to tell you this, but A Pirate Named Blackbeard contacted us a couple of minutes ago, asking for a seat in the Warlord Position." Sengoku narrows his eyes, remembering that a random man came to the meeting they had a month ago, exclaiming about this Blackbeard person.
"What did he do?" For some odd reason, Sengoku can feel the tide turning. He felt the same way when Rai Adam did the Live-Stream, and the answer he gets confirms it.
"He has captured Portgaz D Ace."
"Pops, the world is changing." Marco speaks up, making the Ship quiet down as they listen to their adopted father's opinion. all of them heard the live-stream, and the atrocities that the world government has committed, but the resulting Consequences of all of it were massive.
[AN:- you know what else was massive?]
"well, After what War did, it was supposed to happen-*COUGH*" Edward coughs as he speaks, causing his children to get worried for him. He smiles, brushing it off.
"Yeah, I mean, Destroying CP9, Revealing some of the Secrets of the World Government. like, it caused a literal Rebellion in many countries. not only that, it also made Charlotte Linlin go berserk." a big, very muscular, broad-chested, heavily-armored and dark-skinned man speaks up, eating some sushi that his crew's chef made.
"Well, not only that, but The Fact that even Red-haired shanks, who tried to contact us went in, along with Kaido, Akainu, Aokiji and Even Garp of all people. it was like an Emperors Vs Marine Showdown." all , muscular, broad-chested, tanned man with a curly, black mustache, a dark blue top hat, and an earring in each ear laughs, causing the rest of the crew to laugh.
"GURARARARARA, Marine Showdown, now that I would pay Money for." After all of them chuckle for a little bit, as a man who had a pale complexion and had his black hair tied up in the manner of a geisha with a lock of long, loose hair falling over the right side of his face speaks up something important.
"But, now what? the Strawhats have disappeared, who knows what is going to happen now. I am 100% sure that their Bounties are going to SkyRocket." Izou does worry about the fact that Luffy's brother has disappeared. But If he understands Rai from all the information that they know, then Izou is damn Sure that it is all part of Rai's Plan.
Rai is a smart one after all, Luffy scored a good one when he recruited Rai into his group.
"It is, but It doesn't really matter, especially with the boy wearing the strawhat. he has a long future ahead of him." Edward Smiles, reminiscing about the people who wore that Hat, from Roger to Shanks to Luffy. All three of them are destined for greatness, and with what he saw, he is sure of one thing.
Monkey D Luffy was the person that Roger was waiting for.
"By The Way Pops, that Strawhat, wasn't it the same one Shanks wore when we used to duel with the Roger Pirates?" Marco, ever the clever one, recognises something that has been bugging him for quite a while.
"Does the kid somehow Know Shanks? that might be related to Shanks somehow Losing His Arm? he did Lose it in East Blue, and that is where Luffy is from, right?" Vista voices his suspicions, making all the Crew start theorising the connection between Luffy and Shanks. Whitebeard Just smiles at them, seeing them being lively.
it is all good-
inside the Royal Palace, a door opens and a half-Naked very tall, very lean and muscular man with a six-pack, tan skin tone, and blonde hair incredibly short resembles a pixie cut comes out of the room, fixing his pants. inside the Room, a tall, slender, and well-endowed young woman with light skin, amber-orange eyes, and full lips covers her Naked body with the bedsheet.
There is only one feeling that Viola is currently Feeling, and that is disgust.
The man, Donquixote Doflamingo goes to another room, where he picks up his dress and wears it on, grinning the entire time. The chaos that is occuring in this world is so joyful to him. especially at the fact that he is using this chaos to his advantage, spreading his weapons all around the world.
"Rai Adam." That name itself makes his grin even wider, as he never expected to want somebody as much as he wants Rai Adam. a tall, slim young woman wearing lipstick, a burgundy French maid outfit with white frills, matching high heel shoes, and various tan belts for carrying weapons comes towards Doflamingo.
"Young Master, there has been no hints of Rai Adam or the Strawhat Pirates. i will redouble my efforts to find them and bring them to yo-" doflamingo holds Baby 5's head, stopping her chatter. He rubs it, his grinning face showing her the fact that her failure didn't matter.
