Good news***

Its almost a week we did that daily .Elishaa use her dildo aswell and first she just you one time but now she use it all time in different postions .she fuck me in all postions.even we have sex 4time a day its too much every time we have sex she just want heir daddy she want me to cl.her daddy.its about month we sex like crazy its a beautifull morning Elisha hug from beck no Elisha not today I'm not feeling well so plzz.ok my wife she kiss my forhead I don't know what happen I'm tired.I have vomite 3 time Elisha come home after work Elishaa hug me I tell her. I'm not feeling well.really I call doctor she its fine just to see your face come lets have diner.she nodded I stand from couch and I feel like everthing is moving I get unconscious Elisha grab my wrist Earnn Earnnnnn.I wake in our bedroom and doctor checking me how you feeling ms.captain doctor smile.better doctor. So conratualltion doctor said . why you don't know you are pregnate ms.captain what yeah its you first take good care.I nodded but I'm shock hows that posible what I going to ans Elishaaa. I put my hand onn my belly how its not ture... Elisha come to room.Elisha shhhh she stop me .doctor tell me I'm about to cry when come and place her hand on my belly and kiss my forhead.conratualltion ms.captain...Elishaa its not ture I'm not pregnate belive are Earn they test twis.but how that posible Elishaa.hay wait what are you thinking its my baby its our baby Earnnn.what yeah its from me I make you I said and look at her. sorry I don't tell you before you remmeber when I show my dildo first time yeah.before coming home I meet so many doctors and after that I convance tham.and they make spum for me from my blood but problem is that I have leave it as deep inside you as I can so I use Ejaculation dildo and fill it with my spum.its just have 30% chance so I don't tell you.but its work .so ms captain you gonna be mother.she cry so hard but you don't want it Elishaa.but you want.I grab her and kiss her when even I'm crying.I love you Elishaa.Ilove you to Earn.conratualltion captain.its her tearm we heir ms.captain going to mother.yeah Elisha said proudly they all happy and hug her and teasing her ans ziua simle at me. I tell my dad he so happy. i'm very lucky to have Elisha .I maybe fall first but she fall hard ...