"Continue doing what you are doing." Knowing that Telling Baby 5 to stop finding Rai Adam or to slow it down would be meaningless, it is best to just let her do what she wants. After removing his hand from her head, he continues walking, going into the main room and sitting down. He picks up the wine glass, drinking it while in thought.
There was no other person whom Doflamingo respected than Rai Adam, not even Kaido or even his own "family". Rai Adam achieved something truly remarkable, and that was to expose the truth of the world government, or at least some of the truth. He knows that there is more, and he completely believes Rai will uncover them.
' I need him! I NEED him!' Doflamingo NEEDS Rai in his crew, as Rai will be the person who will make Doflamingo the king of this world. the position on the ruler of this world, the "empty" throne, only Rain can bring him there. His "family" is useless in that regard, Kaido is Useless in that Regard.
If all it took for a global chaos to occur was some words and a factual proof, what would happen if he brought Rai and showed him the "National Treasure" of the Mary Geoise, just how much more Chaos could he make.
Rai Adam is a tool for greatness, and Monkey D Luffy has possession of it. there are two options for him, one is to Possess Monkey D Luffy, but that seems unlikely due to him having the "D" in his name, while the other is to-
"FUFUFUFUFUFUFUU!!!!" Doflamingo Laughs, noticing that just thinking about what Rai Adam can Offer is making him hard. harder than Viola ever made him.
Rai Adam is his, No One elses.
He is going to make sure of that.
"So, No News on The Strawhat Pirates?" from an extremely tall, ornamented red and gold throne that bears the symbol of the World Government. The golden armrests are designed to look like lion head statues speaks up a person whom no existence in this world knows other than a select few.
These select few can be counted in both the hands, and half of them are surrounding the Throne, bowing down to it.
"No Imu-Sama, it is like they completely disappeared from the face of this earth." A very tall and thin, elderly man with long white hair, including a mustache and goatee which reaches down to his upper chest Bows his head down ever deeper, apologizing to their master. The rest of the elders bow down too, but the silhouette just turns and moves away from the throne, allowing the 5 elders to breathe a sigh of relief.
'Are you still meddling with my plans?' Imu, the Ruler of this world thinks in their mind, sighing. Imu walks into the Room of Flowers, where they hang two pictures of interest. Nefatari D Vivi and Monkey D Luffy. They bring up another poster, hanging it near Luffy's one. This picture is of Rai Adam, and Imu Whispers one single thing.
"I won't let your resistance hold any longer, Gaia."
"Where do you think the Pirate scums are?" a thickset, elderly man with a full white mustache and beard. He possessed white dreadlocks which he wore a flat black hat over. He had a scar on the left side of his face, stretching diagonally over his eye, speaks up, annoyed at the fact that there is no trace of the strawhat Pirates.
"there is no point in asking that question, we will deal with them when they appear again." a bald elderly obese man who has a very large white mustache as well as birthmark spots on his forehead and right cheek speaks up, telling Saturn to leave the matter, which Saturn leaves with a huff.
"speaking of Pirates, what is the decision on the situation of Portgaz D Ace?" a tan-skinned man of lean build and incredible stature with white hair that is kept in a short taper cut while linking to a chin curtain beard and mustache speaks up, causing the ripoff of Mahatma Gandhi to speak.
"Simple, we execute him in front of the whole world. just like how Rai Adam did, we will do the same thing." a tall man of advanced age, with a pale-grayish complexion and neither head nor facial hair,a wrinkled face, a hook nose, thin eyebrows, and wears round, metal-frame glasses gives the most sensible answer, making everyone nod.
"Contact Sengoku then." Saint Marcus Mars tells JayGarcia Saturn to give the call, causing Saturn to nod and dial The Marine Headquarters, not knowing that their Leader made a vow to kill Rai Adam.
[G-5 BASE]
Footsteps echo through the corridor as the entire base is on full alert, forcing the soldiers to go from one place to another, all of them supplying weapons to one other, most of them excited.
"oh hell yeah, it is finally time to fuck up some of those Emperor Pirates." one of the members of the G-5 marine base screams up, causing all of them to get hyped. As some of the Marine soldiers get inside of the ship to travel to Marineford, in different cells, there is a meeting going on.
"Say what now?" Sanji speaks up, not believing what he is hearing. not only him, but the rest of the crew is dumbfounded. In their System, Rai speaks up once again.
"Well, since Ace so graciously got himself caught, Luffy would not stand still, so that is why me and him are splitting. while he takes Robin, Franky and Merry to infiltrate Impel Down to try and free him while I free you guys." Nami tries to, oh she really tries to, but she cannot calm down.
"WHAT KIND OF SUICIDAL PLAN IS THIS? If you come and release us, we can help Luffy in-"
"Oh Gee, why hadn't I thought of that?" Rai asks in sarcasm, but it is Chopper who speaks up, giving an advice that makes Rai silent for a few minutes.
"Rai, you are trying to multitask the entire situation to your benefit. splitting up is the worst option since if there is an unknown Variable, only you will recognise it." as Chopper explains why it is stupid to split up, Zoro also adds his two cents.
"Plus, if we are going to escape this Marine base, we are going to do it the Pirate way, not the Cowardly way." While no one agrees to this except Bon Clay, they all know that this is another one of the reasons they could force Rai to change his plan.
"...Fine." He whispers, sighing. all of them breathe a sigh of relief, as Luffy speaks up, leading all of them.
"So, we rescue all of our friends who are in the New World, go to Impel down and save ace-"
"Yeah, we are not doing that." Everyone's eyes widened, but all of them, except Luffy, understood that Rai had a reason for that.
"What?" Luffy, as normal, doesn't understand it. so Rai has to explain it to him.
"As Chopper said, we can't do two things at the same time-" Chopper freaks out, not at all expecting Rai to throw him under the bus like that, but Rai Continues.
"Plus, Ace is going to be executed Publicly, especially so that the Whitebeard Pirates would engage in a fight. so, we have 10 days. In those ten days, we can Travel to the New World and do a rescue operation, and return back to Paradise just in time of Ace's execution." Luffy makes an understanding sound, as the rest of the crew understands the plan as well.
but Rai is not done yet.
"Franky, how many days would it take for you to build a Warship?" everyone blinks at the unexpected question. While the Older members of the Strawhat don't know Franky enough, they atleast trust him due to Robin, Merry, Luffy and Rai vouching for him.
"Warship?.....Wait, you want me to BUILD PL-" Franky screams in fright, but Rai silences him.
"Shhh. no need to ruin the surprise. I will explain it to you in detail later. for now-" Rai is interrupted by someone, and guess who?
"Wait, a new ship? What about Merry?" Usopp speaks up, not believing his ears. The original plan was for Merry to be upgraded, not replaced.
"No, I want to fight with you guys now." Everyone blinks, even Rai who was surprised at this. As Usopp stutters, Merry explains.
"All this time, i carried you guys from one island to another, but i wasn't part of any fights like you were. while all of you grew stronger, i grew weaker. Now, i want to fight with you guys, get stronger with all of you. Rai gave me a new power just for that." This surprises everyone except Rai, who shrugs.
"You can give Powers now?" Wyper always tried to be understanding, but this shit is way over his pay grade.
"Wait, can you give me powers too?" Aisa asks excitedly, making Rai chuckle awkwardly.
"Uh, sure. if you want-"
"can we finish the plan before we continue being derailed?" Zoro speaks up, forcing all of us to get back on track. Rai takes The center stage to explain his brand new plan he cooked up.
"So, All of us will come rescue you guys like 'Pirates', with a new ship. After we rescue you guys, we are riding towards Marineford for the "War of the best". though, BEST is a counter-productive word since we already had Three Strongest emperors Vs The Three Strongest Marines." As all of them listen to Rai babble on, Nami remembers something.
"what is your destination anyways?"
"oh, our Destination is Sabaody Archipelago."